Actually, I think Pope Francis labels them gnostics in paragraph 43 of the exhortation:And then, when traditional leaning bishops, cardinals, and theologians fight back, and speak out at this obvious assault on doctrine, all hell breaks loose!!! They’re labeled a Pharisee, or lacking tolerance, or the current favorite, “rigid.” I can’t speak for anyone else on here, but It’s becoming extremely tiresome!
- It is not easy to grasp the truth that we have received from the Lord. And it is even more
difficult to express it. So we cannot claim that our way of understanding this truth authorizes us to
exercise a strict supervision over others’ lives. Here I would note that in the Church there
legitimately coexist different ways of interpreting many aspects of doctrine and Christian life; in
their variety, they “help to express more clearly the immense riches of God’s word”. It is true that
“for those who long for a monolithic body of doctrine guarded by all and leaving no room for
nuance, this might appear as undesirable and leading to confusion”.[39] Indeed, some currents of
gnosticism scorned the concrete simplicity of the Gospel and attempted to replace the trinitarian
and incarnate God with a superior Unity, wherein the rich diversity of our history disappeared.
I must say that Pope Francis is spot on.Souls are immortal. Luke’s views on this thread are heretical.