Gay marriage... how we ended up where we are

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Nope, I didn’t. Had another reply window open but was looking for a link first.
The comments in the review section of “King and King” were rather interesting. But it brought to me a kids cartoon about a group composed of three characters that decided to take on female form taking care of a little boy. Throughout the series another family has evaluated them as being a good family that love and care for the boy and that their love and nurturing is what really matters. One of the character’s showed jealously in several flashbacks when the leader of their group developed an affinity to a man and seemed to try to chase him off and convince him that he would be unsuccessful at any relationship with her. Watching it with my sister we noticed how some aspects of the show could be cast as pro-trans (given that the characters are only females because that’s the form they have decided to take), pro same-sex parenting, and even a bit lesbian👭. Possibly more so in the episodes with one female kissing on another in the past couple of seasons.

Last week I saw a thread on facebook in which some parents found out about one of the episodes and flipped their lids over it. They found out because of an article on Huffington Post ( ). While they’ve seen their kids watching the cartoon they’ve never paid attention to it and somehow missed first-hand information on what was going on. They all declared their kids would never see the cartoon again.

Sure. Many people/groups/organizations trying to make decisions or changes for the world of tomorrow include kids as targets of their messages and media.

As in “to make not strange.” Sure.
Not sure what you are talking about there.

I am aware there are parents that see it as such.

I’m curious about that myself. But for now my only intention is to have the the declaration(s) made by the SPLC on MassResistence available for review.
If you are going to try to quote someone. Try at least to quote a whole sentence. Do not take bits and pieces out of context. Your post ends up making absolutely no sense.
I was interested to hear an Australian senator (she is in a same sex relationship and has / children) remark that she supports SSM but would oppose polygamy. She said the “gender” of partner should not matter but the number does. Of course, if one questions this position, or suggests that rationality says polygamy must be allowed, one is accused of a “slippery slope” argument, as though that descriptor renders flawed the observation of the evident logical progression.

Her position is self-serving, rather than reasoned.

The position that marriage is between one man and one woman rests on the practical reality of the male and female bodies and the good of the family.
The plan - amidst trying to confuse its direction - is underway.

Homosexual masturbation is wrong.It always has been and always will be no matter what psychiatrists say. There are are myriad of sexual deviations related to erotica.One becomes aroused by many things that they see and perceive as beautiful and sexual. As the catechism states the psychological genesis of homosexual attraction remains largely unexplained.The acts (sodomy) are gravely depraved.

That being said I pretty much understand the agenda you are promoting on this Catholic forum.You are not seeking the truth with charity but trying to shove sexual perversion down the throats of Catholics.

As I said before, the culmination of the Kinsey agenda is to incorporate the last taboo,and that is children… Teach them about sexual perversions young and desensitize them and they will be easy targets.
A little harsh towards Thorolfr, don’t you think? Quoting one of the most respected polling and research based organization is certainly not promoting anything. The world (western industrialized) has changed very quickly in the last 100 years, including the acceptance of LGBTQ people instead of the shaming of same. How did this happen so quickly and completely? As gay individuals began to emerge from their closets, kids began not to see them as perverted and disordered, but rather as their beloved sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles and best friends and once that happened, there is no going back to the so-called good old days. Exactly whom had this acceptance hurt? There are those parents who will try their best to make sure that their children never have the opportunity to meet or even talk about LGBTQ people. That is, naturally, their prerogative, but what they fail to grasp is that once their kids are grown up, they will meet and have friends that are gay and will certainly not agree with the anti-gay views of their parents. Fear is a strong and compelling reaction to change for some humans, but thank goodness that society doesn’t stand still.:rolleyes:
The problem with this is that people think that if they were baptized Catholic they are Catholic. They may have never received any instruction in the Catholic faith. They may not even attend the Catholic church. I’ve gone to Catholic dating websites and seen quite a few men who say they never attend church or they rarely attend church. These men don’t agree with what the Catholic church teaches either. So, I have to wonder why they think they are Catholic. Why are they looking for a Catholic mate? Being Catholic is a lifestyle. It’s not just being baptized, but many people don’t realize it.

If they surveyed somebody and asked what religion they are, someone could respond… well … I was baptized Catholic and I like to go to midnight mass. That automatically would qualify them for being Catholic.

I was giving out Catholic information at a festival. A woman came up to me and said she was Catholic. I asked her if she went to mass. She said she went to mass all the time. She said she always made to Christmas and Easter masses and Ash Wednesday and once in awhile in between.:rolleyes:
Just for the record, Jesus didn’t take a poll and ask the apostles what they thought he should teach.
If you are a Catholic, you live the Catholic beliefs. You have a relationship with God and you receive the sacraments regularly if possible.
The problem with this is that people think that if they were baptized Catholic they are Catholic. They may have never received any instruction in the Catholic faith. They may not even attend the Catholic church. I’ve gone to Catholic dating websites and seen quite a few men who say they never attend church or they rarely attend church. These men don’t agree with what the Catholic church teaches either. So, I have to wonder why they think they are Catholic. Why are they looking for a Catholic mate? Being Catholic is a lifestyle. It’s not just being baptized, but many people don’t realize it.

If they surveyed somebody and asked what religion they are, someone could respond… well … I was baptized Catholic and I like to go to midnight mass. That automatically would qualify them for being Catholic.

I was giving out Catholic information at a festival. A woman came up to me and said she was Catholic. I asked her if she went to mass. She said she went to mass all the time. She said she always made to Christmas and Easter masses and Ash Wednesday and once in awhile in between.:rolleyes:
Just for the record, Jesus didn’t take a poll and ask the apostles what they thought he should teach.
If you are a Catholic, you live the Catholic beliefs. You have a relationship with God and you receive the sacraments regularly if possible.
Thank the Lord that unlike those who are LDS, we don’t have to prove tithing or mass attendance to call ourselves Catholic. When a person states that they are Catholic, I take their word on it.🤷
A little harsh towards Thorolfr, don’t you think? Quoting one of the most respected polling and research based organization is certainly not promoting anything. The world (western industrialized) has changed very quickly in the last 100 years, including the acceptance of LGBTQ people instead of the shaming of same. How did this happen so quickly and completely? As gay individuals began to emerge from their closets, kids began not to see them as perverted and disordered, but rather as their beloved sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles and best friends and once that happened, there is no going back to the so-called good old days. Exactly whom had this acceptance hurt? There are those parents who will try their best to make sure that their children never have the opportunity to meet or even talk about LGBTQ people. That is, naturally, their prerogative, but what they fail to grasp is that once their kids are grown up, they will meet and have friends that are gay and will certainly not agree with the anti-gay views of their parents. Fear is a strong and compelling reaction to change for some humans, but thank goodness that society doesn’t stand still.:rolleyes:
LOL Pew Research makes it sound like some church org,I researched this corporation and they are part of a charitable trust that anonymously channels money to causes of their choice. The registered agent is Henry Bernstein.

I still am amazed that our entire society has been overturned by a mere 4% of the population with aberrant sexual desires. This is not about anti gay people but about a government promoting immorality and ignoring the voice of the people.

Gay is not OK,according to the bible it is a sign that people have strayed far from God.
LOL Pew Research makes it sound like some church org,I researched this corporation and they are part of a charitable trust that anonymously channels money to causes of their choice. The registered agent is Henry Bernstein.

I still am amazed that our entire society has been overturned by a mere 4% of the population with aberrant sexual desires. This is not about anti gay people but about a government promoting immorality and ignoring the voice of the people.

A great chastisement is due for our wayward society and I certainly hope it causes us to repent.

Gay is not OK,according to the bible it is a sign that people have strayed far from God.
Ok, how exactly has your world been overturned? Is your marriage still legal? Have the gay recruiters been at your door to try and force you to become gay through reparative therapy? Have you been fired for being straight? Have you been thrown out of the house by your parents because you are straight? Is there an unexplainable high suicide rate among straight teenagers? Since the Gospels do not mention the treatment of gay people, I certainly pray that you aren’t channeling Leviticus when you speak of the Bible, otherwise you would be in have trouble for eating shellfish and wearing clothes of mixed fibers.:eek:
Ok, how exactly has your world been overturned? Is your marriage still legal? Have the gay recruiters been at your door to try and force you to become gay through reparative therapy? Have you been fired for being straight? Have you been thrown out of the house by your parents because you are straight? Is there an unexplainable high suicide rate among straight teenagers? Since the Gospels do not mention the treatment of gay people, I certainly pray that you aren’t channeling Leviticus when you speak of the Bible, otherwise you would be in have trouble for eating shellfish and wearing clothes of mixed fibers.:eek:
Because that, when they knew God, they have not glorified him as God, or given thanks; but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened. [22] For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. [23] And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of the image of a corruptible man, and of birds, and of fourfooted beasts, and of creeping things. [24] Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

[26] For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. [27] And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. [28] And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient; [29] Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers, [30] Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
A little harsh towards Thorolfr, don’t you think? Quoting one of the most respected polling and research based organization is certainly not promoting anything. The world (western industrialized) has changed very quickly in the last 100 years, including the acceptance of LGBTQ people instead of the shaming of same. How did this happen so quickly and completely? As gay individuals began to emerge from their closets, kids began not to see them as perverted and disordered, but rather as their beloved sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles and best friends and once that happened, there is no going back to the so-called good old days. Exactly whom had this acceptance hurt? There are those parents who will try their best to make sure that their children never have the opportunity to meet or even talk about LGBTQ people. That is, naturally, their prerogative, but what they fail to grasp is that once their kids are grown up, they will meet and have friends that are gay and will certainly not agree with the anti-gay views of their parents. Fear is a strong and compelling reaction to change for some humans, but thank goodness that society doesn’t stand still.:rolleyes:
What do you mean by acceptance? I worked with LGBT people in the past and we got along. I did not think for one second about what they did on their own time. So when did I not accept them? And when did I fear them?

What happened is that LGBT activists created false fear, which they called homophobia - a nonexistent condition. Then they tried to create shame, and stigmatize all who disagreed with their ‘gay marriage’ agenda, which included calling people names unless they submitted to the new orthodoxy. Read the Advocate and their news headlines. No need to read the articles. Anti-Gay person, group says or does… Homophobic person, group says or does… Transphobic person, group says or does…

The “anti-gay” views? You mean all who grow up will be enlightened and reject sound Catholic teaching about gay behavior? When I was growing up, I was told to be polite to all, but I do tend to avoid people who think engaging in certain behaviors is fun or cool. I don’t do a lot of things not because I hate people who do other things but because I choose not to be around. No comparison meant, but that’s why I don’t go to strip clubs, or bars or hang out at places known for illegal drug use.

The kids who are raised up right will learn the truth. The truth is a bulwark.

So, you entirely ignored my first reply? It is correct to state that LGBT groups are targeting kids in schools to normalize gay behavior, causing confusion about human biology at the very least. Parents should be notified. Gay behavior is a perversion.
INDEED. I’m thinking the schools have a moral responsibility to notify the parents **before **these gay groups speak at their kids schools.

This spiritual battle is rough to the core.
INDEED. I’m thinking the schools have a moral responsibility to notify the parents **before **these gay groups speak at their kids schools.

This spiritual battle is rough to the core.
In the end, it is a spiritual battle. But even for those who don’t believe this, I ask: Who controls your body? You do. And without self-control, we risk certain things. And yes, anyone can say no to sex - to themselves. No one will die in the process.

If you are a Catholic, you live the Catholic beliefs. You have a relationship with God and you receive the sacraments regularly if possible.
Are you saying that there aren’t many Catholics? I guess if you count all those who support SSM, have used contraception, had an abortion and have sex outside marriage, then it doesn’t leave many.

What sort of proportions of people who identify as Catholic do you think *are *actually Catholic? 10%?
… and ignoring the voice of the people.
You have your head in the sand.
What do you mean by acceptance? I worked with LGBT people in the past and we got along. I did not think for one second about what they did on their own time. So when did I not accept them? And when did I fear them?

What happened is that LGBT activists created false fear, which they called homophobia - a nonexistent condition. Then they tried to create shame, and stigmatize all who disagreed with their ‘gay marriage’ agenda, which included calling people names unless they submitted to the new orthodoxy. Read the Advocate and their news headlines. No need to read the articles. Anti-Gay person, group says or does… Homophobic person, group says or does… Transphobic person, group says or does…

The “anti-gay” views? You mean all who grow up will be enlightened and reject sound Catholic teaching about gay behavior? When I was growing up, I was told to be polite to all, but I do tend to avoid people who think engaging in certain behaviors is fun or cool. I don’t do a lot of things not because I hate people who do other things but because I choose not to be around. No comparison meant, but that’s why I don’t go to strip clubs, or bars or hang out at places known for illegal drug use.

The kids who are raised up right will learn the truth. The truth is a bulwark.

Ed, I’m certainly not anti-Catholic just as you are not anti-intellectual. If 85% of people under that age of 55 accept gay individuals based on their human goodness and not on the “icky-ness” of how they make love, then the majority of that 85% had to disagree with their parents and the Church. Change does not happen in a vacuum, so it only makes sense that there was some reason that the majority changed and with that change, gay humans gained a few rights that the rest of us have had for centuries. :cool:
A little harsh towards Thorolfr, don’t you think? Quoting one of the most respected polling and research based organization is certainly not promoting anything. The world (western industrialized) has changed very quickly in the last 100 years, including the acceptance of LGBTQ people instead of the shaming of same. How did this happen so quickly and completely? As gay individuals began to emerge from their closets, kids began not to see them as perverted and disordered, but rather as their beloved sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles and best friends and once that happened, there is no going back to the so-called good old days. Exactly whom had this acceptance hurt? There are those parents who will try their best to make sure that their children never have the opportunity to meet or even talk about LGBTQ people. That is, naturally, their prerogative, but what they fail to grasp is that once their kids are grown up, they will meet and have friends that are gay and will certainly not agree with the anti-gay views of their parents. Fear is a strong and compelling reaction to change for some humans, but thank goodness that society doesn’t stand still.:rolleyes:
Being gay and lesbian is a mental illness. It is a sexual dysfunction, not something to be encouraged. The gay and lesbian relationship is not about true love. True love has the health and welfare of the partner in mind. Homosexuals frequently use nitrate poppers that can aggravate heart problems. They also frequently use laxatives, which can cause all kinds of permanent problems with the intestinal function. The act of sodomy can create tears in the mucous membrane leading to scarring that can cause painful bowel movements. It can result in eventual rectal prolapse, severe hemorrhoids, bowel fissures, urinary tract infections, and other types of bacterial infections that can lead to sterility. (Although for gays, they probably don’t care if they end up sterile.) One gay man I know who is 62 has had to have surgeries for hemorrhoids on several occasions. He has also had rectal prolapse repair. So how is an activity that can cause all these problems be harmless?

How is it harmless when they adopt children who grow up to be gender confused? When they hit puberty, instead of trying plan out the rest of their lives, they are trying to decide whether they are a boy or a girl, whether they like boys or like girls, etc.

Then the dirty little secret that no one talks about when it comes to same-sex marriage comes into play. Many gays and lesbians hate the opposite sex.

I sat in a room full of lesbians and listened to them talk. Man was a four letter word. All the problems in the world are men’s fault. The world would be perfect if they didn’t need sperm to propagate. That was the only thing men were good for.

Half of these women have sons. What kind of self-image are these boys going to grow up with after listening to their mothers call men the scum of the earth all their lives?

I have only had this conversation with two gay men so I don’t know if it is prevalent among gay men, but two gay men that I have known usually referred to women by the other word for a female dog. They would look at me and say present company excluded. Women, according to them, were grasping, conniving, self-serving witches who really wished they were men.

With these types of attitudes, how can adopting and raising children be harmless?

Think of how these attitudes will affect our society as a whole and tell me it is harmless.
As someone who supported same-sex “marriage” the “they’ve been treated unfairly” and “it’s harmless” is really coming from a place of emotion and non-critical reflection. That’s pretty much it. There’s no grand philosophy behind their reasoning; there’s no intellectual argument that they hold.
Ed, I’m certainly not anti-Catholic just as you are not anti-intellectual. If 85% of people under that age of 55 accept gay individuals based on their human goodness and not on the “icky-ness” of how they make love, then the majority of that 85% had to disagree with their parents and the Church. Change does not happen in a vacuum, so it only makes sense that there was some reason that the majority changed and with that change, gay humans gained a few rights that the rest of us have had for centuries. :cool:
Strange. By what right did they get these rights? By enshrining gay sex under the category of “marriage”? That’s not rational. Church teaching is.

Who changed? The misinformed? The “Oh, they’re not hurting anyone” types? Please. As I wrote before, when did I not accept them? When did I fear them? And I did not, for one second, think about anything private or intimate that they might be doing.

Under the magic age of 55? Oh youth - just like clay - just mold them right and they will turn into anything you want. I lived through the Hippie nightmare and the regulation length hair, the regulation clothes, perfect Hippie-speak and frequent dope smoking, as required. They were individuals alright. And they encouraged others to follow.

“The Church is wrong.” I get it.

Being gay and lesbian is a mental illness. It is a sexual dysfunction, not something to be encouraged. The gay and lesbian relationship is not about true love. True love has the health and welfare of the partner in mind. Homosexuals frequently use nitrate poppers that can aggravate heart problems. They also frequently use laxatives, which can cause all kinds of permanent problems with the intestinal function. The act of sodomy can create tears in the mucous membrane leading to scarring that can cause painful bowel movements. It can result in eventual rectal prolapse, severe hemorrhoids, bowel fissures, urinary tract infections, and other types of bacterial infections that can lead to sterility. (Although for gays, they probably don’t care if they end up sterile.) One gay man I know who is 62 has had to have surgeries for hemorrhoids on several occasions. He has also had rectal prolapse repair. So how is an activity that can cause all these problems be harmless?

How is it harmless when they adopt children who grow up to be gender confused? When they hit puberty, instead of trying plan out the rest of their lives, they are trying to decide whether they are a boy or a girl, whether they like boys or like girls, etc.

Then the dirty little secret that no one talks about when it comes to same-sex marriage comes into play. Many gays and lesbians hate the opposite sex.

I sat in a room full of lesbians and listened to them talk. Man was a four letter word. All the problems in the world are men’s fault. The world would be perfect if they didn’t need sperm to propagate. That was the only thing men were good for.

Half of these women have sons. What kind of self-image are these boys going to grow up with after listening to their mothers call men the scum of the earth all their lives?

I have only had this conversation with two gay men so I don’t know if it is prevalent among gay men, but two gay men that I have known usually referred to women by the other word for a female dog. They would look at me and say present company excluded. Women, according to them, were grasping, conniving, self-serving witches who really wished they were men.

With these types of attitudes, how can adopting and raising children be harmless?

Think of how these attitudes will affect our society as a whole and tell me it is harmless.
There are three physicians in my immediate family, including a neurosurgeon and a psychiatrist. I asked each one separately if being gay it’s a mental illness. All three were shocked that I would ask such a question, but they played along. NO, being gay is not a mental illness anymore than being straight is. If you ask pediatricians, they will tell you that there are kids that they can tell are gay as very young children. Do you believe that a five year old or an eight year old is promoting the so-called gay agenda? If it makes you feel better to believe that LGBTQ individuals are all mentally ill, that is just fine, but there must be very good reasons that the majority of adults in this country do not agree with your position.:eek:
Ed, I’m certainly not anti-Catholic just as you are not anti-intellectual. If 85% of people under that age of 55 accept gay individuals based on their human goodness and not on the “icky-ness” of how they make love, then the majority of that 85% had to disagree with their parents and the Church. Change does not happen in a vacuum, so it only makes sense that there was some reason that the majority changed and with that change, gay humans gained a few rights that the rest of us have had for centuries. :cool:
What does “accept” mean? I don’t “reject” gay persons. I just assert that same sex sexual activity is morally wrong, and no basis for family formation.
There are three physicians in my immediate family, including a neurosurgeon and a psychiatrist. I asked each one separately if being gay it’s a mental illness. All three were shocked that I would ask such a question, but they played along. NO, being gay is not a mental illness anymore than being straight is. If you ask pediatricians, they will tell you that there are kids that they can tell are gay as very young children. Do you believe that a five year old or an eight year old is promoting the so-called gay agenda? If it makes you feel better to believe that LGBTQ individuals are all mentally ill, that is just fine, but there must be very good reasons that the majority of adults in this country do not agree with your position.:eek:
Why are two men equipped with male genitalia and producing sperm attracted to exchange their sperm with each other? Do you contend “nothing amiss here”?
Under the magic age of 55? Oh youth…
Youth? At 55? This conversation gets weirder every day.

All those middle aged Catholics are apparently just kids who are being led astray. Oh, and they’re not really Catholics in any case, so there…

So how many true Catholics are there? Ten percent of the claimed total?
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