If you are going to try to quote someone. Try at least to quote a whole sentence. Do not take bits and pieces out of context. Your post ends up making absolutely no sense.Nope, I didn’t. Had another reply window open but was looking for a link first.
The comments in the review section of “King and King” were rather interesting. But it brought to me a kids cartoon about a group composed of three characters that decided to take on female form taking care of a little boy. Throughout the series another family has evaluated them as being a good family that love and care for the boy and that their love and nurturing is what really matters. One of the character’s showed jealously in several flashbacks when the leader of their group developed an affinity to a man and seemed to try to chase him off and convince him that he would be unsuccessful at any relationship with her. Watching it with my sister we noticed how some aspects of the show could be cast as pro-trans (given that the characters are only females because that’s the form they have decided to take), pro same-sex parenting, and even a bit lesbian. Possibly more so in the episodes with one female kissing on another in the past couple of seasons.
Last week I saw a thread on facebook in which some parents found out about one of the episodes and flipped their lids over it. They found out because of an article on Huffington Post ( huffingtonpost.com/entry/cartoon-networks-steven-universe-includes-lesbian-couple_55ae61a0e4b07af29d565e34 ). While they’ve seen their kids watching the cartoon they’ve never paid attention to it and somehow missed first-hand information on what was going on. They all declared their kids would never see the cartoon again.
Sure. Many people/groups/organizations trying to make decisions or changes for the world of tomorrow include kids as targets of their messages and media.
As in “to make not strange.” Sure.
Not sure what you are talking about there.
I am aware there are parents that see it as such.
I’m curious about that myself. But for now my only intention is to have the the declaration(s) made by the SPLC on MassResistence available for review.