Gay's OK (In Illinois)

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Bill protecting gays clears state Senate, nears passage
January 11, 2005
SPRINGFIELD – A bid to give gays, lesbians and bisexuals new protections in the workplace and real estate market cleared a major hurdle Monday when the Senate approved a politically contentious, anti-discrimination package.
The proposal, which moves to the House for approval today, had never passed the Senate before Monday’s 30-27 vote. Supporters got the bare minimum 30 votes they needed in part through support from two lame-duck Democrats and three Republicans.
The vote came two days before new state lawmakers begin a two-year term, when work on the measure would have had to start over. Backers expect the bill to pass the House, which has supported it twice in the past 11 years.
Gov. Blagojevich has indicated he will sign it.
“It’s a beautiful way for [the Legislature] to go out on truth, justice and the American way,” said Sen. Carol Ronen (D-Chicago), chief Senate sponsor of the bill.
The measure would add “sexual orientation” to the Illinois Human Rights Act and bar employers and most landlords from discriminating against gays, lesbians and bisexuals. Landlords of owner-occupied buildings with five units or fewer would be exempt.
Opponents cite 'bigger agenda’
Opponents said the bill was vague and noted possible unintended results, including lawsuits and the potential for legalized gay marriages.
“To vote yes and to say, ‘Listen, I just voted for this very narrow thing,’ oh no. You’re voting on a much, much, much bigger agenda,” said Sen. Peter Roskam (R-Wheaton), who was against the bill.
The bill won support from two outgoing Democrats, Sen. Lawrence Walsh (D-Elwood) and Sen. Patrick Welch (D-Peru). Republicans backing it included Sen. Pamela Althoff (R-McHenry), Sen. Christine Radogno (R-La Grange) and Sen. Dan Rutherford (R-Pontiac).
Behind the scenes, Cardinal Francis George lobbied Roman Catholic legislators to vote against the bill. But Sen. James DeLeo (D-Chicago), Sen. Martin Sandoval (D-Cicero) and Sen. Louis Viverito (D-Burbank) bucked the church amid a counterpush from the governor and Senate President Emil Jones.
In other business, the Senate voted to carve up Lake, Kane, McHenry, Will and four other Republican-leaning northern Illinois counties into judicial districts meant to elect more minorities to the bench. That bill, which Republicans castigated as a power grab by Democrats, now moves to the House.
The House approved a measure that included $4.9 million for security upgrades at the Statehouse and $17.1 million for the families of military members who died in Iraq and Afghanistan. That bill now heads to the Senate.
State House passes gay rights bill
January 11, 2005
SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois House voted to ban discrimination of gays and lesbians Tuesday, sending the governor a bill that gay rights activists have sought for more than a decade.
Gov. Rod Blagojevich called it “a landmark day in Illinois” and said he looked forward to signing the legislation.
“This legislation sends a clear message that we will not allow our citizens to be discriminated against,” Blagojevich said in a statement.
The House’s 65-51 vote came on the last possible day; the bill would have died had it not been approved before the new Legislature is sworn in Wednesday. The Senate, which had held up previous attempts to pass similar legislation, approved the bill Monday by a vote of 30-27, the minimum number of votes required.
The legislation, once signed by the governor, will add “sexual orientation” to the state law that protects people from bias based on race, religion and similar traits. It applies to discrimination in jobs, housing, public accommodations or credit.
Opponents had argued the legislation would lead to approval of gay marriage in Illinois and infringe on the rights of religious or civic organizations to hire certain employees or exclude some from membership.
Proponents, including Blagojevich’s gay sister-in-law, Deborah Mell, couched the measure in terms of human rights. They said discrimination of gays and lesbians over housing and employment is just as wrong as discriminating against people because of race or religion.
“This bill isn’t about cross-dressing, it isn’t about animals,” said Rep. Lou Lang, D-Skokie. “It’s not about anything except basic human rights for the citizens of Illinois.”
Illinois will join 14 other states that bar discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Within Illinois, Cook County and 15 cities have similar provisions: Bloomington, Carbondale, Champaign, Chicago, Decatur, DeKalb, Evanston, LaGrange, Moline, Naperville, Normal, Oak Park, Peoria, Springfield, and Urbana.
Rep. Lovana Jones and other black House members were among those speaking in favor of the bill Tuesday.
“We understand what discrimination is,” said Jones, D-Chicago. “I’m hear to tell you discrimination hurts. We need to stop playing God and let everybody have the same rights.”
Rep. Terry Parke, R-Hoffman Estates, expressed concerns about the legislation, though, saying that while the proposal makes sense on its face, it hides troubling implications for values-based organizations such as the Boy Scouts or churches.
“I agree with the underlying premise that we should allow all people to be dealt with fairly, but this goes beyond that,” Parke said. “People will be sued, if we pass this in Illinois, for further rights and I think that we’re opening a Pandora’s box.”
Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
The Catechism says-

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

Which part of “every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided” is so difficult to understand?

So, what happens if an openly gay man wants to work for a Catholic school and that parish denies him employment because the man’s lifestyle goes against the teachings of the faith? This legislation might very well open the door to forcing the Church to accept people in positions that is contrary to our faith…is that right?
The Catechism says-

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

Which part of “every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided” is so difficult to understand?
Just discrimination is acceptable. But it’s a judgement call as to what constitutes just discrimination.
In general someone’s sex life is simply not appropriate with respect to determining the ability to rent/purchase real estate or in the workplace. However there are some jobs where quite honestly someone’s sexual proclivities might be an issue.

For example I do not want adult male homosexuals in a position of power over young males. We had two very ugly situations where the adult male preyed upon the younger males who were afraid to let anyone know about the predatory nature. One was a homeless shelter for teens where the secret came out when a number of these teens were treated for gonorrhea of the throat. It was cultured and determined all to be from the same source. The man was then exposed and jailed for some period of time…not long enough I see he has resurfaced in Washington D.C. Another case very similar where the Executive Director of a children’s group home preyed upon very young boys and was only found out decades later when the boys were adults.

I don’t want ANY predators homosexual, heterosexual, asexual, bisexual around children PERIOD. Unfortunately when rights like these are carved out for specific interest groups, it gives them an opportunity to use the rights to move into areas where they do not belong.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
In general someone’s sex life is simply not appropriate with respect to determining the ability to rent/purchase real estate or in the workplace. However there are some jobs where quite honestly someone’s sexual proclivities might be an issue.

For example I do not want adult male homosexuals in a position of power over young males. We had two very ugly situations where the adult male preyed upon the younger males who were afraid to let anyone know about the predatory nature. One was a homeless shelter for teens where the secret came out when a number of these teens were treated for gonorrhea of the throat. It was cultured and determined all to be from the same source. The man was then exposed and jailed for some period of time…not long enough I see he has resurfaced in Washington D.C. Another case very similar where the Executive Director of a children’s group home preyed upon very young boys and was only found out decades later when the boys were adults.

I don’t want ANY predators homosexual, heterosexual, asexual, bisexual around children PERIOD. Unfortunately when rights like these are carved out for specific interest groups, it gives them an opportunity to use the rights to move into areas where they do not belong.

Lisa N
I don’t believe that there is any evidence to show that homosexual men are more inclined to paedophile behaviour than heterosexual ones. It may be more widely reported but then abuse by Catholic priests is more widely reported than that by other authority figures. Reporting of crime is not an accurate guide to the actual frequency of crime.
One of the Illinois Representatives that signed the bill stated that she feels “Churches should NOT be able to discriminate against someone because they are gay!” She made that statement in response to a “fear” that was raised that Churches will be forced to hire gays and lesbians. Opponents of the bill fought hard to get a stipulation in the bill that stated Churches are exempt–they failed to get such a stipulation, which leaves Illinois Churches of all denoms open to be forced to hire openly gay men and lesbians.
I don’t believe that there is any evidence to show that homosexual men are more inclined to paedophile behaviour than heterosexual ones. It may be more widely reported but then abuse by Catholic priests is more widely reported than that by other authority figures. Reporting of crime is not an accurate guide to the actual frequency of crime.
Pedophile, perhaps not, but the allure of teenage boys to many homosexuals seems undeniable in the face of the priestly sex scandal.
the bill does exempt churches.

I thank God and all the saints that in one more state it is finally illegal for businesses to discriminate against gay people in employment and housing.

I listened to an Illinois represenative this morning, one signed the bill, and she said there is NO exemption for Churches and that she feels there should not be an exemption for Churches. It was also reported in the newspaper that there is no Church exemption.

I agree that gays should not be discriminated against regarding housing and employment–with the exception that Churches should be able to hire people who follow the teachings of their faith.

Do you feel that Catholic Churches should be forced to hire gays or lesbians?
That its NOT ok to be a homo. I suggest you get some counseling, or better yet…actually read the Bible.
The Catechism says-

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

Which part of “every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided” is so difficult to understand?
the bill does exempt churches.

I thank God and all the saints that in one more state it is finally illegal for businesses to discriminate against gay people in employment and housing.
Let’s see…say I own a men’s haberdashery with a help wanted sign in the window. I need to hire a salesman to wait on the customers who come in. A young man comes in who is very effiminate in manner and during the course of the interview he informs me that he would be an excellent salesman because he just loves to fit men in their suits. In fact, he does all the shopping for his “life partner” and has a good eye for what looks good on men. My customers are primarily middle-aged married men who would likely be very uncomfortable dealing with such a man. I decline to hire him. Now I can be sued for illegal discrimination? Is that your idea of justice?
I guess your God is the devil then? He’s the one behing this…not the true God.
the bill does exempt churches.

I thank God and all the saints that in one more state it is finally illegal for businesses to discriminate against gay people in employment and housing.
That its NOT
ok to be a homo. I suggest you get some counseling, or better yet…actually read the Bible.

Mr Kettle. He is not saying that it is, in fact the Bible states that we are all sinners, and that we are all not ok. If you feel that it’s ok to be prejudice against gays, then you need to read some scripture. We are to love our neighbors, not shun and hate them.
No problem Mr. Pot. Bible says we are to rebuke sinners. Thats what I’m doing.
Mr Kettle. He is not saying that it is, in fact the Bible states that we are all sinners, and that we are all not ok. If you feel that it’s ok to be prejudice against gays, then you need to read some scripture. We are to love our neighbors, not shun and hate them.
Pedophile, perhaps not, but the allure of teenage boys to many homosexuals seems undeniable in the face of the priestly sex scandal.
Correct. 80% of the cases were teenage boys. The correct term is *ephebophilia. *I don’t know of the data, but it is quite different from pedophilia.
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