I don’t think that that is what feminism tries to do. I don’t know of any feminists who believe that there are no differences between men and women. On the contrary, I think feminists would tend to identify quite strongly with their sex/gender identity. This is why there is a certain subset of feminists that is very hostile to trans women. I think that what feminism tries to achieve is equality between the sexes. I would say that key objectives for feminism would be things like the right to work, the right to own property, the right to vote, the right to hold public office, the right to education, freedom from sexual assault and harassment, access to healthcare, and representation in culture, sport, and media.Feminism is malign as long as it seeks to erase the difference between men and women.
Not at all. I would say that marriage/family and career are two equally valid options and that everyone, men and women, should be free to prioritise one or the other or combine both. If it’s possible, I would agree that it is good if a parent is able to take a few years out to be with the children before they are in full-time education. However, I don’t think that childcare should automatically be the mother’s responsibility. Obviously the mother has certain inescapable roles such as actually physically producing the child and breastfeeding. But apart from that, I think parents should be able to split childcare in whatever proportions are best for their family.Is there anything wrong with promoting marriage and family over career though? … Is it wrong to encourage a society where parents are enabled to stay at home rather than being forced into the workplace through financial necessity?
What I am in favour of is people making the choices that best suit them. Obviously somebody has to earn the family income and somebody has to be the homemaker. It’s probably still the norm that husbands play more of a role earning the income and wives play more of a role being homemakers. Sometimes the wife is better at earning the money and the husband is better at the homemaking, and sometimes it’s split between the two. As I say, I am just for people making choices. If the husband is good at making money and the wife wants to stay at home with the children, that’s great.
The post to which I was originally referring was one in which somebody was claiming that the only reason why a woman would marry a man would be because of what she thinks he will be able to provide for her in practical ways. It occurs to me that this is one of those “horseshoe” scenarios in which two seemingly opposite ideologies end up meeting at the same point. On the one hand, there are those on the extreme edges of feminism who believe that marriage is a form of prostitution, and on the other hand, there are those on the perhaps not so extreme edges of misogyny who also believe that marriage is a form of prostitution. The only difference between the two is that the feminists think that the wives are the victims, while the misogynists believe that the husbands are the victims.