Georgia To Launch Second Recount On Tuesday, Nov. 24th After Trump Campaign Alleged ‘False’ Election Results

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I really hope this time they will look at the fact there were 1 million new voters in two years and who are they. Did the Department of Motor Vehicle(DMV) register undocumented green card holders as voters and did they register underage drivers?
Nov. 2018: 6,248,591 Active Registered Voters

Nov. 2020: 7,233,584 Active Registered Voters
Absentee ballots cast in 2020 totaled 1,322,529.
So let’s see what happens when they scan ballots. Mark Zuckerberg put 400 million dollars into the Democratic election cycle some of which went to Cobb and Fulton County in Georgia.
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What will happen when they scan the ballots is they find the same result as the original count and audit.
What could happen? And just how many recounts in Georgia do we need?
Recounting is pointless unless it involves checking the legitimacy of the votes being counted.
I really hope this time they will look at the fact there were 1 million new voters in two years
I knew there was more to beat out of this dead horse!
Joe Biden becomes first Democrat in 28 years to win Georgia World News
Stick around, this dead horse will continue to get beat! I’m not sure that there’s no point though. I don’t think the point is to change the election but to change perception and cast doubts.
Absentee ballots cast in 2020 totaled 1,322,529.
Note that in-person voting before election day is also considered Absentee Voting.
Recounting is pointless unless it involves checking the legitimacy of the votes being counted.
I believe there may be some big news out of GA today., legally speaking. Keep an eye out for it.

And then, I assume, come Thursday, everyone will take a breather.
Saw this mention this morning from famed attorney Lin Wood concerning GA voting.

F-E-L-O-N-Y. — Lin Wood Drops Late-Night Bombshell: “Would someone ask my never-to-be friend Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState if he has seen this tape of election fraud at State Farm Arena in Fulton Co., GA?”​


Lin Wood and Sidney Powell have both been promising big things would be happening in Georgia very soon. It looks like Lin Wood has dropped his first bobmshell tonight.

100 Percent Fed Up – In a surprise, late-night tweet, Attorney Lin Wood, who’s been warning Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) and GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger that he’s coming after them and that he’s got the goods, laid down the gauntlet. In his first tweet in a series of tweets, Wood tweeted:

Would someone ask my never-to-be friend Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState if he has seen this tape of election fraud at State Farm Arena in Fulton Co., GA?

Wood included two images of a subpoena for Atlanta Hawks VP Scott Wilkinson from the US District Court with GA Secretary of State Raffensperger listed as the Defendant.
Lin Wood and Sidney Powell have both been promising big things would be happening in Georgia very soon. It looks like Lin Wood has dropped his first bobmshell tonight.
There’s also this - filed because the court ruled on Nov 20 that L Lin Wood lacked standing.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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Lin Wood and Sidney Powell have both been promising big things would be happening in Georgia very soon. It looks like Lin Wood has dropped his first bobmshell tonight.
I am sure they will be looking at a number of thins in Georgia and we will hear more about this recount as it proceeds.
It is not just scanning the ballots, there are other question
What will happen when they scan the ballots is they find the same result as the original count and audit.
Why they just do it again!
I hope they go after the Department of Motor Vehicles(DMV) and their phony way to registering drivers.

Let’s not forget MTV “Rock the Vote.” and college professors and video games, where Mark Zuckerman’s money went to in Cobb County and Folsom County Georgia.
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I hope they go after the Department of Motor Vehicles(DMV) and their phony way to registering drivers.
You can hope that, but that’s not what a recount does. The recount is happening only because they have to when requested (and paid for) by the losing candidate, and the vote is within a certain margin.

Georgia secretary of state: My family voted for Trump. He threw us under the…

I have fought to uphold the integrity of elections in Georgia. It doesn’t matter if the attacks come from the guy I voted for or not
Wall Street Journal…
ATLANTA—Since Georgians went to the polls in 2016, more than half a million voters have been registered, including an increase in the voting ranks of women and minorities—groups that tend to lean Democratic.

Much of that increase is the result of a change to driver’s-license forms enacted two years ago under outgoing Gov. Nathan Deal, a Republican. With the change, new applicants and renewals are automatically registered to vote unless they expressly opt out.
The Secretary of State in Georgia did not watch what was happening in his state with the voter roll. He knew the voter roll was increasing dramatically and it made him look good. . . He allowed a policy that allowed the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) to collect new voters but apparently did not check the form to see it allowed all new license and older license holders to be registered if they did not opt-out, check the tiny block., this included green card holder and those under age 18.

He was incompetent.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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What will happen when they scan the ballots is they find the same result as the original count and audit.
Never fear. Trump and his fans will come up with some kind of “explanation.” Possibly involving dead dictators.
Meanwhile, can someone explain the burst water main fraud (“Watergate”) for me. Why are we to believe that a leaking pipe is evidence of fraud?
Meanwhile, can someone explain the burst water main fraud (“Watergate”) for me.
Apparently a water pipe at a counting center developed a small leak. Counting was stopped for an hour & a half or so while it was repaired to avoid any damage to equipment or ballots.
Why are we to believe that a leaking pipe is evidence of fraud?
Because it’s in a state Trump lost. If he’d won, nobody who wasn’t in the building at the time would know or care.
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