Georgia To Launch Second Recount On Tuesday, Nov. 24th After Trump Campaign Alleged ‘False’ Election Results

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He allowed a policy that allowed the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) to collect new voters but apparently did not check the form to see it allowed all new license and older license holders to be registered if they did not opt-out, check the tiny block., this including green card holder and those under age 18.

He was incompetent.
The SOS, his lawyers, and his staff didn’t notice this but random people on the internet did?

I find that hard to believe. I find it harder to believe a Republican SOS would allow something like this to register illegal immigrants.

So, common sense tells us there is nothing here.
The SOS, his lawyers, and his staff didn’t notice this but random people on the internet did?

I find that hard to believe. I find it harder to believe a Republican SOS would allow something like this to register illegal immigrants.

So, common sense tells us there is nothing here.
And if each and every ballot is checked to confirm that the undocumented did not vote and underage voters did not vote in this election, this will clear up doubt in the election process.
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“news” from a right wing blogger living in his parents basement… what could possibly be inaccurate about that.
Time will tell. I was listening to an interview of Sidney Powell this morning. She did an interview with Lou Dobbs yesterday evening. In it she thought her Georgia voter fraud suit will be brought today or soon afterwards.
And if each and every ballot is checked to confirm that the undocumented did not vote and underage voters did not vote in this election, this will clear up doubt in the election process.
Only a certain group of people who supported a certain losing candidate have doubt in the election process.
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And if each and every ballot is checked to confirm that the undocumented did not vote and underage voters did not vote in this election, this will clear up doubt in the election process.
It will not clear it up in the minds of those who have bought into the fraud theory. There is no amount of data that will ever convince them. There will always be, as the late great Peter Falk used to say “…just one more thing…”
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This also is not true as I read where 30% of Dems also doubt results of the election!
This also is not true as I read where 30% of Dems also doubt results of the election!
I don’t doubt you read that somewhere.

The lack of trust in the election system has led to Republicans being more skeptical about the election results. Although only 18 percent of Republicans had said the results would be unreliable prior to Election Day, now 64 percent feel the same way following Biden’s victory. By contrast, 86 percent of Democrats say they trust the results.
Democracy is far from being the most efficient form of government, and I see no reason not to allow the president to exercise all of his options.
It doesn’t matter, even if there’s been massive fraud, and it’s proven, Biden still gets sworn in in January. Trump was never going to be allowed a second term.
What will happen when they scan the ballots is they find the same result as the original count and audit.
Never fear. Trump and his fans will come up with some kind of “explanation.” Possibly involving dead dictators.
Or a DMV form.
By China or who? I was thinking after reading all the shinnagins the biggest fake is us free elections!
Joe Biden is President Elect. He will be President on Jan 20, 2021. Can’t we let this go now already? Trump lost. Let’s move on.
Didn’t say deep state. Just the entrenched bureaucracy, career politicians, and lifelong lobbyists that don’t want the status quo shook up too much.
In GA under the law election contest provisions DO NOT come into play until after the result is certified, prior to that there is nothing to “contest” other than an unofficial vote count. A petition to contest must be filed 5 days of certification of the results and can be filed in ANY county with jurisdiction. It seems like since this was a statewide election, the Trump campaign can file their petition and select any county in GA, and the trial on the matter will take place before a Superior Court Judge…

Georgia Code 21-2-522
Election can be contested on following grounds:

(1) Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result ;

(2) When the defendant is ineligible for the nomination or office in dispute;

(3) When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change or place in doubt the result;

(4) For any error in counting the votes or declaring the result of the primary or election, if such error would change the result; or

(5) For any other cause which shows that another was the person legally nominated, elected, or eligible to compete in a run-off primary or election.

This is why the Trump campaign is looking into the legitimacy of the recent registrations by Georgia voters who then cast absentee ballots. If their registration was invalid, then they cast illegal votes. The Trump campaign would need to show that there were 12,500 such unqualified voters, but it will also actually need to show that12,500 such voters voted for Biden — that is the number necessary to place the outcome in doubt. The election contest statutes call for a trial on a schedule determined by the Judge who presides over the case. It’s like what happened in FL in 2000. If the loser of the election prevails in the election contest the remedy is to void the election results and it would put the matter in the hands of the Georgia Legislature controlled by the GOP.

PA will go to the US Supreme Court, it will be messy and long.

WI - recount underway.

If anything is to change, or even have a remote chance of changing GA, WI and PA must change.
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The SOS, his lawyers, and his staff didn’t notice this but random people on the internet did?

I find that hard to believe. I find it harder to believe a Republican SOS would allow something like this to register illegal immigrants.

So, common sense tells us there is nothing here.
In a state run by Brian Kemp, who was extremely aggressive in purging voters from the roll when he was SOS.
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