And the individual is the partial cause (cooperation) of that by assenting.
Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ludwig Ott.
a) Fallen man
cannot redeem himself. (De fide.)
b) Without the special help of God the justified
cannot persevere to the end in justification. (De fide.)
c) The three Divine or Theological Virtues of
Faith, Hope and Charity are infused with Sanctifying grace. (De fide)
a) As you see Vico, our salvation 100 % depends on God to save us.
COUNCIL OF TRENT Session 6 Chapter 8
. . .
None of those things which precede justification -
whether faith or works - merit the grace itself of justification.
b) We are 100 % dependent on God to
keep us saved, by His special gift of efficacious grace the gift of Perseverance, without this gift
He grants the efficacious grace of Perseverance
only to His elect.
Without God’s gift of efficacious grace of Perseverance whatever the rest of the human race does
CAN NOT be saved because they
cannot persevere . – (
De fide)
Without exception, those who are not receive God’s special efficacious grace of His gift of Perseverance
end up in hell but their blood
is in God’s hands, there is no other way.
c) This is the way God prepares/ causes us to say
YES to His gift of salvation.
CCCS 1990-1991; "Justification is God’s free gift which
detaches man from enslavement to sin and reconciles him to God.
Justification is also our acceptance of God’s righteousness. In this gift, faith, hope, charity, and
given to us.
CCCS 1996-1998; Justification comes from grace (God’s free and undeserved help) and is given to us
to respond to his call.
This call to eternal life is supernatural, coming TOTALLY
from God’s decision and
surpassing ALL power of human intellect and will.”
We are not puppets because with His efficacious graces God
enlightens our minds end we every time, without any force, freely choose to cooperate with His efficacious graces and we all say
YES to God’s call to heaven and with His gift of perseverance God
keeps us saved and
takes us up to heaven.
God bless