The discussion was of the transcendent God so my position is the same as stated. The bulk of the religions as I pointed out see Him as the same in root. It is the secondary attributes that they argue about. So here we were discussing His primary attributes and your suggestion that there were many versions…Lets consider two religions for sake simplicity, Islam and Christianity. Jesus is considered as grand prophet in Islam but He is considered as God in Christianity. These two religions however considered as Abrahamic religions. So what is your position now?
There really are not. A super majority of “trusted sources” say God has the same primary attributes. Bickering over name and secondary does not negate the primary. Especially when one factors in linguistic tendancies…
The term in english “egg on” is non sequitor but if you study history linguistically there was an old english term with the exact same meaning “eggion” which just morphed over time into an expression of two words.
Santa Claus is a linguistic alteration of Saint Nicholas in different languages…
So prime God same… secondaries different. If you want to argue secondaries then sources matter much, primaries they line up together.