The states of creation do not have any dynamic in God perspective if they are all actual. How then they could have a proper dynamic in temporal framework?
I’m not sure how all being present before God at once in eternity prevents them from passing in and out of existence in a temporal sequence. That requirement does not follow. God knows each and every moment that IS. He knows their sequence. He knows how they relate. He knows how I change, my own dynamic, by knowing each and all of these states together.
fisherman carl made a good point in his topic of inquiry on how God may think. There are different ways to talk about priority. There is of course priority in time. This event occurred first. This later. God knows that about all of creation, but he doesn’t experience it in his eternity as we do. To his being, there is only the all encompassing now.
But there are other orders of priority. There is the “first among equals” sense. That first is not temporal before, but hierarchically above.
There is also the first in order of dependence. A cause and effect may happen simultaneously. For example, the brick breaks the glass. The cause, the brick’s atoms pressing against the glass’ atoms, and the effect, the glass’ atoms being pushed apart, happens at the same time. We would say the breaking of the glass is dependent on the brick making contact. We would not say the brick making contact is dependent on the glass breaking. We can also consider a lamp suspended from the ceiling by a chain of links. The lamp is dependent on the link it’s attached to, which is dependent on the next link, which is dependent on the next link, and so on. The bottom link is dependent on the top link for suspension. The top link is not dependent on the bottom. I’m sure we can nitpick these examples to death, but rather than focus only on this example, we can see that you can have a first in order of dependence in simultaneous events.
As such, and while I can’t know the mind of God, we can see possible ways in which order and dependencies of temporally sequential events may exist simultaneously in the mind of God.
Anyway, I may have digressed from the question exactly. But it still isn’t clear to me why God can’t sustain each state independently in his eternal NOW and for creation to still be dynamic.