It is unlikely that I will ever change someone’s personal position about the Creator. However, I can still post for the reader who is curious.
Curious about the Creator’s position when an individual person first chooses the state of Mortal Sin. (
CCC, Glossary, Mortal Sin, page 889) Under the Catholic model, God does not abandon that individual to the fate of hell. Instead, God continues to call that person back into the friendship relationship with Himself, which is known as the state of Sanctifying Grace. (
CCC, Glossary, Sanctifying Grace, page 898) In the Catholic Church, God does not whisper. Via the Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation, God SHOUTS His merciful invitation to the sinner to return to the Creator, to repent and seek forgiveness. (
CCC, Contents, The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, page viii)
The God Shepherd has never said no to the sorrowful sinner who sincerely desires forgiveness.
Links to the
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition