. . . I’ll assume that you would believe that God knows everyone who, in our terms, has been created, is created, or will be created. He is, after all, omniscient.
Having presumably accepted that, do you then accept that He knows what choices those people have, do or will make?
He knows them because they exist. Once in existence, they cannot not exist. If that is where you are going.
How about if we focus on your own existence, it might make more sense.
Are you free to choose whether to continue on this thread?
You may really want to respond, but if you have a report to complete and posting will make it impossible to complete it, you may choose not to.
God knows your choice from the beginning of time. He also knows that he will intervene to help you complete the report by whispering through your conscience.
He knows that you will post anyways, that the report is not completed, you lose your job, your wife leaves you, and your kids never talk to you again. Your dog runs away.
You were created with free choice; he tried to help you.
He creates a human life that unfolds as one chooses; you can do your will or the will of God.
How can you cease to be within eternity, given that you are here?
How would He know your dog would run away if you were never here?
You are created and become yourself through your choices.
That self was not created to make those particular choices.
You freely decide to be the person you are.
If you are a good person, it is because you want to be.
Once created, God knows who you are, which is the end result of who you wanted, want and will want to be.