That you continue to insist upon conflating the issue between natural law and positive law, and muddying the waters with your specious arguments and contrived assertions proved that you have no end other than to be an intellectually dishonest sophist.Ah, now you have read what you want again as opposed to what I wrote. I asked if the guy should accept any responsibility. Not the responsibility, which implies all of it. Huge difference. But anyway, this is as about as close to an answer as we’re likely to get, so let’s fly with it.
Imagine the court case. The guy who massacred the family is up for the murder. The distraught survivors of the family are there. You are the guy who made the chainsaw. You are on the stand giving some background info and the defence council checks that you were the one responsible for making it.
He starts to badger you as if it was your fault. Trying to deflect the blame. Lessening the culpability of his client.
The council for the prosecution gets his turn. To make sure the guy in the dock gets the full blame for the murder, the first thing he says is: Mr Amandil, could you please tell the court that when you made the chainsaw, you had absolutely no idea whatsoever that it would be used to massacre this poor innocent family in the most horrendous fashion
You say…well, according to what you have just told me, you say:
‘Actually, yes. I did know that the person in the dock would use it to kill those people. I knew it as a fact. There was no doubt about it at all. I was absolutely certain without any shadow of doubt that he would kill those people. And can I just say, despite the fact that they would be alive today if I hadn’t made it, I still went ahead because killing them wasn’t my fault’.
How do you think you’d go? Maybe I can start a poll and we’ll see how many years people will think you’ll get.
You appear to have a difficulty with special pleading, which I have entertained for about as long as I’m willing to tolerate.You seem to have difficulty with he concept of hypotheticals, Amandil. We should practice.
You’ve shown yourself for the intellectually inconsistent and dishonest fraud that you are.
You go right ahead and put God on “trial”. I will pity you when the verdict comes down.