You have brought us to one of my greatest objections to Catholic/Christian teaching. An omniscient creator cannot escape responsibility for the outcome of his creation; be it a planet, solar system or a human being. He knew all in advance, still created as he did (causation), immutably preordained all future events, then supposedly left man with free will. This despite the fact that he already knew the outcome from the instant of creation.
The Christian/Catholic God is a puppet master from afar. There cannot logically be free will under an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent creator.
You wrote, “The Christian/Catholic God is a puppet master from afar. There cannot logically be free will under an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent creator.”
And in writing this, have either implied or out and out said that from what I have written, this is what I have said, I TOTALLY DISAGREE, I have not said this, you have.
As far as you saying “logically”, to me all that that means, is that it could be beyond our understanding how this could be, is that what you mean by “logically”?
So many people, believers and non-believers alike, seem to think that if they can not figure something out than it is impossible for God to do.
Maybe, just maybe, God is a little “bigger” than we think God to be.
If God were as “small” as some seem to think, than this could very well be the case but I believe that God Is “an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent creator”, Who has given us free will but has also come up with a “PLAN” in which ALL will, ultimately, choose God using their God-given free will.
The “fact” that many, believer and non-believer alike, think that this is impossible, does not in fact make it impossible, it may just make it impossible for us to figure out but not for God to come up with a PLAN than does indeed unfold, with God’s Will coming to Fruition.
And by God’s Will I mean, “This is good and pleasing to God our savior, who wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.”