St. James:
The humans who are being tortured find no comfort in policy that is not adhered to.
Who Finds No Comfort?
The widows and widowers of those killed on 9/11 find no comfort in a bed that is cold on one side…
The children of those killed on 9/11 found no comfort on Christmas morning staring at an empty chair in front of the tree…
The wives of Iraqi National Guardsmen who fear for their husbands daily try to find comfort in the fact that their husbands are willing to risk their lives to live free…
Comfort is found
By the women of Afghanistan who wave goodbye to their sons
and daughters as they go to school able to enjoy an equality only dreamed of three years ago
By the men of Special Forces A Team 5-323 who see those children going into the school that they built with the help of some Navy SeaBees and Army Civil Affairs units. These scenes are being repeated all over Afghanistan.
By the men of a unit whose training I helped oversee prior to their deployment to Guantanamo Bay Cuba where they guard the various enemy combatants. Where those combatants attempt to abuse their guards by throwing food, feces, urine, saliva, vomit, and other bodily fluids at them. The soldiers there gain comfort from the knowledge that they have lived up to the code of an American soldier contrary to the half truths and sensationalism spread by the media and certain politicians who are less concerned with fact finding and more concerned with quote creating.
By me as I stare at my four month old daughter who is sleeping in the swing across from me as I type this. Secure in the knowledge that since 9/11, I and those others who do wear and have worn the uniform have done our best to create a safer world for her and even for you.
The papers do their damndest to do their job (which is not to report the news, it is to sell papers.) When this is all over, we ask for nothing in return. No apologies for the slander and lies written about us. No thank you for our doing our job. No rallies like those you gave to deserters and quislings. No book deals, no made for TV movies on Lifetime, just leave us alone, like you’ve done since the war began.
As for the humans who are allegedly being tortured (and ask them what torture is in their country of origin compared to how they are interrogated here. The response may surprise you) may they learn to adhere to something far more important than any policy. May they learn to adhere to the rules of civilization and respect for human life that govern the rest of us.