Gonzales: unfit for duty

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If I remember correctly, what he said was that the confirmation hearing would give them (him?) and opportunity to examine the administration’s view on torture. Although he recognized the AG candidate was only a consultant to the president, or something like that. It was a pretty convoluted reason to start preaching on the evils of torture (which is what he proceeded to do.) In this case, there was really no question asked of Gonzales by this Senator (I think it was Biden).
Examining the Administrations view on torture is rather different to what you originally implied. I thought you were talking about some mindless example of Partisanship but the question of torture is quite an important one.
Gonzales is yet another example of a Shrub appointee who is “unfit for duty”. While he is certainly more intelligent, and not as much of a screaming nutcase as John “3:16” Ashcroft, it looks like he will continue the trend set by his predecessor of trampling the Constitution, disregarding human and civil rights and pushing for a far more intrusive government. Of course, he will be confirmed easily with the help of the spineless Washington Democrats who cower in abject fear of Herr Rove and refuse to do their jobs. I have long passed the point of being surprised by anything that the Bush Cartel tries to pull, but they still manage to scare the hell out of me on an almost daily basis!
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