In my recent conversion studies, I read a lot of apologetics books, the Navarre New Testament, “Story of a Soul”, the Catechism, “Collected Works of St. John of the Cross”, some of Teresa of Avila, Fr. Dubay, Sheen, Chesterton, and others. There were many of these I would highly recommend.
However, I’m going to take a different tack here, and suggest a book that’s not a Catholic book, but I believe is indispensable in the debate about atheism and evolution. It’s called “Darwin’s Black Box”, by microbiologist Michael Behe.
Without going into detail, essentially he describes the many complex systems in each cell, and, by using analogies such as a mousetrap, demonstrates in no uncertain terms how evolution could not possibly account for getting all the pieces of these cellular systems in place in the correct proportions, orientations, etc. It would be the equivalent of all the pieces of the mousetrap (base, spring, latch, etc.) coming together in the right sizes and in the right places without intelligent intervention. “Where there’s a watch, there must be a watchmaker.”