I don’t think preference in this matter is arbitrary. I think it is important and reveals other underlying beliefs about the liturgy and the moral stance of some in the Church. One co.promise leads to another. The more compromises that are made the easier they are to make. So it begins simply with layout and decor. We move the tabernacle housing our Lord to a room down a hallway. We take out statues of saints and paint the walls beige. We put a plain table in the sanctuary.
Then scores of people leave the Church so we add guitar music. We compromise on artwork and music and now the priest is walking around during the homily making joke after joke. Then people start complaining they (still) aren’t getting anything out of church so they try different protestant churches and they really like the Baptist church because of the gospel music.
Then to try and bring people back the Catholic church takes down the crucifix, has only the small processional crucifix in the sanctuary and a 15 foot tall risen Jesus in the front and center instead.
Jesus is king of the universe. When a king called his subjects to court, those subjects often felt fear, not joy. They didnt know what demands would be made of them by their sovereign. This concept is lost in a protestant world where the only concern is about preference, choice, taste, etc.
Submitting to Church authority means submitting to those successors of the early bishops, and therefore to the apostles who conferred Holy Orders on them, and therefore to Jesus Himself who breathed the Holy Spirit on those Apostles. We should rejoice that our friends and loved ones can pray for us and that we can pray to the saints and ask that they intercede for us. Seeing their image in front of us usually helps people concentrate, not the other way around.
I don’t care if i ranted lol