Gun Carrying Catholics Armed

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This was all VERY COOL to read - and the video - lol -
and the free advertisements -
I honestly didn’t think I’d get these reactions.
My brother’s been a police officer, for 30 years almost, in our small town.
Amazing how threads can just take on a life of their own sometimes, isn’t it? 🙂 ❤️
What causes the AR-15 to be singled out? Because it looks “funny”?
I am COMPLETELY convinced this is the reason. Because no one is ever for banning the rifles that do the EXACT same thing but look like THIS (the top rifle):

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Folks - these are the same weapon.
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A polished walnut stock looks so much more business-like than the “Mattel”.
It actually does! I was just thinking that…hmmm, the top one looks pretty amazing.

We have a WWII Russian long rifle, the M1 Garand, that fires 7.62 rounds and weighs as much as my dog (kidding, but it feels like it). I keep telling my husband that’s the one I want to greet the guy who breaks into my house with…I wouldn’t have to fire it. I could just SMACK him with it.

Can you imagine meeting someone on their staircase at night and they’re toting this? (It has the bayonet too.)

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Problem is, I know I couldn’t get it out of the safe fast enough because it really does weigh a ton.
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My tinnitus started up just thinking of firing that indoors lol
I know.

Can you imagine? It would be like dropping a bomb in the house!

Between the irritated Malinois and the crazy lady on the stairs with the Bazooka I think I’d just back away quietly. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 “Uh, sorry, wrong house. Nice pictures. Have a good night!!!”
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Border enforcement is domestic law. The National Guard may work in border enforcement when it is ordered by the governor (or by invitation of the governor, when a state’s National Guard is deployed to another state). That is not to say there is nothing that federal troops (and the National Guard under the authority of the President) cannot do on the border. It is to say that without the direction of Congress they cannot take place in law enforcement actions such as arrest and doing searches.
The more the neurologists and neuroscientists study the maturation of the brain
Were they able to study the maturation of the brain before we started acting like kids can’t become adults until their mid- or late- twenties? The body adopts to the environment it’s in. If the brain is in an environment where it doesn’t need to mature, that definitely can cause a lack of maturity in the brain. I don’t pretend to be an expert in this field, so my thinking could be completely wrong, but I think it’s a pretty obvious issue. Most people my age (mid-twenties) are still trying to figure out what they want to be. 50 years ago, mid-twenties meant you’ve been in the workforce for a while and probably had at least 1-2 kids. Now, it means, you’re probably still going to school, dating casually, and still trying to “find yourself”.
same privileges at 18 years old
Except that we’re not only talking about privileges. We’re also talking about self-evident God-given rights that society/government should be safeguarding for every citizen, not restricting these rights from their citizens.
Um, well in my state every male 18 and up is considered part of the militia. So I guess you could say 19 yo woman can’t buy but that makes you sound like a bigot.
I don’t pretend to be an expert in this field, so my thinking could be completely wrong, but I think it’s a pretty obvious issue.
You kind of need to decide on that. Yes, the brain is very plastic during adolescence, so much of what you say makes sense. That doesn’t mean that is the way brains actually mature.
I think, for instance, most of us have known a person who seemed very mature at 10 or 12 who became practically unrecognizable at 13 and 15.
I have also heard grandparents saying that when they were first married they were “just kids.” They didn’t magically become 30 year olds.
Except that we’re not only talking about privileges. We’re also talking about self-evident God-given rights that society/government should be safeguarding for every citizen, not restricting these rights from their citizens.
The rights of adults are not the rights of adolescents. Many of the rights of adults are withheld from adolescents.
Border enforcement is carried out by FEDERAL agencies and is under the purvey of Federal law. Not the laws of the sovereign states. It is a Federal right, not a domestic (i.e., state) one.
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Indeed. There is widespread ignorance on the topic among those who wish to see a ban. They truly seem to have no knowledge of handguns, rifles or the Constitution. Yet, they speak as though they are experts on these. They also seem to subscribe to the foolish notion that criminals will obey any new laws which are passed.
Thank you for sharing,Monte.
Life experiences can give dramatic turns to what one thinks. Very respectable.
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This is a small sample of my own collection I built by hand those suppressors and the rifles. I’m intimately familiar with the mechanical operations of the AR and M16. With the exception of select fire capability, they are identical.

Don’t take this as me being anti gun. I think everyone should be legally required to own them 😋

I’m just saying spy isn’t wrong.
Being both a vet ( O4 - Armor) and an engineer, it is not truthful to say that they are identical. The correct term is ‘functionally similar’

The autosear and the Stoner cam are pretty major functional parts. Their presence or absence defines a major functional change.

And when you start getting into some of the piston variants, that adds even more to the differences.
Fair enough.

My main point was that the same ammo out of the same length barrel on an AR platform of either a semi-only version or a select fire capable one is going to be nearly the same for the recipient of the lead deposit.
True enough, but a bolt action .223 will produce about the same impact energy. But nobody is talking about banning Ruger M77’s or Remy 760s just because they chamber .223.
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