Harry Potter and exorcists

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And what of the Gospel allegorical elements in the series - which as the author has stated were completely explicit? What about the values of self-sacrifice, loyalty, courage, and love they teach children?
How many cases of possession due to HP have been documented?
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It doesn’t matter! To the common Joe, they don’t care. They see a hero who does spells, they wonder about it. They look into it. One of the most common religions that does spell work would be witches.

They are literally called witches in the books.
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The thing is, the “witchcraft” in Harry Potter has NOTHING to do with Wiccan and Pagan practices.
This has to be the most far-fetched statement I have ever heard. I’m not trying to be rude. But you are telling me cursing other people, spells, black magic, demons using black magic, and especially the witch’s signature flying broomstick have NOTHING to do with wicca and paganism?!
This is all true. But I think that is where it ends. He also wants to see women wearing veils to Mass too. If a woman wants to do that, it’s fine. But it’s just a tip of the iceberg. He is not a humble man.
It’s traditional and tradition is an extremely important part of the Holy Catholic Church.
What about the values of self-sacrifice, loyalty, courage, and love they teach children?
The values are decreased if practicing sin. Sin separates you from God. Practicing magic and superstition are sins not counterbalanced by apparent virtue. You’ll find both sin and God strangely absent from those kind of works, deprived of sound morality

All the evil forces present themselves full of virtue and nobility and good works, only to bring sin and evil masked and attached.
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Yep. That’s what we’re telling you. That’s what the author has told the public. There are no demons whatsoever… they do not perform spells as real life witches do… they aren’t invocations. They are natural abilities of fictional magical beings.
You have your opinion and it is fine. I have discussed him at length with many clergy and all found he was out of touch. If you feel he is ok and what he has to say is ok, that is fine.
Not one of the critics on this thread has shown even the most superficial knowledge of the books, their content, nor the author and her intent… it’s like arguing that Norway is a terrible place to live based on the third hand account of a distant cousin who once visited Norway 50 years ago…
Yep. That’s what we’re telling you. That’s what the author has told the public. There are no demons whatsoever… they do not perform spells as real life witches do… they aren’t invocations. They are natural abilities of fictional magical beings.
I don’t give a dime about what other says what. I’m glad the spells and other practices are not real but they still PROMOTE IT TO CHILDREN

This is the point I am trying to make here! They are selling the idea that occultic behaviors and these satanic practices, even if they are fake practices, they still imitate all of the chaos in the practices and satanic traditions themselves!
And guess what? The children will grow up thinking all of these things are so good for you and innocent! If I become a father I don’t want to walk in on my son chanting some spell and burning a piece of paper, (even if it is a make believe spell and he knows it wont work)! I don’t want good Christian children having these influences because these stick with them throughout their life. Even if they did try to change, it will provide them with an unnecessary battle with sin and the devil?
Lord of the Rings was the work of a devout Catholic. Have you read Tolkien’s “On Faerie Stories”? He argues the value of fairie stories (what we would call fantasy today) in expanding the imagination and preparing hearts and minds for the even more marvellous truths of the Gospel.
Which is why parents need to remind their children that this is fantasy it’s not real.
Correct. But let’s remember that there is a real spiritual world that all of these stories are imitating. These stories promote the terrible practices that brings one into war with the evils in the spiritual world.



Divination and magic

2117 All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one’s service and have a supernatural power over others - even if this were for the sake of restoring their health - are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion.
@twf @LumineDiei What exactly don’t you understand in the above quote of the catechism?
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