Has America lost basic morality?

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As I said, I am not excusing nor condoning. But try to put myself in their shoes to understand.
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But morality is complex. We did abolish slavery, but we now also allow abortion.

We would almost need a checklist of the many dimensions of morality to evaluate.
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It is about racism as a value,… People loot because … the system is dysfunctional (and it is) so they take advantage of this opportunity to take what they feel they are entitled to in justice.

People loot because they are criminals. period. That you will not acknowledge this makes me fear for you.

There is a deep assumption that blacks are inferior, dangerous and should be treated as such. Lost morality? What kind of morality justifies slavery and perpetuates the myth of white superiority?

This is a terrible, ugly lie. It simply will not withstand the smallest glance at the statistics, or the real history of the last sixty years. Go ahead and look up the facts.’

I repeat: you need to apologize. You are wrong, and what you are saying is nothing less than hate speech.
The “Fear of the LORD” is a common concept in Holy Scripture. Its meaning connotes both “reverence” and a bit of “fear or terror”.

Heaven and hell appear to be doctrines that are under-taught compared to their prominence in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John (and Revelation).

But fear of the Lord goes back to the beginning of the Bible. Abraham dissembled about his wife being his sister because he reasoned “that there was no fear of God in that place.”

Isaiah the prophet is also familiar with the concept in prophesying about a time that is probably still on it way:
     10 Get behind the rocks, 
     hide in the dust, 
     From the terror of the LORD 
     and the splendor of his majesty! 
     11 The eyes of human pride shall be lowered, 
     the arrogance of mortals shall be abased, 
     and the LORD alone will be exalted, on that day. 
     12 For the LORD of hosts will have his day 
     against all that is proud and arrogant, 
     against all that is high, and it will be brought low;
New American Bible. (2011). (Revised Edition, Is 2:10–12). Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
It is very true in my community. The Democrats are sympathizing with the rioters & looters and blaming the President for the unrest in our cities. Last I looked, I don’t see Trump or any republicans or conservatives out there burning buildings and looting stores.
The president had DC police teargas clergy. Is that close enough? @CilladeRoma
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Has America lost basic morality?..of course! People value material things not life! Some people want what you have and will take your life in a second for it! A friend of mine decided that it is time to go out and buy a weapon for protection after the rioting started. The store he went to had the gun he wanted, however, they did not have any ammunition! The salesperson stated that they sell guns and ammunition every weekend and constantly have to reorder. This is not only happening here where I live but all over the country…makes me wonder what will eventually happen. Can I feel safe in the comfort of my own home…? I wonder…
Oh, they are criminals,. I agree. and I wish they all could be prosecuted.

But how do you account for racism today or do you think it no longer exists?

What is your view of what happened to George Floyd?
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The problem isn’t Democrats or liberals. The problem is far leftists - aka anarchists, socialists and communists.

Leftists use national tragedies to push their leftist agenda, and often love to use chaos too.

This is NO different from when the leftists started attacks in Russia back in the 1917/1918, leading to the creation of the Soviet Union.

American Communists always said it would take about a hundred years before they could attempt to force communism in America… well, they are starting to make their move now.

That’s what this is people… It is communists starting to make their move.

If this was all about George Floyd, they would be listening to his brother and not damaging and vandalizing Churches by spray painting “God is Dead,” etc them.

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I was not in DC, so I cannot comment. I have seen some news reports, but I don’t always trust them.
I saw and heard with my own eyes and ears the Mayor, the police chief, state assembly members and one of our own Congressmen blame the President and outside agitators for the looting and violence that happened in my city Saturday night.
My city was not destroyed by outsiders, it was destroyed by the very people who live, work and shop there. Many store owners could identify looters as regular customers.
What happened in my city, and in many others, had absolutely nothing to do with the death of George Floyd and everything to do with the greedy, entitlement attitude of many of our citizens.
The article mentioned above states:
Fifty-plus years of the left’s smearing of American values, their opposition to the nuclear family, the promotion of the idea that out-of-wedlock births are just another lifestyle choice have, as we see now, made for a population sullied by the acceptance of abject criminality. …
When the young people we saw gleefully run from breached businesses with their hands full of stolen goods, do they take them home to their parents?

How can anyone not agree that the left in America has done their best to trash Christianity and basic morality?
When the killing of millions of unborn children doesn’t bother a person, nothing will.
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Has America lost its basic morality? Did it ever truly have a “basic morality”?

To me the most basic morality is a respect for all life. This country had slaves because black people were not considered human. Then after slavery was abolished, many people still considered them “less than human,” and some still do today. But interesting that many who support social justice / racial justice, don’t consider black unborn babies to be human. Black Americans make up 13% of the population, but 39% of all abortions. Euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, abortion, human trafficking, pornography, racism, etc., all have the common thread of a lack of respect for the dignity and value of all human life, from its natural conception to its natural end.
I think many countries have and are losing their morality as we speak. It’s just the sad state of the world. The devil is wreaking havoc. From in the mindless acts of violence, like we’ve seen in the US recently, but also see elsewhere in various other forms, to convincing people sinful things are good and celebrating them. There’s so much evil about, but good will triumph, we know this for sure. We must pray and stay strong.
On the other hand, maybe we are seeing distortions. Do the police officers involved in the killing of George Floyd and other black men represent all police? Do the looters represent all demonstrators? There will always be a few who mess it up for the rest.
This is true. if you have a march of a few thousand people for a cause, and a dozen or so of them are idiots and do stupid things, that’s how your march will be portrayed. That’s where the media reflectors will be pointed.

Having said that, there has been an awful lot of looting and violence in the USA over the last few days, not just a few idiots.
Last I looked, I don’t see Trump or any republicans or conservatives out there burning buildings and looting stores.
Last you looked? How does one determine which people in the crowd are Democrats and which are Republicans or conservatives?
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