As I said, I am not excusing nor condoning. But try to put myself in their shoes to understand.
Would that include using tear gas on Christian clergy so that a far right president can have a photo op with a book he hasn’t read, at a church he doesn’t attend, for a faith he knows nothing about?How can anyone not agree that the Left in America has done their best to trash Christianity and basic morality?
10 Get behind the rocks,
hide in the dust,
From the terror of the LORD
and the splendor of his majesty!
11 The eyes of human pride shall be lowered,
the arrogance of mortals shall be abased,
and the LORD alone will be exalted, on that day.
12 For the LORD of hosts will have his day
against all that is proud and arrogant,
against all that is high, and it will be brought low;
When the killing of millions of unborn children doesn’t bother a person, nothing will.The article mentioned above states:
Fifty-plus years of the left’s smearing of American values, their opposition to the nuclear family, the promotion of the idea that out-of-wedlock births are just another lifestyle choice have, as we see now, made for a population sullied by the acceptance of abject criminality. …
When the young people we saw gleefully run from breached businesses with their hands full of stolen goods, do they take them home to their parents?
How can anyone not agree that the left in America has done their best to trash Christianity and basic morality?
Unfortunately we are seeing increasing evidence of this culture of death, or throwaway culture.When the killing of millions of unborn children doesn’t bother a person, nothing will.
You beat me to it…Has America lost its basic morality? Did it ever truly have a “basic morality”?
Last you looked? How does one determine which people in the crowd are Democrats and which are Republicans or conservatives?Last I looked, I don’t see Trump or any republicans or conservatives out there burning buildings and looting stores.