Has America lost basic morality?

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And license is confused with “Freedom” and then “Patriotism” to defend it.
I don’t know if “basic morality” is quite the right term. Perhaps a better term would be “common civility.” E.g., a man always opened the door for a lady, and allowed her to enter first. E.g., children always obeyed their school teachers, and if they sassed back or acted up, they were punished immediately and the parents didn’t always hear about it (shock! and lawsuit!" .

These kinds of expectations are largely gone now.
I would like to add that many of the “common civilities” of the past were not good at all.

E.g., if a man beat his wife, she had no recourse. She knew better than to tell her friends or family, and if she had gone to the police, they would have told her to go home and work it out herself.

E.g., a child was totally subject to the whims of their parents, and if a parent inflicted painful punishments, there was nothing to be done. A swat on the rear of a fully-clothed (and possibly diapered) toddler is not what I’m talking about–I’m referring to all-out beatings with instruments or whips that actually made marks and drew blood.

E.g., if a man or men made sexually-suggestive comments to a woman, it was acceptable, even in a company between employees.

E.g., if someone turned a black person away from a restaurant or store, or refused to rent or sell property to a black person, or would not hire a black person–or for that matter, any minority–it was acceptable.

E.g., in certain parts of the country, if a black person or other minority didn’t kowtow to white people, calling them “sir”, lowering their head when passing by, giving up a bus seat to the white person, etc.–they could find themselves in serious trouble.

So I’m glad that many of these “common civilities” are gone from much of the U.S… I know that these things still happen in some areas, but the laws are in place to make it possible to bring action and seek recompense.
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Once a society loses its grounding in the transcendent, it will inevitably lose any meaningful sense of morality. After all, if there is nothing objective in which you ground your moral positions then morality is simply a matter of personal taste - such a moral framework is unsatisfactory and unsustainable for any society. American culture and the culture of the West is running off of the fumes of Christian civilisation and without a serious evangelistic push (not the plain cowardice and co-operation with the forces of darkness displayed by huge sections of the priesthood and episcopate at present) we are set for a dark future indeed.
No one is saying that everyone who peacefully demonstrates is part of the looters. They are not.
Annem stated that, “Hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds thousands of violent arsonists, thieves, and and brick throwing leftists…”
I think that’s a typo. I don’t think Annem was trying to say hundreds of thousands of people.

I think @Annem was trying to say hundreds or thousands of people.
Now that might be reasonable. But not what I expect from him/her.
A once Christian nation has become horrendous.
Praying for peace to prevail. I dont watch the news but racial profiling and discrimination should be abolished.
We are one race --human.
I can’t help but see it through a religious perspective. When people abandon God, there is little except the most tenuous social agreements that keep them united. The U.S. is no longer a religious nation, and even when it was (or “if” it ever was) it was founded on the Protestant ethos of individualism and rebellion–if you didn’t like something preached, form a new church or be a church unto yourself. But religion no longer has any force in the U.S.: even among certain religious groups, many Protestants, it is completely drained of its supernatural elements. Once there is no belief in the afterlife, in the final judgement, in heaven and hell, the only “morality” remaining is often just a a relative personal code of conduct that can blow with any wind. And most people, being human, chose the path of least resistance. The leftist leaning forces these days are sucking many into the vortex.
God knows what He is talking about when He tells us that without Him there is no way, or truth, or life. We seem to be destroying each other. “My people perish through lack of a vision.”
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I’m sure it’s a challenge moment to moment. And a lot of stereotypes might fall by the wayside if some of the protesters see and experience what the beat cops see and experience every day.
👍 Absolutely right, I can only say that yes we often forget the perspective of relativity & fail to see it through the eyes of the ones experiencing it day to day. Lets also not forget that the average ordinary job brings its own dangers to life, such as miners, construction workers, taxi drivers, pilots etc. I can only surmise that as we all apply our craft to better our lives, their will always be an increased risks to our safety.
Democrats are conservative in many of their viewpoints about various moral and religious issues. So yes, plenty of Democrats in the police force.
I agree that dem. & rep. approach the issue of policing from totally different points, however i am mute to the issue of right & left. I am going out on a limb here, but if i could suggest that the balance between the 2 is like a magnet at opposing ends & because one voice seems to be louder, could possibly suggest the other is out of balance. An example might say:

As the right gains momentum the left gets louder
As the left gains momentum the right gets louder

They seem to be proportionate to each other, so the fact that we are hearing more LEFTIST voices could be because the RIGHTIST are expressing stronger views, therefore making the left louder. Again this is only my own personal limited view of the left & right argument, may not even be correct, I only feel that this may be a better way of understanding the divide.
I think a lot of men and women join the police force because they see the ads on TV and think, “Hmm, I’m in pretty good shape. And the pay is good and the benefits…I could probably do that.
👍 Yes this happens a lot & suspect that its rife across many industries. You made some very good points about recruitment & selection & this is where the voting public could have & should have greater transparency & (name removed by moderator)ut into government procedures in general & yes I know they already do but maybe it needs to be even greater.
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the police force generally do a good job serving.
👍 👍 👍 99% of the time, you could say almost perfect 👍 👍 👍

The overwhelming majority of police officers are good, honest, hard working people, much more good than bad by far.
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The overwhelming majority of police officers are good, honest, hard working people, much more good than bad by far.
How much of African American fear and distrust of police is based on fears because of past history and racist acts that are now illegal and actionable? Kind of like a lot of women are positive that every other woman is judging them, whereas in reality, most women are thinking about their own troubles and “To Do” list and not paying the slighest attention to other women?

In other words, it’s all in their minds? Or…

…even tougher to answer, how much of African American fear and distrust of police is warranted, because the crime rate in African American neighborhoods is, like it or not, much higher than the crime rate in many white neighborhoods. In an earlier post (on this thread?), I mentioned that during COVID-19, we have had crimes almost every day, including battery, robbery, possession and sales of illegal drugs (not pot), sexual assault, and shootings (including 4 fatal shootings), and ALL of the alleged perpetrators arrested have been black. Sorry, but…it just makes sense that the cops would be more present and watchful in neighborhoods where crime seems to be out of control. Would the African American community prefer that the cops leave them alone to deal with these criminals themselves?

You see, this is the kind of comment and question that would get me in trouble if I asked it in a public setting like work or my local newspaper. I would be labelled “racist” for pointing these things out. That’s one reason why things don’t seem to improve for the African American community–an unwillingness to accept and deal with reality. It’s easier to blame “racism” than to accept responsibility and make badly-needed adjustments in daily life.

E.g., half of the African American teen males drop out of high school in our city–this is one reason for the high unemployment rate among African Americans, at least in our city. I would like to see a protest march by African Americans against their own young men dropping out of high school, and demands that their families, neighborhoods, churches, and TEACHERS do a better job of raising their young men and KEEPING them in school until they graduate with a diploma, and DEMANDING that the street gangs STAY AWAY from their young men until they have graduated from high school! Again, this comment would be construed by many as racist, even though the stats are NOT racist, they are true, provable facts. I wouldn’t dare say anything like this in public. A lot of white people feel the same way, so as the Germans did during the Nazi years, we keep our mouths shut so we won’t get in trouble.
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It’s not as simple as telling African Americans to pull themselves up and do better.
Racism is systemic. Racism contributes heavily to poverty, both material and spiritual. Poverty becomes generational; it is passed down from one generation to the next as the family becomes stuck in ways of living, and society does not do much to help them out of it. Throwing money at poor people helps them in the immediate, but it doesn’t break the cycle.

I mentor a young black man. This systematic racism is very real for him. He gets no slack from any part of life. He is singled out by police. He is stuck in an impoverished home where virtues are nonexistent. He has a learning deficit, probably due in large part to the lack of virtues. He has none of the societal benefits that white people come to expect: A justice system that actually cares to help people instead of wharehousing first and asking questions later. A mother who can get a good paying job, who has the time to read to him and can spend lap time.
My kid was sent to DH for a charge that was completely false. He spent two weeks in a juvenile detention home while prosecutors did nothing to verify charges, and those charges were completely false. The experience ruined one whole summer for him. This would have never happened to a cute white kid.

These things don’t change by individual will power only. It takes the cooperation of the whole society combined with the responsibility of the individual.
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I truly admire your view & am honored that you feel free enough to speak your true mind. It is refreshing to see that we as an entire species can have civil, intelligent discussion without believing we are being racist. YOU ARE SIMPLY EXPRESSING AN OPINION & POINT OF VIEW & the fact that many may think this is politically incorrect, seems to oppress the true intention of openness, honesty with no malice at all. We are all only striving to respect, care, love & have dignity for all people.

This is reason, understanding & debate where 2 or more opposite views collide, should never be a point of racism, we must all turn this around & maybe start to consider it a starting point to better negotiate the views. Instead we become stubborn & emotional when opposing views can not be consolidated & this descends into all sorts of things with racism being just one of them.
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These things don’t change by individual will power only. It takes the cooperation of the whole society combined with the responsibility of the individual.
Unfortunately the riots have set back changes that were occurring in some predominantly black neighborhoods. Here in Detroit there were markets opening up with fresh food and produce. I am extrapolating from there to other cities admittedly but I can see such changes being reversed and more black children getting their dinners from gas stations and convenience stores, as they were before.
In terms of society, yes. However, there are still many American Catholics who truly seek sanctity or at least try to live a just life.

This is also true in regards to other western countries.
America has a ton of good qualities and many, many good people who strive to lead a truly morally upright life. However, unfortunately our founding principles and documents exclude–or have been interpreted to exclude–a necessary principle for a truly just society.

Bl. Pius IX, Quanta Cura:
  1. And, since where religion has been removed from civil society, and the doctrine and authority of divine revelation repudiated, the genuine notion itself of justice and human right is darkened and lost, and the place of true justice and legitimate right is supplied by material force, thence it appears why it is that some, utterly neglecting and disregarding the surest principles of sound reason, dare to proclaim that “the people’s will, manifested by what is called public opinion or in some other way, constitutes a supreme law, free from all divine and human control; and that in the political order accomplished facts, from the very circumstance that they are accomplished, have the force of right.” But who, does not see and clearly perceive that human society, when set loose from the bonds of religion and true justice, can have, in truth, no other end than the purpose of obtaining and amassing wealth, and that (society under such circumstances) follows no other law in its actions, except the unchastened desire of ministering to its own pleasure and interests?
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Yes yes yes! I’m currently reading Liberty: The God That Failed by Christopher Ferrara and it’s very interesting.
I haven’t read that book, but the Church advocates for liberty, but always circumscribed by the objective moral order and the common good (and the common good must be understood as including man’s ultimate good as revealed by God). As Pope Pius noted above and the Catechism notes below, liberty ends up being destroyed when these higher ends are not acknowledged:

CCC 2244:
Only the divinely revealed religion has clearly recognized man’s origin and destiny in God, the Creator and Redeemer. The Church invites political authorities to measure their judgments and decisions against this inspired truth about God and man: Societies not recognizing this vision or rejecting it in the name of their independence from God are brought to seek their criteria and goal in themselves or to borrow them from some ideology. Since they do not admit that one can defend an objective criterion of good and evil, they arrogate to themselves an explicit or implicit totalitarian power over man and his destiny, as history shows.51
Once there is no belief in the afterlife, in the final judgement, in heaven and hell, the only “morality” remaining is often just a a relative personal code of conduct that can blow with any wind.
Once there is no belief in God, in Jesus Christ, relativism takes over. Without foundations of morality, there is no ethical code that can guide society.
Yes. Or was basic morality in place originally, therefore it may not have been lost, just got sidetracked on the way there.
What has happened to us? The breakdown of the family, that’s what has happened. The absence of both parents from so many homes, the failure to teach right from wrong to our children, the lack of consequences for bad behavior – all of this has contributed.
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