Nepotism is still quite common in many rural police forces at least and most state police forces(those that are responsible for patrolling highways and remote areas) along with county sheriff departments are overwhelmingly white northern European in origin, they are not under pressure to recruit left wingers let alone ethnic minorities. Something has to change when it comes to police recruitment, it has to change fast.
Minneapolis is very liberal and is definitely not rural or remote. So is NYC, LA, Chicago, etc. I cannot imagine a police force in these cities getting away with nepotism or turning away minorities. It would be a scandal in these cities.
I think it’s possible that many liberals find guns so detestable that they cannot bring themselves to pursue a career in law enforcement. I’m not criticizing this–I respect the peace-loving attitude that rejects guns and other deadly weapons. But it means that these people will not become police officers. There are other careers that help law enforcement, though, that liberals populate; e.g., many lawyers hold very liberal views (at least in public), and of course, many lawyers end up involved in politics.
Our city has a respectable number of African American police men and women on the police force. They vigorously recruit African Americans, Latinos, and Asians. I see a lot more African American cops than white cops, at least in our city in Northern Illinois.
There is a reason why there are many white cops in rural and remote areas–there really aren’t a lot of African Americans who live in these areas! It’s not prejudice by the police departments–it’s practicality! However, we have a fairly large number of Latinos who have moved into the farms and small towns–one of the farms near my family’s farm is owned by a Mexican family who raises prize horses.
Keep in mind that many cities and towns have requirements that their police actually LIVE in the city or town (or at least the county) where they serve as officers. Our city has this rule, and many of us think it’s a good rule, not likely to be changed.
Another thing you have to keep in mind is that even though television makes it appear that there are large numbers of African Americans, they are still a minority–around 19% of our population. So it’s not always easy for cities to recruit African Americans because there aren’t that many of them.
Finally, sadly, at least in our city, 50% of African American young men DROP OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL. I have not heard the statistics for African American young women. This means that all of these young men are NOT eligible to apply for the police force, as the educational requirement is a high school diploma or equilivent. They could go for their GED, or they could go back to school and finish high school at our city’s excellent Adult Alternative High School (which features a day care center and other amenities that make it more feasible for younger and older adults to go back to school). But they won’t be eligible to apply to to be a police officer until they have that diploma or equivalent.