Adults don’t hit each other or throw things at each other. Period.
Counseling for you both.
If you had an adult who would quibble with that or would make it a habit, sure.
This is kind of along the lines of “Would you see a doctor”?
If you had one instance of gross overeating, as an example, you’d ask yourself these questions: Why did I do this? Do I think it is OK? Could it in any way be described as habitual or something problematic that is getting progressively worse? Am I using this behavior to cope with a problem that I am not facing directly? Have I decided it is not OK and yet failed to control myself thereafter? Is this a severe instance, such as would be characteristic of a bulimic, or an instance of letting my guard down about a problem I should be vigilant about in myself?
If the incident is not severe and not habitual, then examining why it happened in this case and taking steps so as not to repeat it may well be all that is required. I guess I’d advocate keeping a diary of times that you or your spouse don’t manage your anger appropriately and then re-visiting that down the line. I think that an honest appraisal of that would indicate whether your problematic anger is something that warrants professional help.
In the analogy, there are those of us who have no problem controlling our eating and those of us who struggle with it. Not everybody who struggles with gluttony needs to see a physician or a nutrition expert about it. They do all need to face that this is something they cannot afford to ignore or make light of in the future. Gluttony is gluttony, and it is not something a healthy soul tolerates. Likewise, anger. When it crosses the line from emotion to sin, you can’t afford to ignore that spiritual fault.
Keep an eye on how you handle your anger in your marriage. If the problem does not come under control by facing up to it and making its management a joint project, then a visit to a marriage counsellor might be the best money you ever spent.
This is very important, and I think you know that. Couples split over stuff like this and people involve courts over stuff like this. If even one more “red flag” incident happens–and this does make the level of a red flag incident–deal with it immediately and in no uncertain terms.
By the way, I don’t think you’re the only couple who is in this borderline region when it comes to anger management. You brought up something that many couples struggle with, some of whom ignore the problem, and with devasting effect, others of whom do not realize how much an improvement in this area will improve their lives as a whole. It was a brave post, and a good one. Thanks for that.