Heated Oval Office meeting included talk of special counsel, martial law as Trump advisers clash

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From the article - “… two people familiar with the matter said”

So they are not direct witness to this meeting, and remain unknown.

I am not certain this is credible news.
From the article - “… two people familiar with the matter said”

So they are not direct witness to this meeting, and remain unknown.

I am not certain this is credible news.
This was originally reported by Maggie Haberman of the New York Times.

Her sources have been proven correct countless times in the past four years, by people admitting they were the source or people under oath confirming the things she reported.

I believe her. I believe that Michael Flynn would say such things. I believe Sidney Powell has a problem and is putting forth outlandish theories and courses of action.

I am also appalled that Flynn, a security risk and admitted felon, was actually in the Oval.
It sounds like General Flynn and some other person was pushing for this. Well, if we have an election with interference from a foreign government, if it is serious enough, it’s a constitutional duty to enact some sort of measurements. Just the way it is.
We only have to endure this garbage for one more month. Lest he think he can somehow use the military to overturn the results somehow, I am encouraged by the words of the Army general at my nephew’s induction ceremony, “It is our duty to uphold the constitution of the United States, no matter who is commander-in-chief.”

I don’t think trying military means will end well for him.
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It sounds like General Flynn and some other person was pushing for this. Well, if we have an election with interference from a foreign government, if it is serious enough, it’s a constitutional duty to enact some sort of measurements . Just the way it is.
Whoa! Now it’s interference from a foreign government?

I thought it was a cabal of Republican and Democratic elections officials, Dominion Voting Systems, Smartmatic, Hugo Chavez and the Village People.
It sounds like General Flynn and some other person was pushing for this. Well, if we have an election with interference from a foreign government, if it is serious enough, it’s a constitutional duty to enact some sort of measurements . Just the way it is.
I’m absolutely speechless.

I assume then you’re in favour of a thorough investigation of the 2016 election where foreign interference was also alleged.
Trump making as much noise as he can prior to being kicked out of the White House. This is really just an exercise in Trump setting up his media presence post eviction
The author knows the source. She doesn’t tell us the source to protect them.

No one knew who deep throat was for decades.

(Fixed the typo)
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Just for giggles- any ideas what these measures would look like?
if it is serious enough, it’s a constitutional duty to enact some sort of measurements . Just the way it is.
It is never a constitutional duty to shred the Constitution. That is absurd. There are no measures. Any attempt to subvert the government elected, the Biden presidency, at this point should be met with charges of treason and immediate imprisonment.
Just for giggles- any ideas what these measures would look like?
She said “measurements”.

Perhaps she meant “a ten-foot pole”… which is about the length of pole with which one shouldn’t touch the Constitution.
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The source does not appear to have personal knowledge of the events.
Just to clarify, are you saying that the meeting didn’t happen, that the source lied to Maggie Haberman, or that Maggie Haberman made it up?

Or that you don’t like the story?
I would not worry too much. It is just next level insanity from a lame-duck president who is using drama in an attempt to stay in the press.
It makes no difference of sources were first hand, this still serves his purpose.
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