Heated Oval Office meeting included talk of special counsel, martial law as Trump advisers clash

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Just to clarify, are you saying that the meeting didn’t happen, that the source lied to Maggie Haberman, or that Maggie Haberman made it up?

Or that you don’t like the story?
I am saying I have doubts the events happened.
The story does not appear to have solid sources, instead it is simply second hand information from sources that are “familiar with” the meeting.

Honestly, when I worked in a hospital, the board would meet every quarter. I would set up any IT requirements.
I had no idea what went on during the meeting…but I was “familiar with” the meeting.
I am saying I have doubts the events happened.
Are you saying you don’t think Flynn would mention martial law and Sidney Powell wouldn’t try to get named Special Prosecutor?

Well, after the meeting the white house lawyers did indeed send a memo to employees telling them to preserve all communication with Powell or about Dominion Voting Systems. They anticipate litigate with them as defendants.

I think it’s believable.
As there has not been anything out of the Oval Office acknowledging the defeat, and as he has made the statement he has the power to do whatever he wants, this sort of statement is in keeping with the character, or better yet, lack of character, of the incumbent, though I seriously doubt he will be willing to face prison time over it.
Considering that I have read nothing of a violation of the law, that seems likely.
I was referring to the possibility that he is considering a coup by ignoring the new president and attempting to continue as president after his term Constitutionally ends. Treason is still a crime for a president.
All things being equal, at noon on January 20 Trump is no longer President. Biden will be sworn in and will be the President.

Trump would become a tresspasser if he was in the white house. If he’s pretending to be President from Mar-a-lago, no one would listen and it would just be sad.
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My fear is that some of his supporters will listen, and that it could get ugly.
Yeah, its his supporters outside government just bloviating . To take up arms, or support him insiDE government would be sedition, wouldn’t it?
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If he’s pretending to be President from Mar-a-lago, no one would listen and it would just be sad.
He can’t even live in Mar-a-Lago, actually. And folks there have already made it clear that they expect the agreement he made to be enforced.
He can’t even live in Mar-a-Lago, actually. And folks there have already made it clear that they expect the agreement he made to be enforced.
Be interesting to see. Apparently Mar-a-lago hasn’t been sending required reports to the city every year.
Which means his vote was potentially illegal since he registered with a phony address
The sedition is being planned out loud.

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The sedition is being planned out loud.
The good news is that the merely far right, like Bill Barr, are fleeing from this as fast as they can. The bad news is that there are extremists that are willing to advance this kind of nonsense. Are there are enough Trump dead-enders to create real problems on or after Jan 20? I don’t think so. I hope not. But we won’t know until we get there.
Are there are enough Trump dead-enders to create real problems on or after Jan 20? I don’t think so. I hope not. But we won’t know until we get there.
I think the Democrats should fight to not seat the incoming Representatives that have said they’re part of the plot. Marjorie Taylor -Green and Crawford from North Carolina. At least.
They can try, but they won’t get far, and they’ll pay dearly for it.
How do they refuse to seat someone? Is it a ceremonial gesture only?
How do they refuse to seat someone? Is it a ceremonial gesture only?
I think that courts have ruled they have to seat the member and then expel them. Needs 2/3 votes, so probably not viable.
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