If 3 people hold 3 different views about what the logical truth is, how do we determine their validity?
In typical sense we default to the majority opinion in general but history shows that can often be quite wrong.
BUT in this sense you are largely in the mega minority among laymen and scientists alike as you deny the sciences of your peers and laymen. But then you hold that you have the correct logic and everyone else is wrong.
There are 2 possibilities in this regard:
- You are a super duper genius who has found the total truth of logic and are living before your time.
- You are in some cases just wrong and hardheaded
As I mentioned before popular opinion is not always a guaranteed correct way of thinking in any particular avenue, however the issue is less that you are reinventing the wheel as you may at times have a somewhat valid point, but you are having discussions with people based purely on your own sciences and you are largely unyielding to concession.
It has the feel as though you are saying something akin to thing:
Gravity does not exist, therefore someone explain how we stay on the ground.
Everyone says gravity…
therefore you say they are not answering your question because correct logic says gravity does not exist.
Then we get the feeling of :banghead: