Hello Catholics...

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Marys daughter:
You have this wonderful way about you Richard. And you totally ignore people when they are being jerky to you.

When I encounter an Internet Bully, its SO…HARD…FOR…ME…TO…SHUT…UP!

And there is just one too many bullies over there for me. My fault, I’m sure.

You keep Rockin Richard!
Not all of us CARM folk are so bad. 😉 Browse some of the less “intense” boards. I personally like WHINE…good times over there. 🙂

I’ve been posting on baptist.org. I’m trying to educate and defend the faith against the ignorance and lies that prevail there against the Catholic church. I posted so many times that I didn’t get banned, I got my own Catholicism board.

I’m still working on that board to defend the faith, but also addressing the KJV only crowd.

It’s amazing what “truths” they believe about the Catholic Church and the “Roman” Bible. One person insists that the Deutero-canonical books of the Bible were “found in a trash can outside of a monastery”. It took some digging to find out that he meant the great Codex Sinaiticus.

I think I am reaching some people, at least educating them, although the moderator is a tough nut to crack.
Not all of us CARM folk are so bad. 😉 Browse some of the less “intense” boards. I personally like WHINE…good times over there. 🙂

Love many of you and a few of the bullies too!

I’ve just been there too long! Seeing the same people moan and groan about the same old stuff…see them ask the same question every few months as if they have never heard the answer before, just so they have something else to complain about :rolleyes:

Just ignore me, I got very grumpy before I left :o
Not all of us CARM folk are so bad. 😉 Browse some of the less “intense” boards. I personally like WHINE…good times over there. 🙂

mango_2003, I don’t think CARM folks are bad. My experience, however, is that most “Apologists to Catholics” are too complacent to engage their minds with what the Catholic Church really says. They are too busy attempting to refute Catholic teaching to honestly examine anything said to them. They face anything Catholic “will first” instead of “intellect first”. Again, such people are not necessarily bad, but they can become incredibly tiresome after a while.

I think that if I saw an Evangelical really take the time to try to understand Catholic teaching so as to be able to discuss it without making their prime (and all too obvious) objective to refute it/ bury it/ blow it away, then they might get me to listen to them a little bit more.

I took a brief look at the CARM site. I didn’t see anything like what I’ve read about here, but it wouldn’t surprise me. We Catholics have a certain problem with triumphalism, but Protestants who like to debate or evangelize simply don’t seem to care that they’re committing the sin of bearing false witness. I debated a guy at the Protest Warrior Forum board for quite a while. No matter how many times I told him what we believed, he’d change the subject. He misstated things I wrote and finally, when pinned on a sola scriptura debate, practically started creating new words so he wouldn’t lose.

Ric, you seem like a nice enough guy here, but if you’re browsing this board for any length of time you’ll get an idea of what we believe. I sincerely hope you’re correcting the less-than-sincere ideologues over at CARM. And doesn’t the feel and tone of this place seem like an oasis after being in such an apparent hate-fest as CARM?
My name is Ric and I am a moderator at CARM.

Are there any people here who post at CARM think that I am unfair?

Thanks. 🙂
I was flabbergasted when you were made a moderator on the Catholic board at CARM.

Your postings caused me to think you don’t believe Catholics are Christian. Especially when you would post “And all God’s children say AMEN!” to some blatantly anti-Catholic gibberish.

You would tell folks to Grow up. To leave you alone. You just seemed too juvenile for the job.

But you have rather proved yourself. I’m not sure if you have to run every decision by Diane before you make it or not. But you have been tempered a bit since you have become moderator. I was concerned that I would be banned the first day you had the position. But you’ve been moderator for a bit now and I’ve not been banished yet.

Keep up the good work, Ric.
who becomes a moderator instantly “tones it down.”

They take their new position seriously, so they become more “fair” themselves.

Um, someone mentioned the big the problem of “bearing false witness” Yep, happens almost every day. Once you’re there awhile it just seems so normal you foget that the persons soul is in serious jepordy for it.

And on the Cath board, the “Masterful Subject Change” has been perfected to an art 😛
I was flabbergasted when you were made a moderator on the Catholic board at CARM.

Your postings caused me to think you don’t believe Catholics are Christian. Especially when you would post “And all God’s children say AMEN!” to some blatantly anti-Catholic gibberish.

You would tell folks to Grow up. To leave you alone. You just seemed too juvenile for the job.

But you have rather proved yourself. I’m not sure if you have to run every decision by Diane before you make it or not. But you have been tempered a bit since you have become moderator. I was concerned that I would be banned the first day you had the position. But you’ve been moderator for a bit now and I’ve not been banished yet.

Keep up the good work, Ric.
Hi there!

Actually to let you know the truth I don’t run anything by Diane or anyone else, I have been given complete control over the decisions I make on the board. I have asked a question or two, but I have been given the power to ban at will.

I’m sorry you think I was “too juvenile for the job”, but I will always keep God’s Word true to His Word no matter what. And I am still that way. Plus you also will still see my “And of of God’s children said ‘Amen!’” from time to time. 🙂

I said I would always be fair, and I will not censer any opinions or beliefs - and believe it or not I have not been nor will I ever be “anti-catholic”. Granted I have made statements that I should not have in the past, and might do so again without thinking - this I apologize for 100%!

God Bless!
Hi all!

Personally, I’m on hiatus from non-Catholic forums for awhile. I recently left faithforums.org. If you want some tough “nuts” to crack, then go there under their doctrinal discussions thread. I have yet to meet a Protestant who genuinely wants to know what the Catholic Church teaches just for the sake of knowing or growing in their own faith walk. I just found the whole experience to be rather fruitless although just about all of the Protestants on that board are pretty darn decent folks overall. Catholic bashing is rare thank God. Every once in awhile a real nut will show up but they don’t last for long. The moderators there do a pretty good job. My only “beef” is that none of them really are interested in the Catholic view on anything. Maybe it’s just me? I don’t know. - God bless! - Mfaustina1
I have during the last year dealt with the carm website and found the interaction to be anything but Christian. Having read some theologians’ books where the content, logic and arguments were impressive, I found the tone of carm to be immature and of little theological substance.
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