HELP my parents want me to go to college!

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**Do you really want your parents to spend $50,000 to $100,000 just so you can meet potential Catholic men? I think Ave Maria singles is much cheaper:)

However if you are wanting more from college than just that then go. But I would discern what you really want from life first!**
sounds like what the girl would benefit from is some professional counseling…she might ask someone at her parish for recommendations close to home that will have a Catholic approach perhaps. (btw, that doesn’t mean she is nuts, in case she is reading this, but that every now and then an impartial 3rd party with experience she can trust will help, not just here…remember you get what you pay for!)

going to college “just” to meet guys is a bit short sighted but frankly a lot of young people do acknowledge that is one of the perks of college. maybe while there she’ll discover something new about herself and/or what she wants…probably shouldn’t go to an expensive school her first year however…maybe a local state school or junior college with a Catholic Newman Club to see if she has the drive to finish a 4 year institution, otherwise it’s 4 years of wasted tuition!

websites like ours are great, but for those at that age they are more likely to experience dating within their school environment. the girl is only 17 remember…she has a lot of growing up left, and we all remember that at 17 we think we know it all. the fact she says her family wants her to attend college just to meet guys and that might not even be fully true. good luck to her and may she continue to pray for guidance.
A good idea is to get a job at the Catholic university that you would consider attending. Then, you will get a break in tuition if you do want to go in the future. And, you are on campus around those good Catholic men.

I would say Ave Maria too, because it is in Florida. Much warmer. 😉

Despite what some say, I think that finding a good Catholic spouse is a good reason to go to a Catholic college.

However, I wouldn’t recommend lots of college debt for anyone who aspires to be a SAHM or to be married to one.

Good luck again!
College is not a meat market and that line of thinking leads to the campus culture that is prevelant at todays universities. Yes, even Catholic, ok in some cases ESPECIALLY CATHOLIC universities.
Is there a missionary/volunteer position that someone could get without a college degree? Would you consider doing that through a Catholic organization? That’s just another route instead of college and/or working for money.
Yes exactly! I am looking right now for some sort of catholic organization. College is a last resort in my plans. I will have a way to support myself once I am married I am doing a business that my mom does. So no need to worry about that.
I just think college is over rated. I am sure I would have fun. But if I know I am going to be a mom what a waste of time just " getting to find myself". lol Thank you but no thank you I am one young lady who get her head srewed on right. I would be paying for it myself and getting scholorships and such. So my parents don’t have to worry about that.

So for now I will just wait and see if God wants me to go to college.

God Bless,
Yes exactly! I am looking right now for some sort of catholic organization. College is a last resort in my plans. I will have a way to support myself once I am married I am doing a business that my mom does. So no need to worry about that.
I just think college is over rated. I am sure I would have fun. But if I know I am going to be a mom what a waste of time just " getting to find myself". lol Thank you but no thank you I am one young lady who get her head srewed on right. I would be paying for it myself and getting scholorships and such. So my parents don’t have to worry about that.

So for now I will just wait and see if God wants me to go to college.

God Bless,
If you think college is over-rated, then don’t waste your time. You may soak in some training with that mindset, but you’re unlikely to get an education.

College is not for everybody. It is not even for all extremely good students who could blow away any major they set their hand to. Continuing your education beyond high school, beyond college, that is something that I’d hope everyone is interested in. That isn’t necessarily something you need to quit your job and pay someone else to do for you.

I say this as a person with a PhD. We intend to make sure that our kids apply themselves in school so that they will have the choice to attend college and will have earned the best spot they are capable of earning. We intend to save money to help them, should they decide to go to college. We aren’t going to try to force an education on a grown-up.

To pursue or not pursue post-secondary education is a decision for an adult, and one that only the adult can make.

Let’s not have any of this “MRS degree” talk, though. College is not a meat-market, college enrollment is not a spousal hunting licence, and husbands and wives are not trophies. It is repugnant to make them into that.

There is an old joke of a saying: Don’t marry for money. Hang around rich people and marry for love. It has some truth to it, though. If something is really important to you, associate with people who also value that. That is the group of people that will naturally connect you to the person you’re looking for.

Now, if you were academically inclined and looking for someone also academically inclined, then college would provide you with a circle of friends and acquaintance who might well hook you up with someone of a like mind. But if they didn’t…what of it? You’d still be in your element, doing something you think is important and rewarding.

But is your perfect guy really someone who is putting himself through school at his parent’s insistence, even though he also thinks that college is over-rated? I wouldn’t bet the farm on it…but if you wanted to find him, getting a job on-campus as a barista would be sufficient to meet the people who’d steer him your way.

That you’re thinking along the lines of a Catholic organization to meet that goal…you have the idea. 👍
Having read your other threads, I’m wondering why I’m even bothering to post, Kasi, because it seems like you pretty quickly dismiss or ignore everyone who tells you something you don’t want to hear :o

But my :twocents: is: Meditate on Matthew 25: 14-30.
Be educated. If you get married and have children, you will serve your children better by being educated. How could you homeschool them WELL without being educated yourself? If you don’t homeschool, how could you assist with their studies if you are not educated yourself?

Get an education.
I never finished college but stopped around my juinor year.

I, too, have chosen to remain home with my kids.

Guess what? I value those years in college. So much that I have learned has helped me be a better mother.
Going to college teaches you far more than just what you learn in the classroom. You learn time management, prioritization skills, social interaction and negotiation skills. Yes, you can learn these things being a stay a home mom or wife, but if you ever need a fall back plan should your business not do well or your husband can’t work, you need to be able to take care of your family.

My mother always taught me to be self sufficient. We no longer live in a world where we can be guaranteed of a husband who can support us for the rest of our lives and we can stay and home and be wife and mother. We need to make sure that we can take care of ourselves and/or our families if that time comes.

Even if you have a family business that you are planning on, make sure you always have a fall back plan.

Even if you don’t go to college, at least do SOMETHING other than just going husband hunting!! :eek:

Be educated. If you get married and have children, you will serve your children better by being educated. How could you homeschool them WELL without being educated yourself? If you don’t homeschool, how could you assist with their studies if you are not educated yourself?

Get an education.
You need a college education to teach kids up through a high school level? Gee, most of the Catholic nuns who ran Catholic schools in past decades never even had a college degree. I don’t think that getting through high school and studying what you like on your own (as Kasi is suggesting) makes you uneducated. Even Cardinal George notes well that most colleges and universities these days really are nothing more than glorified trade schools.
Going away to college was HANDS DOWN the best thing I ever did. I met awesome friends who I still hang out with today. I learned a lot academically, and personally. Yes some of it was frivoulous. Like my math courses 🙂 and some totally useful like how to funnel a beer…wait maybe I have those backwards?

I learned how to balance my checkbook. I learned how to manage my time between work, school and play. I learned how to be self sufficient. I learned how to do laundry. That one I tried not to learn… I had a very substantial wardrobe at graduation 🙂 I learned how to make fake rice krispie treats in the cafeteria. I learned how to be a good friend. I learned how to graph a parabola. I learned how to write a good sounding paper of absolute nonsense. I learned life skills. I gained knowledge.

I have a boyfriend. I can tell you right now that none of the guys I dated or am friends with would even think to date someone who they felt they were going to have to financially support for their entire lives. A lot of guys feels it’s a self respect issue. Do you value your brain over your physical attributes? Cause while guys do like the physical stuff… most realize that hair goes gray and wrinkles set in, and you other assets might be hanging around your knees but if you can keep them mentally engaged in conversations, and make them laugh they don’t mind the other stuff. My boyfriend has told me many times I’m the smartest person he knows… if he excludes the math stuff.

Think about it this way. Girls always want to date the bad boy. They are fun, exciting, and you never know whats coming. Yet they always marry the geek. WHo’s kind loving and accepting.

It’s the same in reverse.
I learned how to balance my checkbook. I learned how to manage my time between work, school and play. I learned how to be self sufficient. I learned how to do laundry. That one I tried not to learn… I had a very substantial wardrobe at graduation 🙂 I learned how to make fake rice krispie treats in the cafeteria. I learned how to be a good friend. I learned how to graph a parabola. I learned how to write a good sounding paper of absolute nonsense. I learned life skills.
You didn’t learn any of those things until college?
I gained knowledge.
Reminds me of the old song:

I’m running off to college
to gain a lot of knowledge
I’ll probably never, ever use again!
You didn’t learn any of those things until college?

Reminds me of the old song:

I’m running off to college
to gain a lot of knowledge
I’ll probably never, ever use again!
Some of it I learned (not the laundry) before. but it wasn’t retained til I was forced to do it on my own. The fake rice krispie treats are something I think you only learn in college. Steal the marshmallows from the lucky charms. Add rice krispies, Add water. Put in microwave. and Voila yummy sticky goodness.
ok I know I am anti-college but my mom is convinced that is the only way I will ever meet anyone! So I need advice! I only want to get married but there are not young catholics where I live. What are some good catholic colleges? Where I can get my MRS degree?

Thanks and God bless
I think you need to pray about the vocation of marriage. It sounds as if you are very immature when it comes to what college and marriage is. College was the best time of my life. I grew more as a person than any other time.I learned who i was and what i wanted out of my future life. I went to college to better myself. Not necessarly for the education but to show my future emloyers that when i make a commitment i can fullfil it to the end. I also learned more about time managment and how to scarifice and budget money, friends and God.

You need to be completely 100% whole in yourself before you can even think of marrying someone. College is a great time to learn that. If you can’t afford college then take some time to learn about yourself without the pressure that you have to do something by the time your such and such age (ex being married and having a kid by the time your 25) It puts exeptation on you and limits God’s plan if YOU decide when you want those things instead of if and when God is going to provide those things for you.

When i look back on my life i am very grateful that i didn’t marry the man i dated in college. We wouldn’t have worked. The women I am today is looking for someone completely different because she herself is completely different person. I don’t think the 18year old would recongnize the 26 year old today.

Be friends with guys and find out what you truely want in a partner. Do not rush into a relationship or settle just so you can get your “life started”. Yes marriage may be your goal but you have a lot of life from now until then to live. Embrace it and enjoy it!
Some of it I learned (not the laundry) before. but it wasn’t retained til I was forced to do it on my own. The fake rice krispie treats are something I think you only learn in college. Steal the marshmallows from the lucky charms. Add rice krispies, Add water. Put in microwave. and Voila yummy sticky goodness.
See, I tricked it out of ya without even having to pay for 3 credit hours or a semester in the dorm! 😛
Going away to college was HANDS DOWN the best thing I ever did. I met awesome friends who I still hang out with today. I learned a lot academically, and personally. Yes some of it was frivoulous. Like my math courses 🙂 and some totally useful like how to funnel a beer…wait maybe I have those backwards?

I learned how to balance my checkbook. I learned how to manage my time between work, school and play. I learned how to be self sufficient. I learned how to do laundry. That one I tried not to learn… I had a very substantial wardrobe at graduation 🙂 I learned how to make fake rice krispie treats in the cafeteria. I learned how to be a good friend. I learned how to graph a parabola. I learned how to write a good sounding paper of absolute nonsense. I learned life skills. I gained knowledge.

I have a boyfriend. I can tell you right now that none of the guys I dated or am friends with would even think to date someone who they felt they were going to have to financially support for their entire lives. A lot of guys feels it’s a self respect issue. Do you value your brain over your physical attributes? Cause while guys do like the physical stuff… most realize that hair goes gray and wrinkles set in, and you other assets might be hanging around your knees but if you can keep them mentally engaged in conversations, and make them laugh they don’t mind the other stuff. My boyfriend has told me many times I’m the smartest person he knows… if he excludes the math stuff.

Think about it this way. Girls always want to date the bad boy. They are fun, exciting, and you never know whats coming. Yet they always marry the geek. WHo’s kind loving and accepting.

It’s the same in reverse.
Outstanding!!! 👍

btw - I learned how to prop a table top ironing board into the dresser drawers to make it like a “real” ironing board! After I was on my own I ironed like that for 4 years before I bought a real one - it was one of the best things I ever spent zillions of dollars on to learn!! 😃

Dear Kasi,

I’m not going to tell you that you should go to college. 🙂

I have a sister who started going to college, discovered it wasn’t for her, and dropped out. My mother wanted me to have a talk with my sister and try to get her to go back. However, when I spoke to my sister, I quickly agreed with her reasons for leaving, and supported the decision she’d made.

In my sister’s case, she was able to find jobs that made use of her natural talents and high school education … and one of these jobs led her to her husband. My sister now has children and works part time so she can spend time with the kids. 👍

In my case, I went to college and loved it, but never married. So if you go to college only to find a husband, let me tell you there’s no guarantee it’s gonna happen! * lol * 😛

Either way, God knows best what is right for you, and the future He intends for you. Best advice? Pray, listen for God’s Will, and be open to follow Him.

~~ the phoenix
ok I know I am anti-college but my mom is convinced that is the only way I will ever meet anyone! So I need advice! I only want to get married but there are not young catholics where I live. What are some good catholic colleges? Where I can get my MRS degree?
It is a fact of life that not everyone is cut out for or deserving of a college education. At the top of that list is anyone who has absolutely no motivation for nor appreciation of what completing that level of education means or the doors it will open for you–both professionally and personally.

Without any offense intended, you sound more like an immature and defiant girl than a mature woman with well-considered, long-term life goals. Based on some of the statements in this thread you sound nowhere near prepared to select or become a life partner and no more a candidate for a MRS. than a B.A degree.

Taking a pass on college, for now, is probably a smart decision for you. It will be a valuable life experience to see just what kind of lifestyle you can support with only a high school education, no trade or skill and no work experience. It will also give you an idea of the type of men with whom you will associate, attract and date.

Keep in mind that marriage is not a free pass on being a mature, responsible adult or an opportunity to sponge off your husband. Being a grown up requires more than simply swapping dependence on your parents for dependence on a husband. You might also want to consider what qualities you would look for and admire in a potential spouse and work on developing those same traits so as to be the type of wife your husband can respect and honor. Somehow I would hope that being goal-oriented, motivated and self-sufficient would factor in. These characteristics certainly do not require a college degree for validation, but it does require motivation and planning to achieve some level of independence before you can hope to meaningfully contribute anything to a marriage.
I am just curious as to your definition of succesful. Do you mean by success merely that the woman should get a decent education-which I agree with- or that a real man won’t love a woman who isn’t holding down a job for pay?
Her own women, a job that affords her “her own” place to live, no drama, not a bar fly, independent, has her own money. If you can make that happen without college, it is very rare. Knowledge is something that when aquired can never be taken away.

A man can love a woman who isn’t holding down a job, but in this economy with sky high gasoline, insurance, cost of living, loss of manufacturing jobs, etc…it’s a real long shot. Also, if you aren’t holding down a job, are the men going to come to your door? How are you going to meet them, other than online dating? As soon as your profile states you don’t have a job, the guy is going click off somewhere else. Why? Because they think the woman is looking for someone to take of her. The guys now days aren’t looking for June Cleaver. It’s not good, it’s not bad, it just “is”.

If a friend introduces you to someone, and he says, “so what do you do?”…and she says, “Oh, I live with my parents, and help with my younger siblings and my mom’s at home business.” Yes, I can hear tires squealing out of the driveway.

If Kasi was really serious about her life, she would get one first…then the man comes later. As I started reading down the post…I can’t help but think that the suffregettes must be rolling over in their graves.

Also, Liza hit it on the head
My mother always taught me to be self sufficient. We no longer live in a world where we can be guaranteed of a husband who can support us for the rest of our lives and we can stay and home and be wife and mother. We need to make sure that we can take care of ourselves and/or our families if that time comes.

Island Oak…👍
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