Even if a woman aspires to be a SAHM, she should still have some kind of college in her background, hopefully a degree . Economically things are getting worse, it takes two people to support a family these days. That is one reason. Second, you never know what can happen to your husband, he can die, become disabled or fall in love with his secretary, what will you do then? You think its easy to support 5 kids being a waitress if you have a bad back and bunions? Plenty of women are doing just that wishing they had an education and a better job.
You are absolutely right. There are people who opted out of higher education who live to regret it. Nevertheless, there are also people who took poor advantage of the education they paid for who live to regret that, too.
A person who goes to college in spite of not having the least bit of appreciation of the education to be had there is just as likely to wind up a waitress with a degree that is not marketable and student loans to pay off on top of it.
My advice would be to save and invest the money you would be spending to go to college as a seed fund for
a) changing your mind and going to college after all
b) money and self-support funds for learning a trade
c) money for launching business venture
d) money for a down-payment on a home
e) money available to transfer to tax-free retirement investments.
Whatever you do, don’t let these years go to waste financially as you wait around for someone to show up who is going to support you. The man God has in mind for you, after all, may need* you* to support* him*
BTW: Let it not going without saying that waiting tables is honorable work and nothing to be looked down on. In other words, it is a profession that a person capable of something else might choose. For those who are dedicated enough and who find a good position, it can lead to a sizable annual income, too.