Hmmm… interesting that this would be your experience. I know both people who DO have college educations that very much have this “high school mentality” (as you call it) as well as fascinating people without collegiate experience who are often well learned and articulate (and, additionally, often speaking from experience and culture which the college educated only tend to ruminate about in the third person) beyond belief. Indeed, frequently I find that those with college educations tend to assume that, “I have my education” and quit, while among those without such a degree there can be a signifigant drive such that they become voracious readers, excellent conversationalists, and lifelong learners, seeking opportunities to enrich and discuss themselves and the world around them. Shoot, you’d be amazed at the homeless people (perhaps without even a high school diploma) I’ve met at the public library who take advantage of everything they can. Or hang out at a tavern sometime. Not the yuppie bars, mind you, but a real bluecollar neighborhood haunt. Wonderful wisdom, hard earned, to be found there that you’ll never discover in a classroom. Natuarlly, it goes the other way with both types, too, as you suggest. But I fail to see how this really has anything at all to do with how far someone went with formal schooling. Rather, it is just a matter of individual curiosity and culture, IMO. Now, what I also recognize are prejudices on each side of the divide about how the “others” live and view with scorn but not understanding “us”.