
So many people use heresy as a word to say things. That’s a pretty strong statement! Heresy is not what these people are guilty of. People who hold hands during the Lords Prayer have likely not been informed of their error by authority, and hence have not had an opportunity to reform. A heretic is someone who is instructed by the authority of the church and refuses to be corrected. Regardless of what theologians think, people really aren’t putting this much of theological thinking into holding hands during mass. If Rome deemed it that much of a problem, then holy mother church would give an instruction, which would in turn be distributed to the bishops, and to the priests respectively. However, as it stands, Rome HAS NOT spoken. What reason do people have to change their actions if no authority of the church has publicly forbade the holding of hands during the Lords Prayer?We’re still out of perspective here… Again, to say that the Lord’s Prayer and the “Fooling with hands” are symbols of unity is simply PURE HERESY! The liturgical terrorists just can’t seem to get that though their heads.
It is the EUCHARIST…our receiving the Body and Blood, Sould and Divinity of Jesus Christ that is the sign of our communion and unity within the Church. It’s simple. Innovations have no place in the Sacrifice of Holy Mass- PERIOD!
As the adage goes, "Rome has spoken, Case Closed!