Where charity and love prevail, there God is ever found…
Christ had a few things to say to the Pharisees, and not a little of that was directed to their legalistic, moralistic, minimalistic attitudes.
No, it is not in the rubrics. And with the introduction of the new GIRM, with all the howls of agony, angst and anger from the conservatives over holding hands during the Our Father, one cannot assume they were unaware of the issue.
And most interestingly, they chose not to address it. Logically, that puts it fairly close to the end of the spectrum called “non-issues”.
Your personal space was invaded! Heavens, that you should need to be charitable towards someone else in the bench! How uncouth of them to not realize how visceral an issue this is with you…
Beverly, you go, girl (in the words of my twin daughters)!
Yes, it is not liturgically sound, for probably several reasons. Yes, if no one did it, it would be perfectly fine with me. But I have yet to see anyone hold hands as something they are trying to force on someone else; never have I seen it done as an uncharitable act. I have seen people refuse it in a very uncharitable manner. I swear, some people would refuse to hold Christ’s hand if he were standing next to them, nail marks and all. And I was taught that I was to see Christ in the person next to me.
As one of the most charitable people I’ve ever witnessed, I would point to Mother Theresa; she washed the bodies of the dying; people with open sores. I’d bet whe knew the rubrics about as well as anyone. AndI’d also bet that if some stranger reached out to hold hands during the Our Father, she would hold on tight; she wouldn’t worry about whether or not they had a cold, or her personal space, or think it an abomination of the rubrics of the Mass.
I am all for following the rubrics; however 1) it is not addressed (particularly when the bishops chose, after it had occured for a long time, not to address the issue), 2) on the scale of liturgical abuses, it is so minor as to pale into insignificance; 3) charity says you give of yourself, not demand your own way.
The only truly charitable respons I’ve seen in this thread is Beverly. You all would do well to reread her comments; you might even want to write them down and take them along with you and meditate on them during your next prayer time. She truly gets it.