First, it’s pretty cool that you’re still writing, 400 or so years after your heyday. Welcome back!
Second, you address a whole lot of issues in your response. Since I want this thread to be focused on the narrow question about how to argue against the permissibility of homosexual acts, I will be glossing over some of what you said. But I assure you it might for interesting reading, nonetheless.

First, it’s pretty cool that you’re still writing, 400 or so years after your heyday. Welcome back!
Second, you address a whole lot of issues in your response. Since I want this thread to be focused on the narrow question about how to argue against the permissibility of homosexual acts, I will be glossing over some of what you said. But I assure you it might for interesting reading, nonetheless.
The argument I quoted is, in particular, the sort of argument secular Christian philosophers (like Robert George) make. What is a secular Christian philosopher? I don’t know, but I’m one.The argument against homosexuality you made in your original post does not seem to make any sense to me either, and so if that is the argument you are getting from people, then I can understand why you would disagree with them.

Yup.If Paul tells us that it is better to remain a virgin that to get married (which I take to be something that is true in certain particular times and places, rather than for all persons everywhere), then that right there would seem to “thwart” the purpose of sexual organs from the start. It makes no sense to claim that homosexuality is worse than lifetime virginity because homosexuality thwarts the true purpose of the sex organs.
This is roughly the idea of the argument I proposed as an alternative.The argument against homosexual activity is that it produces a disordered style of living. Although I think the term “disordered” by the Church often confuses the issue and hurts more than helps when trying to explain things, the main idea here is that homosexual activity has ill effects both on the individual and society is large. I have zero doubt that this is true.
Human sexuality is a wonderful but dangerous thing, and outside of the sacramental marriage bond where two people are committed to raising children in the Church should God grant them the opportunity, sex always boils down to power and vanity, and always produces delusions and jealousies. This is why pornography is bad.
The curious thing is that these people are quite sincere. They think that their having sex promotes interpersonal unity. I haven’t had their experience, so it’s hard for me to say a priori that they’re completely wrong about this.And when you write, “Some couples seriously intend to build unity through their sexual activity,” I find it hard to laugh out loud at the absurdity of that statement. It is completely at odds with human nature.
It seems like the devaluation of masculinity came first, no?In a society where homosexuality is praised, however, there is a devaluation of male authority on a local and family level, and much more power is demanded to be exercised by the distant state.