You asked me what I would want. Thank you for recognizing it to be a cross. It’s is almost as if being gay is having a blind spot when trying to look at the light. I am not trying to boast of my cross or say that no one else has his or her struggles. I just feel like for many, being gay is a unique struggle because Catholic teaching basically says that the large part us indicating how we are to be happy is really a desire to commit evil. Hence the struggle, pain, and guilt.
So of course I would want the Church to reconsider this matter if it could. Sometimes you need a certain struggle to really put things in perspective for you. If I believed Catholic doctrine in all its pieces 100%, then maybe things would be a little easier. But since I have this natural inclination to love someone else and be happy in this way too, it’s as if church teaching and my experiences are always on a balance. Like “could the Church be wrong here?” You know?
I’m not trying to make this about me and I hate that I had to use so many “I’s” but I can only relate how I feel and what my experiences are as a Catholic and as a gay person.