Homosexuality And Original Sin

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I believe our sexuality is not a choice and in my mind it raises troubling questions that test my faith…according to the bible and the church, practicing homosexuality is not allowed…the bible says be fruitful and multiply…since God can do anything. why then would he ever allow such an attraction that he created to ever exist in the first place?.. it seems likes he’s playing a cruel joke with some people…yes, most of us have crosses to bear but one is different…
What do you mean by “sexuality?” There are only two sexes: man and woman. They may be subject to all kinds of temptations of a sexual nature and have varying desires of a sexual nature. Personal affective desires vary widely and are not merged with one’s identity. Homosexuality as an “orientation” is a rather recent social construct, as is the idea of heterosexuality as an “orientation.”

Against Heterosexuality
What do you mean by “sexuality?” There are only two sexes: man and woman. They may be subject to all kinds of temptations of a sexual nature and have varying desires of a sexual nature. Personal affective desires vary widely and are not merged with one’s identity. Homosexuality as an “orientation” is a rather recent social construct, as is the idea of heterosexuality as an “orientation.”

Against Heterosexuality
If the concepts of “homosexuality” and “heterosexuality” are 19th century inventions, the concept of “sodomy” is an invention of 11th century Catholic theologians. “Sodomy” is not discussed in the Old or New Testaments. As Distinguished Professor of Religion and Politics at Washington University Mark D. Jordan says in his book The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology (University of Chicago Press, 1997), p. 1:
Sodomy is a medieval artifact. I have found no trace of the term before the eleventh century. It is also a medieval artifact as a category for classifying - for uniting and explaining - desires, dispositions, and acts that had earlier been classified differently and separately. But “Sodomy” is also a judgment. The judgment made in “Sodomy” has been as durable as any medieval artifact. So I speak of the invention of Sodomy for Christian theology as a whole: the medieval invention was the invention of Sodomy simply speaking. It was the invention that would be decisive for all later Christian theology in the West -hence for European or American legislation, medicine, natural science, and manners. The fearful abstraction in our use of the term is medieval, as is our prurient confusion over what the word really means.
Professor Jordan further says on page 29:
The credit - or rather the blame - for the inventing the word sodomia, “Sodomy,” must go, I think, to the eleventh century theologian Peter Damian. He coined it quite deliberately on analogy to blasphemia, “blasphemy,” which is to say, on analogy to the most explicit sin of denying God. Indeed, from its origin, Sodomy is as much a theological category as trinity, incarnation, sacrament, or papal infallibility. As a category, it is richly invested with specific notions of sin and retribution, responsibility and guilt. The category was never meant to be neutrally descriptive, and it is doubtful whether any operation can purify it of its theological origins. There is no way to make “Sodomy” objective.
So it’s not only 19th century German scholars/scientists who invented new terms and concepts to describe sex, but also the Catholic Church.
If the concepts of “homosexuality” and “heterosexuality” are 19th century inventions, the concept of “sodomy” is an invention of 11th century Catholic theologians. “Sodomy” is not discussed in the Old or New Testaments. As Distinguished Professor of Religion and Politics at Washington University Mark D. Jordan says in his book The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology (University of Chicago Press, 1997), p. 1:

Professor Jordan further says on page 29:

So it’s not only 19th century German scholars/scientists who invented new terms and concepts to describe sex, but also the Catholic Church.
Even a cursory bit of research will reveal that the word sodomy has a much longer history than the middle ages. Of course it has a theological connotation, inevitably. The Wikipedia article gives a rather lengthy history. It wasn’t necessarily associated with homosexuality, because as I noted before, the idea of sexual “orientation” as opposed to sexual actions, is much more recent.
Even a cursory bit of research will reveal that the word sodomy has a much longer history than the middle ages. Of course it has a theological connotation, inevitably. The Wikipedia article gives a rather lengthy history. It wasn’t necessarily associated with homosexuality, because as I noted before, the idea of sexual “orientation” as opposed to sexual actions, is much more recent.
If you look up the origin of the word “sodomy” (Latin sodomia), it did not exist before the Middle Ages. According to the Oxford English Dictionary:
Middle English: from medieval Latin sodomia, from late Latin peccatum Sodomiticum ‘sin of Sodom’ (after Gen. 19:5, which implies that the men of Sodom practiced homosexual rape) (see Sodom).

But of course the term sodomy (sodomia) did not just include the homosexual rape described in the earlier term “peccatum Sodomiticum”, but rather combined this with all sorts of other sexual sins, many of them committed by people exclusively attracted to the opposite sex. This new way of describing and categorizing sinful sexual activity was done by people like Peter Damian and other Catholic theologians after him.
Apparently the term “sin of the Sodomites” referred to the incident related in the book of Genesis, which occurred quite some time before the Middle Ages.
But the incident related in the Book of Genesis (sin of the Sodomites) is primarily same-sex sexual activity whereas the medieval term sodomy included lots of sexual sins between men and women as well.
I believe our sexuality is not a choice and in my mind it raises troubling questions that test my faith…according to the bible and the church, practicing homosexuality is not allowed…the bible says be fruitful and multiply…since God can do anything. why then would he ever allow such an attraction that he created to ever exist in the first place?.. it seems likes he’s playing a cruel joke with some people…yes, most of us have crosses to bear but one is different…
The world can be a difficult, even cruel, place. The child born badly disabled, the young man who contracts polio, the young woman finding herself incapable of conceiving, the parents whose teenage children die in a car accident. Are these all to be viewed as “cruel jokes”, or human reality?
But the incident related in the Book of Genesis (sin of the Sodomites) is primarily same-sex sexual activity whereas the medieval term sodomy included lots of sexual sins between men and women as well.
Yes, the term itself seems to have been derived from the sin of the sodomites, which may have been homosexual anal sex. But the Church applied the term to other kinds of unnatural sex as well, including between persons of opposite sex. Which was pretty much my point–that it was specific actions were condemned; there was not any particular ‘orientation’ that was assumed to be present. That is a recent concept.
Yes, the term itself seems to have been derived from the sin of the sodomites, which may have been homosexual anal sex. But the Church applied the term to other kinds of unnatural sex as well, including between persons of opposite sex. Which was pretty much my point–that it was specific actions were condemned; there was not any particular ‘orientation’ that was assumed to be present. That is a recent concept.
…and so, once again, we are back to the Church definition issue. Variety becomes unnatural, sex for sharing love becomes self immersed…unless there is always the procreation element present.

In other areas, if natural is defined as “ordinary” then unnatural could be defined as “Extraordinary”…that is, something similar but not the same, not the first order of behavior.

Early mankind did not know of physical and metal issues that created differences, orientations…call them what one will. Mankind has also presecuted all kinds of folks due to their Race, their Sicknesses, their Physical Impairments. Now today, we call ourselves more enlightened, and say that all God’s children should be loved, and regardless of their physical or mental makeup…should be nutured to prosper as best they can with the gifts they have been given by God.

…that is except for this peskly little thing that the Church has been overly tuned to throughout the centuries…physical sharing of love via sex. (as separate from physical abuse using sex which is completely sinful)

I accept that as a fact, but hope that the Church Father’s contine to evovle the single issue of love between two people expressed as willing, “sex service to each other”, if you will.

In the meantime, I can pontificate all I want in posts like these…but silently watch the actual outcome in society of the Church’s confrontation of a more informed medical and pyschological current expertise.
…and so, once again, we are back to the Church definition issue. Variety becomes unnatural, sex for sharing love becomes self immersed…unless there is always the procreation element present.

In other areas, if natural is defined as “ordinary” then unnatural could be defined as “Extraordinary”…that is, something similar but not the same, not the first order of behavior.

Early mankind did not know of physical and metal issues that created differences, orientations…call them what one will. Mankind has also presecuted all kinds of folks due to their Race, their Sicknesses, their Physical Impairments. Now today, we call ourselves more enlightened, and say that all God’s children should be loved, and regardless of their physical or mental makeup…should be nutured to prosper as best they can with the gifts they have been given by God.

…that is except for this peskly little thing that the Church has been overly tuned to throughout the centuries…physical sharing of love via sex. (as separate from physical abuse using sex which is completely sinful)

I accept that as a fact, but hope that the Church Father’s contine to evovle the single issue of love between two people expressed as willing, “sex service to each other”, if you will.

In the meantime, I can pontificate all I want in posts like these…but silently watch the actual outcome in society of the Church’s confrontation of a more informed medical and pyschological current expertise.
i cannot imagine how medical or psychological advances in understanding the etiology of homosexuality (and noting there is little to no understanding) will influency the moral
assessment of same sex sexual acts.
The world can be a difficult, even cruel, place. The child born badly disabled, the young man who contracts polio, the young woman finding herself incapable of conceiving, the parents whose teenage children die in a car accident. Are these all to be viewed as “cruel jokes”, or human reality?
Yes, I agree the world can be a cruel place but the examples you give remind me of Christ’s instruction to “pick up your cross and follow me”…they are not sins…by contrast, the “cross” of same sex attraction, if acted upon, is…since God is our architect and commands us to be fruitful and multiply, yet he makes some people gay, yes, I look at that as a cruel joke…

Some people are gay. Get over it.
I realize that.

I also realize that gay people run a much higher risk of life threatening diseases.

So while getting over it…I need to ask why would anyone want to be gay?
I realize that.

I also realize that gay people run a much higher risk of life threatening diseases.

So while getting over it…I need to ask why would anyone want to be gay?
Gay people do not run a much higher risk of life threatening diseases as a result of being gay. Some gay people run a much higher risk of disease because they practice unsafe sex (without a condom, for example) or have numerous sexual partners. But this is not intrinsic to being gay or having gay sex. Just like straight people, they can either practice safe sex or be in monogamous relationships. Two gay men in a monogamous relationship who did not have any diseases when they entered their relationship would have zero chance of getting a life threatening venereal disease.

The fact that lots of gay people do experience a considerable amount of stigma and prejudice as a result of their sexual orientation does make many of them wish that they weren’t gay at some point in their life. Who after all wants to be bullied in school or possibly be disowned or abused by their family? But since most people would not choose to be gay because of this stigma when being straight would be so much easier, this just proves that being gay is not a choice. 🤷
Gay people do not run a much higher risk of life threatening diseases as a result of being gay. Some gay people run a much higher risk of disease because they practice unsafe sex (without a condom, for example) or have numerous sexual partners. But this is not intrinsic to being gay or having gay sex. Just like straight people, they can either practice safe sex or be in monogamous relationships. Two gay men in a monogamous relationship who did not have any diseases when they entered their relationship would have zero chance of getting a life threatening venereal disease.
I have posted this before and like before you make excuses.

According to the Center for Disease Control…the rate of sexual transmitted diseases is at epidemic levels in the gay communities of the United States.

It does not matter if two gay men are in monogamous relationship and practice safe sex.
The MAJORITY are **not **in monogamous relationships, have multiple partners and engage in VERY unsafe sex.

It sounds to me as if you would council a young man in a very positive way about the gay lifestyle. All he has to do is find a partner who is disease free, remain in a lifetime monogamous relationship and live happily and healthy ever after. Is that what you would suggest?
The fact that lots of gay people do experience a considerable amount of stigma and prejudice as a result of their sexual orientation does make many of them wish that they weren’t gay at some point in their life. Who after all wants to be bullied in school or possibly be disowned or abused by their family? But since most people would not choose to be gay because of this stigma when being straight would be so much easier, this just proves that being gay is not a choice. 🤷
No. That proves nothin. People make life style choices that oppose society all the time. Joining a “Biker Gang” could get someone disowned by a family. Being “Goth” or “Punk” could get someone bullied at school. Many people make choices that stigmatize themselves…because they don’t care.
All he has to do is find a partner who is disease free, remain in a lifetime monogamous relationship and live happily and healthy ever after. Is that what you would suggest.
Isn’t that what you would suggest that most straight people do? Or do you think that it would be preferable for them to engage in promiscuous sex with multiple partners? 😉
Yes, I agree the world can be a cruel place but the examples you give remind me of Christ’s instruction to “pick up your cross and follow me”…they are not sins…by contrast, the “cross” of same sex attraction, if acted upon, is…since God is our architect and commands us to be fruitful and multiply, yet he makes some people gay, yes, I look at that as a cruel joke…
Then you must acknowledge that the infertile, and all who do not find a mate suffer a cruel joke or act contrary to God’s instruction. SSA is also not sin. The single person who is not married and so visits a prostitute also sins.

BTW - God allows many things - wars, poverty, etc. Does he Will these things? Are these also His cruel jokes?
BTW - God allows many things - wars, poverty, etc. Does he Will these things? Are these also His cruel jokes?
It does seem, according to the Old Testament, that God does will these things sometimes:

1 Samuel 15:2-3: Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did in opposing the Israelites when they came up out of Egypt. 3 Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”

Isn’t God willing the destruction (actually the genocide) of the Amalekites by war?
Isn’t that what you would suggest that most straight people do? Or do you think that it would be preferable for them to engage in promiscuous sex with multiple partners? 😉
Actually I would suggest that he find himself a girlfriend or seek professional help.
It does seem, according to the Old Testament, that God does will these things sometimes:

1 Samuel 15:2-3: Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did in opposing the Israelites when they came up out of Egypt. 3 Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”

Isn’t God willing the destruction (actually the genocide) of the Amalekites by war?
God took life in the past, and he restored life from death in the past. This is a different question from whether all life and death events, indeed all events entirely, are willed by God.
I have posted this before and like before you make excuses.

According to the Center for Disease Control…the rate of sexual transmitted diseases is at epidemic levels in the gay communities of the United States.

It does not matter if two gay men are in monogamous relationship and practice safe sex.
The MAJORITY are **not **in monogamous relationships, have multiple partners and engage in VERY unsafe sex.

It sounds to me as if you would council a young man in a very positive way about the gay lifestyle. All he has to do is find a partner who is disease free, remain in a lifetime monogamous relationship and live happily and healthy ever after. Is that what you would suggest?

No. That proves nothin. People make life style choices that oppose society all the time. Joining a “Biker Gang” could get someone disowned by a family. Being “Goth” or “Punk” could get someone bullied at school. Many people make choices that stigmatize themselves…because they don’t care.
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