Homosexuality "welcomed" by nuns

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Ahhh… I see your falling into the old position of rhetoric when the argument is lost.
  1. abortion is killing
  2. killing is a sin
Abortion is intrinsically evil. It is a sin no matter what.

You used the word SIN as if it was an entity on its own, having no ownership or nothing responsible for it. Its like an invisible something that floats around waiting for someone to see it.

It’s not, its a black mark on a persons soul, it’s a stain on their conscience, it’s a porposeful act that removes them from God. You latch onto the abortion issue but have yet to answer the simple example of the Anglican not going to Mass.

The issues regarding sin are the same but you try to muddy the theological water by using the emotive issue of abortion. You fear the simple argument in case it disrupts your prejudices against those you feel you must condemn. You use arguments like “There is few and far between girls that do not know that” as if that justifies your prejudice, all it actually does in highlight it.
Ahhh… I see your falling into the old position of rhetoric when the argument is lost.
  1. abortion is killing
  2. killing is a sin
Abortion is intrinsically evil. It is a sin no matter what.

You used the word SIN as if it was an entity on its own, having no ownership or nothing responsible for it. Its like an invisible something that floats around waiting for someone to see it.

It’s not, its a black mark on a persons soul, it’s a stain on their conscience, it’s a porposeful act that removes them from God. You latch onto the abortion issue but have yet to answer the simple example of the Anglican not going to Mass.

The issues regarding sin are the same but you try to muddy the theological water by using the emotive issue of abortion. You fear the simple argument in case it disrupts your prejudices against those you feel you must condemn. You use arguments like “There is few and far between girls that do not know that” as if that justifies your prejudice, all it actually does in highlight it.
I don’t have a clue what you are talking about, nor do I understand why you went on a tirade against me. I wasn’t even in an argument. I was simply stating commentary on the abortion issue after you mentioned it.

I must say, however, that I don’t appreciate your accusatorial and personally condemning language of myself - despite the fact that I have no idea why you are using it to begin with.
Ahhh… I see your falling into the old position of rhetoric when the argument is lost.
  1. abortion is killing
  2. killing is a sin
Abortion is intrinsically evil. It is a sin no matter what.

You used the word SIN as if it was an entity on its own, having no ownership or nothing responsible for it. Its like an invisible something that floats around waiting for someone to see it.

It’s not, its a black mark on a persons soul, it’s a stain on their conscience, it’s a porposeful act that removes them from God. You latch onto the abortion issue but have yet to answer the simple example of the Anglican not going to Mass.

The issues regarding sin are the same but you try to muddy the theological water by using the emotive issue of abortion. You fear the simple argument in case it disrupts your prejudices against those you feel you must condemn. You use arguments like “There is few and far between girls that do not know that” as if that justifies your prejudice, all it actually does in highlight it.
You seem confused? Abortion is murder. Murder is a sin, how culpable one is depends on the factors mentioned previously. It is still a sin, perhaps venial in certain cases, but still a sin objectively. Can you show us where we are wrong from Church documents. Also, can you prove that the Eucharist changes back into bread depending on circumstances?
Ahhh… I see your falling into the old position of rhetoric when the argument is lost.
  1. abortion is killing
  2. killing is a sin
Abortion is intrinsically evil. It is a sin no matter what.

You used the word SIN as if it was an entity on its own, having no ownership or nothing responsible for it. Its like an invisible something that floats around waiting for someone to see it.

It’s not, its a black mark on a persons soul, it’s a stain on their conscience, it’s a porposeful act that removes them from God. You latch onto the abortion issue but have yet to answer the simple example of the Anglican not going to Mass.

The issues regarding sin are the same but you try to muddy the theological water by using the emotive issue of abortion. You fear the simple argument in case it disrupts your prejudices against those you feel you must condemn. You use arguments like “There is few and far between girls that do not know that” as if that justifies your prejudice, all it actually does in highlight it.
You seem confused? Abortion is murder. Murder is a sin, how culpable one is depends on the factors mentioned previously. It is still a sin, perhaps venial in certain cases, but still a sin objectively. Can you show us where we are wrong from Church documents? Also, can you prove that the Eucharist changes back into bread depending on circumstances?
Why do I always feel like a hit and run victim after his posts?
Becuase of things said like this I would imagine…
No, it is not. Theologically transubstansiation is the changing of the bread and wine into the body and blood of our lord. It is an invisible event not seen or understood by man. The reverse is also true. It can change back to bread and wine IF GOD WISHES IT. The teaching of the church is very simple, those in a state of mortal sin who recieve the eucharist DO NOT, for the instant it touches their mouth or hands it is no longer the body and blood of Our Lord. To follow your logic to its ultimate, anyone who stole the Eucharsit for satanic purposes is then using the Body and Blood of Our Lord for evil purposes, that is not possible therefore whatever they have it CANNOT be the eucharist.
I have started a thread on another one of these orders(Benedictine Sisters of Erie PA), who were swept up by the feminist ideology forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=34889

Incidentaly, I have one of these such Monasteries in my diocese, when since the 60’s(when they were actually quite vibrant in their apostolate) have had their numbers cut by more than half and practically no new vocations entering. Of course no one in an official Church position acknowledges this fact, but the numbers speak it self.

And judging by this picture, they are a declining number of aging hippies who want little to do with John Paul II’s new evangelization. I must say it is quite sad.


These are Erie Bendictines, from off their own website eriebenedictines.org/

By the way, I’m not one of those rad-trads who blame everything bad or “un-traditional” that has happened since 1958 squarely on Vatican II, or on every pope since John XXIII.
I just cannot get over the full lenth habit and veil. Oh yes, and i am sure these are mostly “nuns” in their 20’s and 30’s, 0r even their 40’s.😛
It is a mortal sin to miss Mass on Sunday’s. But, if your not Catholic but in communion with the Anglican Church which we accept as a sister religion, are they commiting mortal sin by not being at Mass? Obviously not because they are not aware that it is a mortal sin!!! |As I said a mortal sin HAS to be a concious effort to move away from God. Your abortion theory is the same, if the girl is not aware of the Churches and Gods teaching then No! she is not commiting mortal sin.

As I said, try Moral Theology. Makes for very interesting and enlightening reading and study.
So you’re saying that God will look at it as just some sort of no-no & if this girl died she could still enter eternal glory regardless of the fact that she’s a cold-blooded murderer??:hmmm:

Your concept of “Moral Theology” sounds like a load of b.s. to me buddy, sorry.
I’d rather study Holy Scripture then some interpretation of the truth, but that’s just me, I’m silly like that.

Sin is sin, God no likey. We do bady, he no likey.
Well done fix, you’ve managed in one easy swoop to lower God and Our Lord to the level of the devil.

You are asserting that when satanists take the Eucharist (the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ) to use in whatever ritual they like it is still the Body and Blood of Our Lord, that he is taking part in a satanic ritual.
Satan ochestrated the arrest, condemnation, torture & crucifixion of Jesus through his influence over Judas Iscariot - wouldn’t that be participating in a satanic ritual by your logic?

Jesus is truly present in the Holy Eucharist, body, blood, soul & divinity & he has humbled himself to be given to us as food. He remains with you after you recieve communion (assuming that you do) regardless of your faults, failings & short-comings. Jesus’ true pressence remains within you as long as the host remains within you. His true pressence only leaves the bread host after the host has succumed to the elements & has begun to go stale as bread often does.

Jesus choses to remain with you, the confused & misinformed sinner that you are, so why do you think he would not ALLOW other sinners to defile him as well?

FYI: A true satanist can tell the difference between a mere piece of bread & the true pressence of Christ in the Eucharist. Too bad most Catholics can’t & could probably care less.


                     [A day in the life of the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist](http://www.sistersofmary.org/sitefs.shtml)
One of the most frequent questions the Vocations Director of the Community receives concerns the schedule the Sisters keep. So, here is a brief outline of what the Sisters do all day!

5:00 Rise

5:30 Eucharist Holy Hour
  * Office of Readings
  * Meditation
  * Lauds
  * Marian Consecration
** 6:30 Mass – Source and summit of our day
7:05 Breakfast

7:30 - Apostolate 4:00

8:00 Duties

9:00 Classes

11:30 Meditation (novices)

12:00 Divine Office – Midday prayer
12:15 Lunch

1:00 Rosary

1:15 Athletic Recreation

2:15 Classes

3:15 Personal time for pray, study, work

4:30 Spiritual Reading

5:00 Divine Office –Vespers and Rosary

5:30 Dinner

6:30 Community Recreation

7:30 Spiritual Reading

7:45 Divine Office – Compline with Salve Procession

8:00 Silence – time for personal prayer and study

10:00 Profound Silence


                      [A day in the life of the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist](http://www.sistersofmary.org/sitefs.shtml)
One of the most frequent questions the Vocations Director of the Community receives concerns the schedule the Sisters keep. So, here is a brief outline of what the Sisters do all day!

5:00 Rise

5:30 Eucharist Holy Hour
   * Office of Readings
   * Meditation
   * Lauds
   * Marian Consecration
** 6:30 Mass – Source and summit of our day
7:05 Breakfast

7:30 - Apostolate 4:00

8:00 Duties

9:00 Classes

11:30 Meditation (novices)

12:00 Divine Office – Midday prayer
12:15 Lunch

1:00 Rosary

1:15 Athletic Recreation

2:15 Classes

3:15 Personal time for pray, study, work

4:30 Spiritual Reading

5:00 Divine Office –Vespers and Rosary

5:30 Dinner

6:30 Community Recreation

7:30 Spiritual Reading

7:45 Divine Office – Compline with Salve Procession

8:00 Silence – time for personal prayer and study

10:00 Profound Silence
The face says it all. Compare indeed.
Ever see the movie “Where angels go trouble follows” ?
I loved that movie when I was a kid in Catholic school. We used to watch it in the cafeteria on rainy days. I miss those days.

Perhaps the following passages from the Catechism will help clear up the confusion:

1377 The Eucharistic presence of Christ begins at the moment of the consecration and endures as long as the Eucharistic species subsists. Christ is present whole and entire in each of the species and whole and entire in each of their parts, in such a way that the breaking of the bread does not divide Christ.[205]

1384 The Lord addresses an invitation to us, urging us to receive him in the sacrament of the Eucharist: “Truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.”[215] 1385 To respond to this invitation we must prepare ourselves for so great and so holy a moment. St. Paul urges us to examine our conscience: “Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself.”[216] Anyone conscious of a grave sin must receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before coming to communion.

The silence on your part, Norwich, in finding Church documents to support your theory, is deafening.
The face says it all. Compare indeed.
Serenity instead of anger. Yes, what a lovely image and what
an inspiration. Thank you buffalo for posting this information.

Lisa N
I have started a thread on another one of these orders(Benedictine Sisters of Erie PA), who were swept up by the feminist ideology forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=34889

Incidentaly, I have one of these such Monasteries in my diocese, when since the 60’s(when they were actually quite vibrant in their apostolate) have had their numbers cut by more than half and practically no new vocations entering. Of course no one in an official Church position acknowledges this fact, but the numbers speak it self.

And judging by this picture, they are a declining number of aging hippies who want little to do with John Paul II’s new evangelization. I must say it is quite sad.


These are Erie Bendictines, from off their own website eriebenedictines.org/

By the way, I’m not one of those rad-trads who blame everything bad or “un-traditional” that has happened since 1958 squarely on Vatican II, or on every pope since John XXIII.
Catholic29, at my high school, there is a Benedictine nun. She is the most feministic person I have ever met. I still like her as a teacher, but it’s odd the way she conducts things. She refuses to call freshmen “freshmen,” because of the last three letters of the word “man” or “men.” She knows what she’s talking about, and she’s a good teacher, but her clearly feministic view of most things is something that I’ll have to get used to, I guess.
According to the latest surveys/polls only about 1% to 2% of the population in the U.S. have homosexual tendencies.

From this thread the majority of the Nuns cater to homosexuals. That is hard to believe.

I wonder why they seek out homosexuals when there is a larger group needing what Sisters can give. How many teenagers have fallen away from Holy Mother Church? How many adults are just waiting for someone to invite them back into the Church.

Why pour their meager recources into such a small group?
Reasons why a person CAN NOT be “born gay”:
  1. God creates us perfect in His own divine image.
  2. God can not be false to himself nor make mistakes.
  3. God places the soul within the flesh, it is only then that original sin comes into effect.
  4. We can & are washed clean from original sin thorugh baptism.
  5. Sexuality is learned, only the desire to love & be loved is inherent.
  6. God could not create a person to be attracted sexually to the same sex & then go and turn the tables & tell a person not to be that way. This would make him a liar.
  7. We are not just physical beings living a mere physical journey through this life. We were first created as spiritual beings in the mind of God & the physical journey that we all have to live is only temporary. Sexuality & sexual acts are only temporary. The physical will pass away, our souls lives on forever.
It would be impossible for anyone to be “born gay”, because if that were true then people can claim to be “born” pedophiles, necrophilites & born with the tendency to commit beastiality.

Anyone that claims that he/she or persons are “born gay” is trying to make a liar out of God, & this just won’t do.

Now, before someone comes up with the latest poll, or “scientific discovery”, save it. I put no faith in the works of man, my faith is in God alone. Science has yet to find a cure for the common cold, why put faith in science?
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