Homosexuality "welcomed" by nuns

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Lisa N take a deep breathe and count to ten. My goodness. this was my point and basis when i said that i was afraid of people like you running the church “you dont agree with me so your wrong and ignorant and avoiding the issue.” back off the girl a little and read what she has to say for once. if its a monologue its on your end my friend.

Spring Breeze: let me just say you are a breath of fresh air in these forums that occasionally get smogged out.
The Church is “run” by Christ. He condems homosexual acts. If you do not agree with Him, well, then who do you agree with?
For some obtuse reason, women seem to be the greatest defenders of homosexuality, or at least they tend to defend homosexual men.
Lisa, thank you for your intelligent reply, it’s given me lots to think about!
I wonder if being homosexual is like being born without and arm- or if it is a ‘fashion statement’.

Mark (INRI)- do you treat homosexuals? What is your opinion on their genesis?
I don’t treat homosexuals although I have seen presentations by those who have. I think a fairly balanced view would have to say that we simply don’t know for sure what causes homosexuality. We know that it isn’t 100% genetic because of identical twins where one has been gay and the other hasn’t. A nearly universal theme among male homosexuals seems to be a distant/non-existent relationship with their fathers. Of course this also applies to many non-homosexuals as well. I think the outlook of Courage (the homosexual group that is in line with Church teaching) is that they don’t necessarily take a position on the origin of homosexuality. They also seem to accept that some homosexuals will have life-long issues with same-sex attraction whereas others are able to overcome it.
Kevin Walker:
For some obtuse reason, women seem to be the greatest defenders of homosexuality, or at least they tend to defend homosexual men.
Not all women. I have wondered if some of these religious and clerics have more than an “academic” interest in all this defense of “gay” propaganda.
Kevin Walker:
For some obtuse reason, women seem to be the greatest defenders of homosexuality, or at least they tend to defend homosexual men.
:rotfl: :rotfl: 👋 It’s a compassion thing we were born that way;) Some of us do not however defend the acts.God Bless
The Church is “run” by Christ. He condems homosexual acts. If you do not agree with Him, well, then who do you agree with?
Herself. Liberalism (religious) is defined as the individual having the ability to judge what is moral versus submitting to Revelation.

It is the same as Sola Scriptura where everyone’s interpretation is the correct one.
Sr. Jeannine Gramick honored…
Archdiocese of Detroit puts brakes on reception honoring gay-outreach
Royal Oak, MI, Feb. 04, 2005 (CNA) - According to the Archdiocese of Detroit, a celebration honoring a local nun and her outreach to gays has been forced to be moved off of Archdiocesan property because it conflicted with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Sister Jeannine Gramick was to be honored at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Royal Oak, a Detroit suburb, following a screening of a new documentary film chronicling the work of the 62-year-old nun Sunday. It was moved however, following the Archdiocese’ request.
The screening took place at the Royal Oak Main Art Theater as part of their Reel Pride Film Festival; an event sponsored by the gay-rights Triangle Foundation.
In 1999, after a lengthy review, and finding her views and teaching on homosexuality to be in conflict with the Church, The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome announced severe limits on Gramick’s ministerial activities.
At the time, Gramick was a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame, and Father Robert Nugent, S.D.S., who had been ministering to the homosexual community in the United States with her for many years also received the Congregation’s limits.
The Congregation’s notification stated that the pair were, “permanently prohibited from any pastoral work involving homosexual persons and are ineligible, for an undetermined period, for any office in their respective religious institutes.”
In a statement regarding the affair, the Archdiocese of Detroit stated that, “The Detroit archdiocese realizes that ministry to the homosexual community is both sensitive and necessary. At the same time, we are concerned that such ministry can cause more harm than good if it is conducted in the midst of controversy and ambiguity.”
Lisa4Catholics said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: 👋 It’s a compassion thing we were born that way;) Some of us do not however defend the acts.God Bless

From what I’ve both observed and been told, women are ‘entertained’ by male homosexuals. So they turn a blind eye towards the reality of homosexuality, i.e. the sado-masochism, anti-social behaviour, narcissism, mental conflict, aggression, violence, pedephelia, and other irrational behaviour.

Women who hang around and ‘party’ with male homosexuals because they are entertained by them are known, colloquially, as fag hags.
Kevin Walker:
From what I’ve both observed and been told, women are ‘entertained’ by male homosexuals. So they turn a blind eye towards the reality of homosexuality, i.e. the sado-masochism, anti-social behaviour, narcissism, mental conflict, aggression, violence, pedephelia, and other irrational behaviour.

Women who hang around and ‘party’ with male homosexuals because they are entertained by them are known, colloquially, as fag hags.
I am very familiar with that group. They are often intimidated by a relationship with a man (heterosexual) and homosexuals are less threatening. Now all homosexuals are not foofy queens but this is the genre that attracts the ‘fag hag’ group. They enjoy what are often seen as women’s interests, fashion, flowers, decorating, the dance. Apparently some homosexual groups are upset with “Queer Eye” because the stars of that show are SOOOO very stereotypical of the “queen.” THey believe it artificially boxes homosexuals into a campy charactiture.

Also realize that even if you are good friends with a male homosexual, there are areas that are off limits. They do not take female friends to some of the clubs, bars and certainly not to the bath houses. So what their female friends see is the lively, chattering, dramatic and oh so funny homosexual when that is only one side of the story. They don’t see the seamier side of this lifestyle.

Lisa N
Perry5 said:
(Homosexuality and the bible.)

In the Summer of 1991 neurobiologist (Simon LeVay) introduced the world to the possibility of homosexuality being biological.

LeVay claimed to have found a differince in the hypothalamas part of the brain structure between gay and strait men.

The hypothalamas is a small area of the brain that is near the pituitary gland which is at the base of the brain.

The fact that homosexual behavior is observed across the animal kingdom indicates that for humans,(it is not merely a choice based on sinful tendencies.)

It is a natural byproduct of evolutionary process as is hetrosexuality.

Would not God’s word be better served thrue understandin rather than condemnation???

I assume that you refer to the Bible and the Magisterium when you speak of God’s Word?? Each of these is quite clear in their condemnation of the homosexual lifestyle and requires little understanding other that reading, comprehension of the written language, and acceptance that God is not absolutely tolerant. Whether a “natural byproduct” or a “learned behaviour” it is decreed to be an “abomination.”

Hate the sin, love the sinner - but never accept that the sinner cannot be changed by prayer and will.

Dear friends

CHASTITY … that applies in all walks of life and it is not wrong to be gay. The church doesn’t admonish the gay person or couple, it admonishes the lack of chastity.

Why do you draw a red line of hatred?

Love is to love your neighbour even so as they are not yourself. That’s not easy at all is it? not easy and I see how hard it is everytime I see posts of hatred like this.

Pick up your catechism and understand the meaning of chastity and then re-address your thoughts upon being gay.

There is one line applied to gay relationships in the bible and those are addressed to a lack of chastity. Further than this St Paul talks about the very same thing, promiscuousness, infidelity, fornication, sexual relations outside of marriage. This is the sin! You don’t even know if a gay person may though they show affection to their partner, refrain from sex and live as sister/sister brother/ brother.

If you would chase out every gay person from the pews of the church consider would Christ Jesus do that? No of course He wouldn’t, He would minister to them…and so should YOU

And although a person may not be able to make Eucharistic union with Christ Jesus, there is also a spiritual union to be made within the church. Are you not a sinner yourself and are you sins not as scarlet and awful in God’s sight as anyone else’s or are you better than your bretheren? Hmm or are you the Pharisee who stands there and says thank God I am not like this man, this homosexual? Or are you the man who admits their sins and admits we are all sinners and is rather a person of encouragement in Christ, A Barnabas???

Remember NO-ONE can come to Jesus unless the Father draw Him and He turns away NO-ONE who seeks Him.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Do you exclude the Old Testament from the Bible. Is this also a choice for Catholics? This would be a change that this Catholic would be unaware of.

If you do ascribe to the belief that the Bible is comprised of both the Old and New Testaments then may I refer you to Leviticus and you might look up the meaning of “abomination” as it is used to describe the “gay” relationship. It is thought provoking to note that the Word of God, expressed to Moses, as detailed by Leviticus details a rather extreme punishment for the homosexual.

Again, we must hate the sin and I always have said that I should love the sinner, but Leviticus does make one think, don’t you agree?

Peace be with you

Another way of looking at it might be that discrimination is bad.
I think we have to deal with these people as people first and foremost. Most are struggling with their sexuality anyway. I’m not denying the truth of the Church’s teaching in this regard, but I would rather we had an inclusive attitude and reached out as an organisation for all God’s people.
Fat :

How do you justify this inclination with the Word of God as given to us by the Bible? Catholic2003 placed a great post earlier on the issue as discussed in Romans and let me point you to Leviticus. God is not all tolerance and merciful, if you believe that the Bible is the Word of God. Or do we just pick and choose phrases present in the Bible to support a particular path which may please us and ignore the specific prohibitions, in defiance of the Magisterium?

There will be many who will be excluded from the Kingdom of Heaven; it is not all inclusive.

peace to you

I went to Catholic school from 1 to 12. The nuns wore habits, the rosaries hung at their side. I had great respect for my teachers. We need those “old time nuns” back complete with the habit and rosary at their side. Nuns need to re-claim respect lost since they took off the habit and went more secular. I had 3 aunts that did wonderful work in the convent, they were beautiful in the black or white habit they wore going about their important work, nurses, teachers. The convent, as the seminary/priesthood, does not have room for practicing homosexuals. Allowing homosexuality in the convent and priesthood is wrong!!! Why not allow priests and nuns to marry ???

Mom of 5
Mom of 5:
I went to Catholic school from 1 to 12. The nuns wore habits, the rosaries hung at their side. I had great respect for my teachers. We need those “old time nuns” back complete with the habit and rosary at their side. Nuns need to re-claim respect lost since they took off the habit and went more secular. I had 3 aunts that did wonderful work in the convent, they were beautiful in the black or white habit they wore going about their important work, nurses, teachers. The convent, as the seminary/priesthood, does not have room for practicing homosexuals. Allowing homosexuality in the convent and priesthood is wrong!!! Why not allow priests and nuns to marry ???

Mom of 5
I agree with everything you said but allowing them to marry is no solution. The sisters are already married to Christ and the priests to the Church. Their love for Christ and the Church would be secondary and conflicting if they were married. Homosexuality, dissent, and secularism are separate issues from chastity vows that need to be dealt with separately
I agree with everything you said but allowing them to marry is no solution. The sisters are already married to Christ and the priests to the Church. Their love for Christ and the Church would be secondary and conflicting if they were married. Homosexuality, dissent, and secularism are separate issues from chastity vows that need to be dealt with separately
Our priest spoke of the gift of celibacy. He said if he were married, with kids that either his work or his family would suffer. Any of us from Protestant backgrounds can attest to that reality. One of my fellow RCIA members was raised evangelical and went to an evangelical college that was heavily populated with “PKs and MKs.” She said that burnout by their parents was just a given and the kids said they felt neglected and ‘second class’ as the parents were really married to the church. The kind of dedication it takes for a good priest or minister is really not condusive to being a good husband and father (or mother for that matter).

Lisa N
Lisa N:
I am very familiar with that group. They are often intimidated by a relationship with a man (heterosexual) and homosexuals are less threatening. Now all homosexuals are not foofy queens but this is the genre that attracts the ‘fag hag’ group. They enjoy what are often seen as women’s interests, fashion, flowers, decorating, the dance. Apparently some homosexual groups are upset with “Queer Eye” because the stars of that show are SOOOO very stereotypical of the “queen.” THey believe it artificially boxes homosexuals into a campy charactiture.

Also realize that even if you are good friends with a male homosexual, there are areas that are off limits. They do not take female friends to some of the clubs, bars and certainly not to the bath houses. So what their female friends see is the lively, chattering, dramatic and oh so funny homosexual when that is only one side of the story. They don’t see the seamier side of this lifestyle.

Lisa N
I agree with you completely. Some women only see the ‘silly’ homosexual male as a source for their entertainment, and turn a blind eye to the ugly reality of homosexuality: sado-masochism, narcisissm, misogyny, anti-social behaviour, irrationality, etc. A 19 year old Swedish *au pair *(Nanny) who hung around Gay Night Clubs here in Boston was found cut in half in a dumpster in Boston’s Back Bay a few years ago.

The problem, as experienced here in Massachusetts, was that even though ‘Gay Marriage’ was voted against by the State House and the voters, only six non-elected members of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court said O.K. to Gay Marriage in this state. Now we have to wait until 2006 for the referendum to defeat Gay Marriage, and these female homosexual admirers are a misguided voting bloc.

Again, the biggest proponents of (male) homosexuality and ‘Gay’ marriage, that I’ve encountered tend to be women.
This thread is getting long. Anybody besides me find it hard to follow all the posts?

Anyway, let’s look at something Jesus said?

Mt. 19:12 Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by others; some, because they have renounced marriage * for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Whoever can accept this ought to accept it." NAB

The NAB is a paraphrase translation of the Bible and it uses the phrase “incapable of marriage” in place of the word usually put there, eunuchs.

To the extent that that is valid, Jesus is saying something divinely charitable about people who cannot marry, who are incapable of marriage. I know that this is hard to do, but we ought to make a stab at “accepting” Jesus’ saying.

There are a couple explanations other than “nature” (genetics) or nuture (socialization) for explaining the development of same-sex attraction.

Who doesn’t accept that hormones play a tremendous role in the development and expression of our sexuality? It’s possible that the genetic / chemical basis of SSA hasn’t even been barely understood so far. Likewise, the idea that SSA results from a lot of life experiences hasn’t been fully developed either. Science in both branches of the study can’t explain SSA any more than it can explain other behavioral problems like obsessive compulsive disorder or homicidal tendencies. I’d like to live long enough for the definitive studies to be reported in these areas, and for the development of therapies for these situations.

The chaos in the Church results from the modern mass media and means of communication, where the authentic teaching of the Church can be totally drowned out. It is certainly likely that the teaching will be updated as scientific progress is made.

It is difficult to moralize about the situation due to the oppressive cultural taboos we have about the whole thing.

We are forced to face ourselves and develop a Christian response to all those with uncontrollable urges – that’s just about all of us, isn’t it? “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”

We can beat up on people for fornication, adultery, divorce, homosexual acts, murder, child abuse, and all the rest – if we insist. But, we should also try a few other scriptural admonitions, such as carrying each other’s burdens. Jesus told us to be ‘salt’ and ‘light.’ People need to develop an interior Christian life to help them transcend these mortal afflictions.
Just modern day lepers is all I see. Better not get near them, you might catch it as well.😦
The real problem with people that accept & condone homosexuality is either that a family member is homosexual or that they just don’t care one way or another. Sadly, man Catholics are in this same boat especially in the U.S. Many would rather cling to their emotions & personl opinion than turn to Holy Scripture.
Homosexuality needs to be seen as a spiritual disease & then the Church would have an easier time dealing with persons that claim to be gay. In my experience with homosexuals I’ve encountered it has been evident that these people have a deep seeded spiritual binding & less physical. I see that most people think that the physical & pyschological are the most evident & beleive that homosexuals are born gay, this is just not so.
We need to stop looking at homosexuality as a mere physical attraction to the same sex & see it for what it really is, a disease that destroys the soul & the souls of all that condone it.
I have started a thread on another one of these orders(Benedictine Sisters of Erie PA), who were swept up by the feminist ideology forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=34889

Incidentaly, I have one of these such Monasteries in my diocese, when since the 60’s(when they were actually quite vibrant in their apostolate) have had their numbers cut by more than half and practically no new vocations entering. Of course no one in an official Church position acknowledges this fact, but the numbers speak it self.

And judging by this picture, they are a declining number of aging hippies who want little to do with John Paul II’s new evangelization. I must say it is quite sad.


These are Erie Bendictines, from off their own website eriebenedictines.org/

By the way, I’m not one of those rad-trads who blame everything bad or “un-traditional” that has happened since 1958 squarely on Vatican II, or on every pope since John XXIII.
The most traditional habit I have ever seen too. NOT!!:rolleyes:
Perry5 said:
(Homosexuality and the bible.)

In the Summer of 1991 neurobiologist (Simon LeVay) introduced the world to the possibility of homosexuality being biological.

LeVay claimed to have found a differince in the hypothalamas part of the brain structure between gay and strait men.

The hypothalamas is a small area of the brain that is near the pituitary gland which is at the base of the brain.

The fact that homosexual behavior is observed across the animal kingdom indicates that for humans,(it is not merely a choice based on sinful tendencies.)

It is a natural byproduct of evolutionary process as is hetrosexuality.

Would not God’s word be better served thrue understandin rather than condemnation???

Simon LeVay?? Any relation to Anton LaVey? :hmmm:
If you’re basing your stance for acceptance of homosexaulity as natural & biological lifestyle just on the findings & opinions of one person then you barely have a leg to stand on my friend. Sorry but you’d lose a butt kicking contest way to easy.
You mention God’s word…hmm…interesting. I wonder, have you bothered to research what is written in God’s word about homosexuality? I’d venture to guess that you haven’t. Pity.

FYI: Simon LeVay resides in West Hollywood, 'nuff said.
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