Homosexuality "welcomed" by nuns

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Dear friends

CHASTITY … that applies in all walks of life and it is not wrong to be gay. The church doesn’t admonish the gay person or couple, it admonishes the lack of chastity.

Why do you draw a red line of hatred?

Love is to love your neighbour even so as they are not yourself. That’s not easy at all is it? not easy and I see how hard it is everytime I see posts of hatred like this.

Pick up your catechism and understand the meaning of chastity and then re-address your thoughts upon being gay.

There is one line applied to gay relationships in the bible and those are addressed to a lack of chastity. Further than this St Paul talks about the very same thing, promiscuousness, infidelity, fornication, sexual relations outside of marriage. This is the sin! You don’t even know if a gay person may though they show affection to their partner, refrain from sex and live as sister/sister brother/ brother.

If you would chase out every gay person from the pews of the church consider would Christ Jesus do that? No of course He wouldn’t, He would minister to them…and so should YOU

And although a person may not be able to make Eucharistic union with Christ Jesus, there is also a spiritual union to be made within the church. Are you not a sinner yourself and are you sins not as scarlet and awful in God’s sight as anyone else’s or are you better than your bretheren? Hmm or are you the Pharisee who stands there and says thank God I am not like this man, this homosexual? Or are you the man who admits their sins and admits we are all sinners and is rather a person of encouragement in Christ, A Barnabas???

Remember NO-ONE can come to Jesus unless the Father draw Him and He turns away NO-ONE who seeks Him.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

There is a huge difference between the “gay” lifestyle and homosexuality. The “gay” agenda pushes this in your face and wants us to accept and embrace this sinful lifestyle. .
Dear friend

No what you are confusing is the state of being ‘homosexual’ with the actual act of ‘homosexual sex’ and even if someone committs that act that does not mean they are struck out of the church altogether. They may not be able to receive communion, but they may make spiritual communion within the church and this is the short-minded hatred i am opposed to, that hatred that rules people out of church because they sin, that is what i am opposed to!!!
You make an accusation here with your first statment ("confusing state of being “homosexual” with act of sex) that you then immediately refute yourself with your backtracking in the following statments (“even IF they were engaging in sex it would be ok”).

You cannot obtain communion, spiritual or otherwise, while you are participating in and promoting grave sin with no remorse or repentance. Jesus Christ said we would be united by Him, who is Truth - and when we act in obstinantly in rejection to this Truth, we are not in communion with Him.

That is not hatred. That is theology according to God Himself.
This is the catholic church of saints and sinners is it not?
It sure is. But it was founded by an individual that would sooner die a heinous death of enormous pain and humiliation than say that sins were ok.
Personally I am not gay but I have gay catholic friends and to be honest in all other aspects I never met a better catholic, i wish i was so good a catholic as them.
If they really are chase, they may be terrific Catholics. If they are not and claim to be “gay”, then they reject the Church’s teaching outright. This is not “good”.
Examine your own self before you would strike another out of God’s house. The church doesn’t strike gay catholics from it’s pews and neither should YOU
This is more self-righteous preaching than you usually find here. You compare those that protest the acceptance of homosexual sin to Pharisees and then you turn around and do exactly what the Pharisees did to Jesus Christ. The Pharisees told Jesus - How dare you change the law, How dare you point out our sins - How dare you try to say we are not part of God’s kingdom.
You are making sweeping statements in respect of those who possess no faith or desire no faith presently, just as the millions of promiscuous heretrosexual people who live in fornication. If they were our example then hell would reign on earth but they are not and neither should you look at what the gay population is doing by and large to form an opinion on the gay catholic just as the heretrosexual population by and large cannot be shown as a good example of the catholic population.
The “gay” population by and large is multiple times more promiscuous than the heterosexual population. This is statisically proven. Further the homosexual agenda is attempting to normalize homosexuality as just another family structure both outside and within the Church. We have every right to condemn this attempt to trump the first and most fundamental covenant that God instituted with man and woman for their salvation. We have every right to stand up against the attempted normalization of sexual sins.
People have a skewed view and it has probably been skewed by the media
You mean the media that glorifies sexual sin and homosexuality and bashing of the Catholic Church? Yes, you are right.
If you know that they are baptised and Christ resides in their soul as it does in yours rather than persecute repeatedly this population you would open your arms and welcome them to spiritual union with Christ Jesus within the church. Otherwise mercy and kindness is lacking

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Nobody is persecuting anyone. Please provide some proof for your rhetoric.
Dear friends

If you honestly think this is a disease that people can be cured of then you are sorely mistaken.
Infact no-one knows the cause of homosexuality, not one person alive has fathomed it, so you cannot sit and tell me you have the market cornered and you know all the solutions to it if indeed it is something that needs a solution.
Oh how the tune changes when the facts get in the way.

Why is it that Repartive Therapy has as high a success rate in curing people of homoseuxality as any other mental disorder?
1/3 are completely cure. 1/3 are able to live without the disorder but still have some tendencies. 1/3 quit the therapy. It is the same for other mental illnesses.

If nobody has fathomed it then what do you make of the people that are happily married with children and no desire for the homosexual lifestyle they once engaged in.

The fact that you keep shifting directions on how to rationalize the sin of homosexual behavior leads me to conclude you are part of the agenda promotion and will take whatever track you can get to win.
Do you not know the corporal works of mercy? Not pertaining to taking someone a glass of water, but to lead them to Christ, if you keep them outside of the church how do you hope to achieve this?

What brings any soul to God but the Father who draws them to Himself in, by and through the Son Christ Jesus?
If you lead them to Christ under false pretenses then you have done more harm to their soul than good.

The Father draws them to Himself by showing them where they are wrong and how to heal their iniquities. This is done through repentance, acceptance of forgiveness from God, and loving God as much as we possibly can. It is not done by telling God that you reject His plan for the human race.
If you can audibly say keep gay people from being welcomed and invited into the church…well then forget your corporal works of mercy.
Nobody has said this yet except you.
If I had to trade my gay friend for any other person I would ask God to keep her my friend above any other. I have seen such love and mercy in her heart that exceeds many other so-called good catholics.

Ashamed? I would be ashamed to deny her and I will never deny her. She is my friend in Christ Jesus.
If she is living in obstinant and unrepentant sin and you do not help her out of it, then your friendship may be temporarily good for you but it does nothing for her eternal soul.
Sigh! I wonder if Ken/Zoot has made a reappearance with a new personality.
Naaah. Ken/Zoot didn’t have the theological or spiritual justifications, only secular ones.
Homosexuals are welcome in every Catholic Church in the world. To the extent that they are sinners, either by reason of the disorder they suffer from, or from any other cause inherent in the human condition, they are welcome to the healing offered by Jesus Christ in the sacraments. They are welcome under precisely the same conditions as everyone else is-accept the gift of faith, request baptism (or have it requested for you if you are under the age of reason), prepare for the other sacraments through conversion and confession, partake in the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church. Homosexuality describes one of a myriad of disorders, inherited with original sin from our first parents, that disposes us to sin. We are all disordered in this way in that we all suffer from concupiscence, the persistent stubborn desire for sinful choices of sense gratification over the joys of the spirit promised by God. None of us can hope to overcome this without God’s grace, won for us by the sacrificial action of Jesus Christ.

For pastors, and those involved in pastoral ministry, to lie to the faithful, and promise that somehow they can receive those graces without conversion, confession and absolution is grievous and has been condemned by Christ himself, when he told them it would be better for them to have a millstone tied around the neck and be thrown into the eternal pit of fire than to lead one of His little ones astray. this is the fate awaiting pastors who counsel any of the faithful that they are exempt from seeking the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Teresa, this is a beautiful post. I also have a few gay friends who are Catholics and they are some of the most compassionate people I have ever known. Nonetheless, much hatred is directed at them, by people who feel threatened by their homosexuality.

My adoptive mother was gay. When I was in seventh grade the “vigilantes” in our small town burned our house down when they discovered my mother’s orientation. A few years later, in another city, I was harassed out of my highschool, all because some very mean students found out about my mother’s orientation. Our car was egged and damaged. When I transferred to another highschool some more students heard about my mother and many of them wouldn’t even speak to me, even though I am not gay. Several of my friends were forced by their Catholic parents to sever their friendships with me. Homophobia is a cancer whose only cure is re-education. That is a powerful ministry! Thank God for the Catholics who pursue that ministry and stop homophobia right in its tracks! Homophobia has killed people and those good sisters know that.

Thank you for speaking up, Teresa. I, for one, appreciate it immensely. There is way too much ignorance about homosexuality in the world. God bless you, dear!
“Homophobia” doesn’t hurt people. People that sin hurt people. The Catholic Church recognizes that sin hurts people. If you want to help people that are being hurt then you help stop the sin. You don’t accept the sin.

Did the absense of stopping the sin under the premise of “stopping homophobia” hurt people in the Church? According to the hundreds of lawsuits against the Church it sure has.

Is it fair to the men and women that gave their life savings to the Church to see these life savings go out the window because priests in their diocese rejected homophobia and instead acted out on their “unchangeable” desires by preying on impressionable young adults?
If Jesus loves you, how do you know he doesn’t love them?

You talk about pastoring to their immortal soul, you talkj about embracing mortal sin as if they themselves didn’t know but, they do know, they are aware of catholic teaching as the rest of us and knowing that they will have to answer to God for their behaviour as much as you will for yours or I for mine.

If they recieve the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin, it is no longer the Eucharist.

Like Jesus you don’t condemn their lifestyle, you point out its wrongness and the choice is then theirs. They believe or not.

You love them for being the IMAGE OF OUR LORD, as all people are.

You do not judge their “illness” or whatever, “Do not judge lest ye be judged” Remember?

Giving someone a hug and telling them you love them no matter what their faults and not condemning them IS LOVE.

As my old granny used to say: “There but for the grace of God go any of us”

Sounds like somebody could do with some “Humility” pills.
Dear friend

Beautifully said!

I’m with you on everything you say.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Cool! We are in cahoots! 👍

I suppose I think I would trust my religious and just try and be ‘Christ-like’.
Homosexuals are a challenge! I am determined no to be a bigot.
I am determined not to call people bigots that say homosexual behavior is a sin. Can we, like Jesus, refrain from the name calling?
I think they would need to study the Catachism and reach their own conclusions about what it says and why it says it.
Nope. We need to read the Catechism and follow what it says, not come up with our own conclustions, revisons, or interpretations.
If asked, I would always point out the Church’s teaching on the subject. As a Catechist, I have been asked a few times. I try to accentuate the bit that says “[homosexualitys] physcological genesis remains largely unexplained” that it constitutes a trial for most of them, that “every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided” and that these persons are “called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and to unite with the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition” without ignoring the fact that the Catechism notes that the condition is gravely disordered. So basically, I think that sin is a matter of grace between the sinner and the priest and God and not for me to pass judgement on, unless my opinion is consulted. I see a homosexual couple as being perfectly capable of love, of genuinely caring for one another. They must reconcile that with their faith and I see that they will need m love and support in coming to terms with stuff like that- which is going to be very tough.
It’s just how I feel.
It sounds to me like your definition of “passing judgement” would include reading that particular section of the Catechism to them.

Am I correct or do you read this entire section to the “homosexual couple”? Because, if you do (and don’t add anything to it), the only conclusion that can be made is that what they are doing is not ok.
I suppose I don’t feel the need to show them what terrible sinners they are. I have enough sin of my own to deal with. I’m not denying how difficult some of these situations are…Openly condoning stuff is different from not condemning it. Still, I don’t feel outrage serves much useful purpose. Can these people cease to exist? Should they stop being gay? It must be a very lonely place to be. If you believe you have been born homosexual, where do you go once you have come to terms with your sexuality? Are we saying that they should never come to terms with it?
Just an example - If you believe you were born to rape little girls, how would you come to terms with your sexuality? Should you be told that is wrong by the Church? It can be pretty lonely for you in jail. Perhaps you would never come to terms with it.
If Jesus loves you, how do you know he doesn’t love them?

You talk about pastoring to their immortal soul, you talkj about embracing mortal sin as if they themselves didn’t know but, they do know, they are aware of catholic teaching as the rest of us and knowing that they will have to answer to God for their behaviour as much as you will for yours or I for mine.

If they recieve the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin, it is no longer the Eucharist.

Like Jesus you don’t condemn their lifestyle, you point out its wrongness and the choice is then theirs. They believe or not.

You love them for being the IMAGE OF OUR LORD, as all people are.

You do not judge their “illness” or whatever, “Do not judge lest ye be judged” Remember?

Giving someone a hug and telling them you love them no matter what their faults and not condemning them IS LOVE.

As my old granny used to say: “There but for the grace of God go any of us”

Sounds like somebody could do with some “Humility” pills.
Do you tell them what they are doing is gravely wrong and a mortal sin? If so, then you are doing nothing differently than what people here are suggesting.

By the way, it is still the Eucharist if you receive in a state of mortal sin - that is why it is another mortal sin to do so. Our sins do not take Jesus away. Jesus takes away our sins.
QUOTE=puzzleannie]Homosexuals are welcome in every Catholic Church in the world. To the extent that they are sinners, either by reason of the disorder they suffer from, or from any other cause inherent in the human condition, they are welcome to the healing offered by Jesus Christ in the sacraments. They are welcome under precisely the same conditions as everyone else is-accept the gift of faith, request baptism (or have it requested for you if you are under the age of reason), prepare for the other sacraments through conversion and confession, partake in the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church. Homosexuality describes one of a myriad of disorders, inherited with original sin from our first parents, that disposes us to sin. We are all disordered in this way in that we all suffer from concupiscence, the persistent stubborn desire for sinful choices of sense gratification over the joys of the spirit promised by God. None of us can hope to overcome this without God’s grace, won for us by the sacrificial action of Jesus Christ.

For pastors, and those involved in pastoral ministry, to lie to the faithful, and promise that somehow they can receive those graces without conversion, confession and absolution is grievous and has been condemned by Christ himself, when he told them it would be better for them to have a millstone tied around the neck and be thrown into the eternal pit of fire than to lead one of His little ones astray. this is the fate awaiting pastors who counsel any of the faithful that they are exempt from seeking the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

:amen: Well said.
If they recieve the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin, it is no longer the Eucharist.
Au contraire. This is the whole point of the charity of expecting people who are in a state of mortal sin to refrain from receiving the Eucharist.

From the Baltimore Catechism:
255. Q. Does he who receives Communion in mortal sin
receive the body and blood of Christ?

A. He who receives Communion in mortal sin receives the body and blood of Christ, but does not receive His grace, and he commits a great sacrilege.

I think they would need to study the Catachism and reach their own conclusions about what it says and why it says it.?
Isn’t that relativism? I thought the idea of Church doctrine is that we don’t decide what it says but accept what it says. I think it’s pretty clear how homosexual ACTS are seen through the lens of either Christianity or Judaism. They are not affirmed.
“[homosexualitys] physcological genesis remains largely unexplained” that it constitutes a trial for most of them, that “every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided”…I think that sin is a matter of grace between the sinner and the priest and God and not for me to pass judgement on, unless my opinion is consulted.
And I agree that this SHOULD be an issue between a person and God. If homosexuals were content to engaged in their ‘gravely disordered condition’ without involving greater society I would have absolutely nothing to say on the subject. That they are trying to CHANGE the rest of us to suit THEIR desires and disordered thinking is the issue. What happens in someone’s bedroom is between them and their partner and God. I really do not think I should be involved in other people’s private lives. What I DO care about is the attempt to normalize and equalize homosexual pairings with heterosexual married couples. They want to get “married” they want to borrow, breed or buy children and bring the children up to think that homosexuality is normal.

The public issue is what concerns me. If someone wants to have sex with a dead deer in the woods, well that’s their choice. But were these same people to want this behavior to be recognized, supported and approved is a completely different kettle of fish…albeit just as smelly.

Do you understand the difference?
I see a homosexual couple as being perfectly capable of love, of genuinely caring for one another. They must reconcile that with their faith and I see that they will need m love and support in coming to terms with stuff like that- which is going to be very tough.?
Look I have NO DOUBT that homoesexuals are every bit as capable of love as any of the rest of us. I know homosexual partners who deeply care for each other. I have several homosexual friends whom I adore and I know that the feeling is mutual. It is not a question of whether they can love, but whether that love is to be recognized on par with heterosexual married love. I have female friends that I love very much but we have no sexual feelings for each other. It’s not a matter of two people of the same sex deeply caring about each other, it’s a matter of the sexual aspects of same sex partnerships being questionable.

And sure I know it’s tough to push back these strong desires and like any other ‘addiction’ homosexuality is very hard to cure. But you are never going to cure or prevent a problem unless you acknowledge it IS a problem. There is NOTHING healthy about homosexual activity. Whether or not you believe in God, the reality is that our body parts are made for specific functions and using them otherwise tends to create problems. I can use my fist as a hammer but it’s neither a good hammer nor painfree as a practice.
It’s just how I feel.

“homosexual apologists”


I suppose I don’t feel the need to show them what terrible sinners they are. I have enough sin of my own to deal with. I’m not denying how difficult some of these situations are…Openly condoning stuff is different from not condemning it. Still, I don’t feel outrage serves much useful purpose.
…If you believe you have been born homosexual, where do you go once you have come to terms with your sexuality? Are we saying that they should never come to terms with it?
I don’t see a lot of outrage regarding private acts between adult homosexuals (pedastry and pedophelia are different of course). Where I DO see outrage is in the homosexual activists’ demands that we accept, condone, even celebrate disordered thinking and actions. I do not see a reason to march in a parade to say you engage in sodomy and darned proud of it. I don’t see the rationale of demanding that homosexuals be allowed to be Boy Scout masters. I don’t want to see homosexuals (or heterosexuals) engaged in public displays of sexual affection. I do not see the reason that homosexuals should be ‘married.’ A registered partnership to protect both parties’ finances, access to each other, etc is fine. But that’s not what activists want. They want church weddings with champagne toasts and a passionate kiss at the end of the ceremony.

IOW my main objection is the PUBLIC activism. What these folks do in the bedroom is between them and God.

Lisa N
Homosexual men have much higher rates of alcoholism and drug abuse compared to the general population. They also have much higher rates of suicide. Because of the rampant STD’s, including AIDS, homosexual men have lower life expectancies. Female homosexuals have higher rates of cervical cancer as well. This is undoubtedly related to a high rate of transmission of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). The promiscuity of homosexual men is well documented (something like an AVERAGE of 30 sexual partners per year). As a result, the relationships formed among gay men are less stable and even “stable” relationships are likely to incorporate some aspect of outside sexual experience.

It is a lack of charity, not a display of charity, that allows for this lifestyle to be celebrated and affirmed. It is tantamount to condemning a person to a life of misery, ostracism, premature death, and a state of constant mortal sin.

I went to a talk recently given by a man who some of you say doesn’t exist, a former homosexual. He is now married and has children. He said that one of the greatest gifts of his conversion, if you would want to use the phrase, is that he no longer has to think of sex as something dirty. He had been accustomed to thinking of it this way for reasons that, I hope, don’t need further illustration.

Courage doesn’t deny the powerful nature of same-sex attraction and that it can be persistant once a man or women exits the gay lifestyle. To that organization’s credit, it teaches those with persistent homosexual attraction to live chastely within the Church’s teaching. Those who feel they can make the leap to a heterosexual life are provided counseling that enables them to do so. Despite what the gay lobby would have you think, there are literally hundreds of thousands of former homosexuals in the US alone who have made just such a change and are now much happier than they ever could have been in the misnomered “gay lifestyle”.
Lisa N:
Would you please read the post before responding?

  1. Homosexual inclinations and homosexual ACTS are two completely separate things.
  2. They are not to be struck from the pews but welcome in the pews. However, that they are welcome does not mean their sins are to be supported anymore than any other sin
  3. We are all sinners. I acknowledge my sins and I strive to avoid sinful behavior. That is the problem with SOME homosexuals. They want to ‘have their cake and eat it too’ in wanting to be absolved from sins but keep on sinning. I do not think that is correct thinking do you?
  4. YOU are making sweeping statements that do not reflect my post at all
  5. How can you be a “good” Catholic if you are in a state of sin and a state of denial? Again I am speaking of homosexuals who are not chaste
  6. I have absolutely NO CLUE what point you are trying to make about “thousands of heterosexuals fornicating” You may well be right. However, that heterosexuals are fornicating doesn’t excuse homosexuals from fornicating. No one is holding up fornicating heterosexuals as role models. Further this has absolutely nothing to do with my point that you are naive to think that homosexuals who are in partnerships are living chastely. I think that is probably unlikely given the many studies on the promiscuity in the (male) homosexual community
Again, please respond to the statements instead of simply repeating your opinion so that we may engage in a dialogue instead of a monologue.

Lisa N
Lisa N take a deep breathe and count to ten. My goodness. this was my point and basis when i said that i was afraid of people like you running the church “you dont agree with me so your wrong and ignorant and avoiding the issue.” back off the girl a little and read what she has to say for once. if its a monologue its on your end my friend.

Spring Breeze: let me just say you are a breath of fresh air in these forums that occasionally get smogged out.
Lisa N said:
6) . No one is holding up fornicating heterosexuals as role models.
Lisa N

Sure they are. its called Hollywood and professional sports.
While we’re on the topic of sex and chastity, just take a look a the following article:

Violent sex ‘is killing the Tasmanian devil’
By Nick Squires in Sydney
(Filed: 27/01/2005)

A disease that has devastated the Tasmanian devil population is probably being spread by the animal’s boisterous sex life, Australian scientists believe.

The devil has been wiped out in many parts of the island over the past three years.

The number of “nature’s janitor”, as the animal is nicknamed, has fallen from about 150,000 to less than half that, with four out of every five dying in some areas.

Researchers believe that the animals’ habit of fighting over decaying carrion and engaging in violent sexual foreplay accounts for the speed at which the disease has spread.

The illness, noticed about five years ago, causes hideous facial tumours that leave the devils unable to see or eat.

Just remember that the next time you’re fighting over carrion…:tsktsk:
Lisa, thank you for your intelligent reply, it’s given me lots to think about!
I wonder if being homosexual is like being born without and arm- or if it is a ‘fashion statement’.

Mark (INRI)- do you treat homosexuals? What is your opinion on their genesis?
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