And? You asked me for the data, which is reasonable, now I’ve given you a sample.
It’s been so long I don’t even remember asking
Of course, but why did he like it? A number of serial killers (not all) have severely skewed sexual impulses that link violence with sexual gratification. A number of them can only reach orgasm when they do their ritual. Sexual frustration is most certainly a part of the equation (again in many cases, not all). The point being that sexual frustration can indeed be a component in serious mental illness. Serial killers are by far the most extreme example but even in everyday people to claim sexual frustration causes no harm is simply false.
First I never said sexual frustration causes ‘no’ harm but the idea that the average person who is stimulated but unable to engage is going to explode is utterly ridiculous or we’d have had many exploding, violent, rampaging teenage boys over the years.
Sexually violent individuals are a completely different animal and I do mean that literally. You cannot claim that the damage done by a Ted Bundy, a Jeffrey Dahmer, a Dayton Leroy Rogers, a Gary Leon Ridgeway is caused by ANYTHING like normal sexual frustration that probably every human being experiences at some point in time. Only the tiny minority act out violently and there is always the question, did the violence come first or was it the sex?
Or are you saying that if homosexuals in general are unable to get sexual gratification their way, they will all turn into seriel killers? Can’t have it both ways Tlaloc/Ken/Zoot.
The ones you chose to use when describing homosexual relations.
So you have a more esthetic description of sodomy? Somehow it is hard NOT to consider the grotesquery. After all we are using body parts for activities never intended and the results are really not very pretty.
The point is that if heterosexual black women represent the largest growing group then perhaps you should revise your notions of AIDS being a gay disease. You’re about two decades behind the facts.
I didn’t say it was a ‘gay disease’ as that depends entirely on the country you are referring to. OTOH given that black women were such a tiny minority of cases, any increase represents a higher percentage increase than if you were talking about a majority population. Can you post figures about which groups have the highest incidence of AIDS? Something tells me that in the US the homosexual male is still in the lead in this macabre race.
Lisa N