Lisa N:
Nope, I am not hiding behind the name of a baby sacrificing god of the Aztecs. It’s a real name.
But not your whole name. You are hiding part of your identity (and rightfully so). So am I. For some reason you find your way of doing it superior to mine.
Actually you sound quite like our old friend Ken/Zoot. As I said, if you aren’t him, you’re his twin. And I don’t think Ken/Zoot was distinguished by his grasp of the physical sciences but by his very unique style.
Interesting. Then I don’t know how to explain it except as coincidence.
No it’s also the style of posting and the unabashed defense of homosexuality in all its variations. Same old, same old. Didn’t work then, doesn’t work now but keep on trying. It will help you justify your worldview.
I can only present the information I can’t make you internalize any of it.
No I didn’t say it was a disease of homosexuals.
Lisa, here’s a direct quote of yours from the post before your last: “It is still a homosexual disease if you compare the actual incidence within the population.” Isn’t calling it a homosexual disease calling it a disease of homosexuals?
Most AIDS is the result of promiscuous sex
Obviously STDs will be more easily transmitted by people with more partners. Thats more a simply fact of how the diseases work than an indication that having multiple partners is a bad thing.
I do not think a population consisting of monogamous heterosexuals would have created an epidemic of AIDS.
You’re mistaken. Plenty of STDs have risen to epidemic status among heteros, there’s no reason to believe AIDS would have been different.
Oh, somehow you have read my mind and decided that I have castigated every sexual act except a few?
No not at all, why do you take it as a personal argument? The fact is that the Catholic church castigates every sexual act barring a very few exceptions. That’s because they view sex purely in procreative terms. They’re free to do that but due to human biology it has some repurcussions.
Really? You think a very private, powerful and creative act is something that should be discussed in polite company? Why?
Because its a fundamental part of the human nature. We discuss art. We discuss love. We discuss hopes, dreams, fears, hatreds, ad infinitum. But we rarely engage in mature discussions of sex.
Do you discuss your other private acts? Why MUST sex be discussed ad nauseum?
I’d be happy if it was discussed (maturely) just occasionally. That’d be a huge step up.
What about our need to know? I really do not need to know if you have unhealthy impulses. If you feel the desire to discuss them with someone who a) cares and b) can provide helpful information, go to a psychiatrist.
See what I mean about approaching the subject in a mature way? Your first impulse is to label me a pervert in need of therapy. That’s not indicative of a person who can approach the topic maturely. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a personal failing on your part. It’s a societal failing. One we could choose to correct.
The causes of whatever problem you wish to address. Fighting symptoms is a losing battle.
Oh please. Really if I have not engaged in sodomy then I am naive?
I didn’t say that. I said you were naive for assuming no one could possibly use anal sex as a form of expressing love or affection. I’m happy to repeat the things I’ve said, you don’t have to make up stuff I didn’t.
And you can obtain ‘mutual gratification’ having sex with an animal.
I think the
mutual part there is pretty questionable…
The ONLY thing that matters is what you and your partner want. Yep, that’s a good attitude.
I wouldn’t say the only thing, but yes it’s a very important thing. Where precisely is the harm in consensual sex outside of strict vaginal intercourse purely for procreation? You can certainly claim your religion views it as harmful but that religion only applies to it’s adherents. It’s views are not binding on the rest of humanity.