So let me get this straight. Everyone is saying that these “kids” can’t be passionate about anything because of their age?
Sure they can. However, being passionate doesn’t give one a blanket pass to protest during class time.
Since old people are generally smarter than younger people AND they don’t let teens and 5th graders fly the space shuttleSince when does age make you suddenly smart and that your opinion counts?
They sure can. Doesn’t mean anyone should let them skip school because they are passionate.Kids can be passionate about a lot of social issues.
They can voice their opinion freely after school or before school.This one just happens to be in the forefront at the moment. Right now these kids are speaking up and showing that they are not happy is them voicing their opinion.
They are certainly free to peacefully speak out. They are not free to skip school.I personal believe that a good majority of these kids are passionate about this issue. This new law will effect them and their families so i think if anyone has a right to speak out it is these kids!
There’s no right given in the Constitution giving school age children the right to skip school to protest without consequenceLast time i looked the constitution of the United States didn’t have an age limit that it suddenly kicked in on.
Let’s hope they exercise that right to vote!(Yes these kids can’t vote at the moment but a lot of the can in the next election).
I won’t bill you for the advance of your personal educationAlso I didn’t know there was a time limit on when one could protest?
It’s called schoolwork for a reasonTo kids their school is their work.
Would I? Why? What unseen force is going to force me to leave my job and protest anything?Just like you would leave your job to go protest these kids are leaving their.
Good. They should be.And just like you would be punished or docked time or pay so will these kids.
As well they should.I know a lot of HS have exemption programs for finals and absences count against those so these kids are going to be “punished”.
While you are correct regarding France it’s not, from where I sit, a good thing too see school-age kids protesting anything during school hours.P.S…at least we can show the rest of the world that when we protest against our government that it is peaceful…we are doing a lot better than france and some of Europe…