Not praying to them for intercession is not the same as not believing in the Communion of Saints. You can have a ‘real community’ with lots of someones without asking them for things or to do things for you.“I BELIEVE IN THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS…” :getholy:
Can’t get much more dogmatic than the Apostles Creed, EM. Every element of which is required belief.
Note that it says ‘the Communion of Saints’ and not just ‘the Saints’. We don’t believe in them as isolated individuals, rather we believe that we can and should be in communion (community) with them.
You can’t have real community with someone (or a group of someones) you never communicate with.
I have not seen anyone in the thread deny the Communion of Saints and the statement you quote does not say that not praying to them for intercession has some kind of ‘loss’ for the person attached.