I asked you whether you’re a young earth creationist. That’s easy enough to answer isn’t? Either you believe Genesis 1 is literally and historically true or you don’t. Which is it?
And for the third time of asking, do you think God is still designing? For example, is the zika virus God’s design?"
As for me, Genesis 1 is pure allegory, and the intent of the author is evangelical - its message is to those who believed in idols or tribal gods or were polytheists, and the message is that there is one God and absolutely everything is created by that God
***. Only some moderns, over-familiar with the text, miss that and concentrate on the piddling details instead (which even so never talk of design).
I am not a young earth creationist. You don’t have to read “days” literally.
We knew that as long ago as St. Augustine.
The Zika virus is part of the overall design of creation. Nothing can exist without God’s permission. Do you think the Zika virus therefore demonstrates that God is malevolent? Or do you think that floods or earthquakes demonstrate that God is malevolent? If that is your take, I think it is a curious kind of Christianity that proposes a malevolent God.
It’s good to see you admit “everything is created by that God.” God created the universe, and you don’t just read the bible to that effect as pure allegory. You actually believe that God is a Creator, and that calling him a Creator does not belittle him. Now the answer to the next question I have to ask is very important but you will probably refuse to give it based on your past practice of ignoring questions you don’t like.
How do you create a universe without first designing your creation?
How do you create a universe and just leave everything to chance as to how it will turn out, when there is every possibility that chance alone will never produce anything more than stars and their planets. What would be the point in creating such a universe?
And since God exists outside time and can see the whole fate of the universe in his eternal now, how could he not know that he had programmed (designed) his universe to produce a good deal more than mere stars and their planets?