How can you be Democratic and also be Catholic?

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But the world is so diverse and vast and complex!
You’re comparing a novel about children being murdered to a debate.
And what about already born children who live in the Third world. E.g. death from hunger? The World Counts You can exaggerate this question as well, why you are not doing this?

I just wanted to say - fixing glaze on one single issue is hindering our sight on other problems that are no less pressing. This openness to the whole world (Jesus was open to variety of people) is another reason why people can vote for Democrats.

. . . .
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Okay - I get it now! I am only allowed to kill someone if they are currently inside my body.
You’re not supposed to say that, in quite that way, I think.
Why am I not supposed to say that?

There are two situations as I see it. If someone other than God gets inside your body, you are allowed to kill them as self defense. Generally you are allowed to kill whoever is invading your body.

That is radically different from the situation of God putting someone into your body. There it can reasonably be assumed that God has entrusted that person to you. Does that mean you are allowed to kill the person? IDK. Do you think it was like the self defense situation? I really did not understand your question, or this follow up.
Y’all must have had some kind of truth serum.
Truth is always what I try for, I do not need the coercion of a truth serum. I do not know what your point is.
You’re not supposed to admit that abortion is killing, I mean.
Sarcasm alert! -
You know what’s the worst? When those darn fetuses invade a woman’s body without her knowledge or consent!
Good thing she can kill them when she wants to!
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No, the Nazis weren’t just “voted” into power. The Weimar “Republic” collapsed because the Depression made it impossible for Germany to pay the reparations imposed by the Allies at The Treaty of Versailles. The Republic was new and already weak. The terms imposed by the Allies were punitive and cruel. There was no attempt at reconciliation. Also, and this is VERY important because it happened in America with the Southern states. The Stab-in-the-back myth persisted and grew in strength throughout the 1920s and 30s.

Germans believed that others were responsible for their loss in WWI. They specifically blamed Jews and other “foreign” elements for conspiring to destroy Germany and for betraying the soldiers dying in the trenches. Germany never recognized their own culpability in defeat. They never had a national reckoning. This was NOT allowed by the Allies after WWII. There was an intensive De-Nazification program implemented by the Allies. ALL visible Nazi symbols were destroyed. It was made illegal to display the Swastika, use the Nazi salute, deny the Holocaust, praise Adolf Hitler, etc. Germany recognized that the Nazi government was EVIL and its treatment of people inhumane. In Southern states, the Daughters of the Confederacy had carte blanche to write history textbooks for generations. They erected thousands of statues to oppose Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Movement. This country has never confronted the human riots violation of slavery, racism and the anti-Christ ideology of White Supremacy.

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I also think the obsession with abortion stems from a misunderstanding of God’s Grace. God is perfectly capable of dispensing Grace without Sacraments. Unborn aborted babies are not condemned to Hell or basking in some type of Limbo. God is compassionate! He knows those children weren’t given an opportunity for Baptism and thus being cleansed of Original Sin. I believe he has a plan for babies that die through miscarriage, abortion, or even people that are never evangelized. We have to believe that God is still the head of his Church. He has appointed Earthly leaders to guide that Church (And I include non-Catholics), but HE, not the Pope is the HEAD!
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’m a little startled that you think that it’s tenable that a 6 month old baby might not be a human being.
Yet again you (collective) are putting words in my mouth. “I” am not saying anything about my personal views. What I have been saying is that OTHERS “think that it’s tenable that…” Not me. Others. And my point has been consistently that you should not simply dismiss the rights and beliefs of “others” because they do not match your personal belief of what “Truth” is.
I like the down home fiddle music in the background.
I like it when he says to a child “you’re smart as hell!”
I like it that the ad starts with a variation of “come on man”.
That is not the teaching of the Church, which alone has been guided by Divine Revelation. You can believe as you desire but it doesn’t make it true.

You are also neglecting those who put their souls in danger by providing or having abortions.

God is merciful but He is also just and we will be judged by our actions.
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Artucles title is totally misleading.

The article states that Vatican officials say it is grounds for hope not sure knowledge.

So again, not Church teaching.
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I will rely on the analysis of Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn who was born in Austria before the Nazis came to power and relentlessly attacked them in print. He was also a Catholic.
Why would you want to believe that Jesus would bar heaven to babies that were aborted or miscarried when he forgave a Thief on the Cross, a Woman caught in Adultery, and an Apostle that denied him?! Your God isn’t my God!
Why would you want to believe that Jesus would bar heaven to babies that were aborted or miscarried when he forgave a Thief on the Cross, a Woman caught in Adultery, and an Apostle that denied him?! Your God isn’t my God!
Oh please. There’s legitimate grounds for discussion. Hope is not certainty. And even St John Paul II thought Limbo should be reconsidered.
It’s too binary, authoritarian, and autocratic.
And if your opinion of the Catholic Church is based on this web site, you are correct. Luckily, out in the real world, things are different! Simply look at the recent Synod of the Family and the range of opinions expressed. And read the final report–filled with ambiguity because the Church does not want to condemn either side in the face of such disagreement.

And as I’ve pointed out before, there is no “official” Catholic Bible commentary. There are a number of commentaries that are “approved” from the Opus Dei Navarre commentary on the right to the St. Jerome commentary on the left. Both are Catholic, both have different viewpoints on a number of issues, both are approved.

My suggestion would be to get off this web site and read some encyclicals or the Catechism–both are filled with simple common sense and logic.
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Why would you want to believe
It isnt about what I believe or want to believe but what the Church teaches.

I personally agree with the tradition of limbo, which is considered a place of perfect happiness but whether or not someone will go to heaven when they die does not give us the right to take their life.

That said, yes, God is always merciful and does forgive us when we sin, even the sin of abortion but we need to confess that sin.
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This is one reason glencor63 is thinking about leaving the Church.

John Henry Cardinal Newman (now a saint) had this to say:

“The Syllabus then has no dogmatic force; it addresses us, not in its separate portions, but as a whole, and is to be received from the Pope by an act of obedience, not of faith, that obedience being shown by having recourse to the original and authoritative documents, (Allocutions and the like,) to which the Syllabus pointedly refers. Moreover, when we turn to those documents, which are authoritative, we find the Syllabus cannot even be called an echo of the Apostolic Voice; for, in matters in which wording is so important, it is not an exact transcript of the words of the Pope, in its account of the errors condemned, just as would be natural in what is an index for reference.”
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