How can you be Democratic and also be Catholic?

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How is it that the democratic party is going to change hearts and minds so more women will not want abortions?
I don’t know if any Democrat supports this idea, but they could: Provide guaranteed pre-natal care and delivery services to all women, regardless of the complications. This would show those women that they need not fear financial ruin from childbirth, and the society stands ready to support them in their choice to carry their baby to term. I know this: no Republican is supporting this or anything like it.
I know this: no Republican is supporting this or anything like it.
I am curious to how you know this.

Catholic hospitals, clinics and women’s care centers are available to help expectant mothers despite their complications or financial status. I am pretty sure there are Republican people (not necessarily politicians) involved in these services.

If you are meaning, which I suspect you are, as a government provided service or financial aid, I know I could not say one way or another what politician on either side might have something like this in mind. Not knowing their thoughts.

I can say that I have never heard a Democratic politician suggest anything like this. I have only heard them fight for abortion “rights” labeled under “women’s healthcare”.
ready to support them in their choice to carry their baby to term.
Republicans do support carrying a baby all the way to its birth.
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I know this: no Republican is supporting this or anything like it.
Catholic hospitals, clinics and women’s care centers are available to help expectant mothers despite their complications or financial status.
If you check into the details I don’t think they can or would provide all that I am suggesting to every one. They do what they can, and that’s great. But may women are still burdened with paying for delivery services. I would like to see these services as freely available as public school.
ready to support them in their choice to carry their baby to term.
Republicans do support carrying a baby all the way to its birth.
Not to the extent that I am proposing. That would really have a chance at convincing more women to avoid abortion.
No- this election is about radicalized leftists who want Marxism vs. Trump. There are no Democrats or Republicans in this at all. I’m of neither party, am a moderate, and I have seen the extreme radicalization of the left and it is very alarming. I don’t like Trump at all but hell will freeze over before I vote for Biden and what that crew stands for right now.
I appreciate your saying that (again). I know it doesn’t mean you agree with the Democratic platform, based on your previous posts, but you do acknowledge that the Church indeed allows such a vote, based on the US bishops’ Faithful Citizenship guidelines. Many here apparently can’t tell the difference between what is allowed under certain conditions and a wholehearted endorsement.
Oh of course. I think I’m the second post in this thread where I say one can be Democrat and Catholic.
But may women are still burdened with paying for delivery services. I would like to see these services as freely available as public school.
The Catholic hospital I work at does provide services whether one has the ability to pay or not. They do also provide financial assistance as best they can.

That said, speaking of freely available services, they are never free. Someone, somewhere has to pay. Even the Catholic hospitals and clinics here, rely on the miraculous help of God to provide for them so they can provide for others. He always comes through.

These services that you would like to be free cause rise in taxes, even public school services can cause a rise in taxes. Someone always pays.

Also, the ability to deliver and care for a child is not always or often the reason behind abortions.
Not to the extent that I am proposing. That would really have a chance at convincing more women to avoid abortion.
I disagree. As I said affordability is not always the cause of abortion. Much of the reason for abortions has come from the women’s liberation movement that pushed sexual freedom and downplayed significantly the role of motherhood and pushed career as the place women find fulfillment.
Oh of course. I think I’m the second post in this thread where I say one can be Democrat and Catholic.
Maybe then a better way to word the question is, can one vote for the Democratic party with it’s current platform of today and still be Catholic?
These services that you would like to be free cause rise in taxes, even public school services can cause a rise in taxes. Someone always pays.
I know that. But if abortion is the preeminent issue of our time, no other issue or combination of issues can compare. That includes the desire for low taxes. At least that is what the pro-life movement has been telling Democrats when they raise the issue of “other values” that are dear to them. So it is only fair that Republicans also place the desire to reduce abortions above their favorite issues, like low taxes and small government.
if abortion is the preeminent issue of our time, no other issue or combination of issues can compare. That includes the desire for low taxes.
I would suspect that most pro-life people would be willing to pay higher taxes if it was truly for a service that reduced abortions but as I said cost is not always, if very often, the reason for abortions.
So it is only fair that Republicans also place the desire to reduce abortions above their favorite issues, like low taxes and small government.
It would be good yes if Republicans placed the desire to reduce abortion on a higher issue. Fortunately right now we do have a president who has made reducing abortions a pretty top priority. President George W. Bush did what he could also. It was a pretty high priority for him also.

On the other hand, Democrats are not pushing to reduce abortions or even have a thought of providing delivery care but rather want taxpayers to pay for the abortions and force Christians to go against their conscience and pay for women’s contraceptives.

So you see, abortion isn’t about cost. It is about liberation from home, family and motherhood.
As part of an expanded ACA, I think one could say they are closer to that goal than the Republicans.
I would have to disagree here. As I said Democrats have no desire to reduce abortions. They are pushing for abortion coverage. They are pro-women’s choice and not pro-life. Republicans are pushing a pro-life agenda. Democrats are not.

Also, as one who has a close friend who used the ACA. It is not always affordable.
How about

Pregnancy, childbirth, and neonatal care fully covered by all healthcare plans so that no family need worry about the expenses of bringing a child into the world.

Workplace accommodations for parents, including paid parental leave, flexible scheduling, and affordable child care available to as many families as possible.

No family forced to have two full-time incomes just to survive, and thus policies subsidizing child care by parents staying at home should be enacted.
As part of an expanded ACA, I think one could say they are closer to that goal than the Republicans.
Single-Payer would give the party a reason to exist.

ACA, not a reason. The party has no reason to exist at this point.
But we are not bishops here, nor do we practice sorcery and divination to foresee the future, or shouldn’t.
No, you can not be Catholic and vote democrat.
Again, said the Church never.

I watched on of your videos, and will watch the other, but that is not forming a conscience. Moral formation is not like politics. If we keep flipping to the YouTubes we like, listening to the tickling of the ears of these conservative priests and pundits for our conservative views, or the progressive priests and pundits for our progressive views, we form nothing.

Reading the Catechism, encyclicals, the Scripture, etc., is formation, and if we go to others to form us (like these videos) we should at least have the intellectual honesty to spend more time with those who we do not enjoy or agree with, as we learn nothing from people telling us what we want to hear.
Again, said the Church never.
So, I agree. I commented earlier that I believe the question should be re-worded to say, can one be Catholic and vote for the Democratic party of today with all of it’s platform. I believe the answer to that is, no.
If they should change their agenda the answer might change.
that is not forming a conscience.
Reading the Catechism, encyclicals, the Scripture, etc., is formation,
Agree. All these should be read. Though as Catholics we do need our priests to shepherd us and guide us into understanding what we read and as one priest in the video said, it is his responsibility to speak the truth to us for the good of our soul.

Reading all those mentioned without spiritual guidance can lead one into their own understanding, which can lead one away from Catholic teaching also.

Not only that, my own local priest, who is not popular on youtube speaks the very same as the priests I linked, so it is not always popular youtube priests tickling one’s ear that are speaking up.

Being reminded that there is a hell and that can be a consequence for my actions is not very tickling.
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Provide guaranteed pre-natal care and delivery services to all women, regardless of the complications
I see problems with your idea. First, I don’t think the cost of having a baby (the costs you are talking about covering) are a major concern when it comes to the decision of having an abortion, so I think it would have only a small effect on the number of abortions.

Remember that a substantial number of women who have abortions are covered by Medicaid, so they already have access to all this. Some other women will be able to access Medicaid for thos purpose.

The main problem is that women are having sex when they are unwilling to have a baby, with men they do not want to currently have a baby with.

Our society’s idea that sex is for pleasure and connected to creating a new human life only through some sort of accident is the driver of abortion.

ETA: as evidence, I offer the article in the OP of this thread.
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I listened to the other priest, and they are all worth hearing. However, we have to be careful to listen to when they switch from “candidate” to “party” because they are not logical equals. Full disclosure, though I no longer care for the Republican Party of 2020, I will still vote Republican 90% of the time, with Independents and an occasional Democrat making the balance. I know so solid, pro-life Catholic Democrats though, so I judge those that still swim upstream in trying to return that party to the center.
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