In all charity:
Avoiding a fascist state is also for the common good.
I do not believe we are headed for a fascist state but even if we were headed that way under President Trump, how long is that going to last? There will be another Democratic vs Republican election in 4 years that will end what you consider a fascist state. His term would be over.
That said, human life comes before 4 years of what one considers a fascist state.
At best it might result in overturning Roe v Wade
That would be awesome, even if it did go to the states. Think how many lives will be saved.
I won’t try to convince you of my opinion, but it is an opinion that I can have without violating any Church teaching.
I disagree here and so do very many Catholics priests who are called to shepherd us.
The only thing he has promoted is keeping it available.
To me that is like saying, “I don’t believe stealing is morally right, but I won’t take away the thief’s right to steal” and then promote laws that allow stealing. It’s not right for the victim.
Every year we hear the same thing. Whoever is the Democratic candidate is the most pro-abortion candidate ever.
Yes, because they keep moving farther left. Clinton thought they should be safe, legal and
rare. That thought is long gone. (though he did legalize partial birth abortion, which Bush stopped)
fear of financial ruin - by providing guaranteed pre-natal care and delivery services to all at no charge regardless of the complications. We pay for the kid’s education in public schools. Why shouldn’t we pay for the kid to be born? I think this will change a lot of hearts and minds right away.
I won’t say much about this because we have discussed it before, but paying for delivery is not a major reason for abortion.
We pay for the kid’s education in public schools. Why shouldn’t we pay for the kid to be born?
That is a possibility to pay for the child’s delivery but one thing to remember is these things are paid for in taxes. Many people have difficulty paying the taxes they have now. It could just end up going from one poor person to another.
Conversely, if we don’t change hearts and minds first, it will be like prohibition, where a law is passed that the people don’t support. People will find a way around it.
There will always be laws people do not support and find ways around.
So changing hearts and minds is the only thing that is guaranteed to work.
This definitely should be done but voting Democrat will not do that because it will only appear that Catholics support abortion, giving the opinion that it is okay.