But nothing is more important than abortion. That includes keeping taxes low. If it is a choice between keeping taxes low or reducing abortions, we much always chose reducing abortions, right?
I agree though no one that I have heard in the Democratic party is proposing paying for the delivery of babies in the same way school is paid for in our taxes. It is nowhere in their platform. Instead the Democratic party is proposing abortion be paid the same way school is paid for, with our taxes.
That makes it hard for me to follow that as a proposed line of defense to vote Democrat.
It is if you add in the fear of complications. And how “major” does it have to be to warrant attention? Shouldn’t even a “minor” reason for abortion be worthy of attention?
but the Democrat solution to fear of complications in pregnancy is abortion.
Again nowhere are they proposing paying for delivery of the baby. They are wanting to extend women’s “right” to kill the baby.
Please provide your source when you say that “the Church has made it the top priority.”
If you are looking for an encyclical or an official document from the Church stating that abortion is their top priority, as far as I know you would probably be correct that there isn’t one but if you are inferring that the Catholic church has not made abortion a top priority in their mission to saves souls and respect every human life you would be incorrect.
I would also check out the Ten Commandments, written by God. One in particular says,
thou shalt not kill.
and Guadium et spec
For God, the Lord of life, has conferred on men the surpassing ministry of safeguarding life in a manner which is worthy of man.
sons of the Church may not undertake methods of birth control which are found blameworthy by the teaching authority of the Church in its unfolding of the divine law
(abortion is not just murder but a type of birth control)
Abortion always has the intention of killing.
My own opinion is that there is zero chance of abortion being illegal in four years.
A possibility, true. It make take years afterward. Maybe a different Supreme Court will overturn Roe v Wade starting the path of making it illegal.
I would rather hope than give up and give it to the other side.
Perhaps a third party vote is an option for some if that vote doesn’t give Democrats the win and increase the number of abortions.
But there is no definitive evidence that a vote for one candidate will change the abortion statistics. Your candidate may hold to that goal, but the judgement to be made is about delivery. If another voter concludes the pro-life candidate is whistling in the wind, there’s not much imperative to vote for him.
Again, I would rather hope and work toward that goal than give up and give it to the other side.
Luke 8:25 Where is your faith?