Democrats are more compatible with Christian values like caring for the sick.
which Christian values do these Dem policies fit into?
by voting for a Democrat, you enable the entire LGBT agenda, euthanasia, embryonic
stem cell research, transgenderism, identity politics, the destruction of the family, contraception, socialism, breaking the seal of the confession, federal funds to pay for abortions, forced abortions in Catholic hospitals, the selection of liberal judges who will uphold these policies, etc
there is more than one way to solve social ills, the unborn that are killed don’t have any options.
No, my vote for Biden supports the rule of law and honesty and sanity in government.
Biden and honesty? look at his history, he has his issues with it.
what about the abortion laws Biden pledges to enact? I guess they just don’t count.
God have mercy on the unborn.
I can’t support that in any form.
do you support it in the democrat party? they have their share of racists.
I’d support a woman ending her pregnancy after being sexually assaulted over white racists.
The church doesn’t
Just 1% of women obtain an abortion because they became pregnant through rape, and less than 0.5% do so because of incest, according to the Guttmacher Institute.
do you support the other 98.5% of abortions? The Democrats do.
I have watched the federal government spend trillions of dollars to solve all the social ills. Yet today those issues are still just as bad if not worse.
all the feds have done is destroy the family unit with their marriage penalty.