How can you be Democratic and also be Catholic?

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Yes, this is the usual tactic of the ruling class to placate the masses while they consolidate power and wealth for themselves.

We definitely need those programs again. However, the Oligarchy would have to admit that we’re in an Economic Depression. Also, there doesn’t seem to be much value placed on labor anymore. Let alone fixing our nations crumbling infrastructure.
You have to levy taxes because people too often find an excuse when it comes to charity.
We’re definitely taxed enough. The real issue, even at local levels, is how are these monies being spent and what measures are being taken to stop corruption?

My city has had numerous corruption issues related to the misuse of public funds. Yet, nobody gets more than a year in jail and a public shaming. Meanwhile, the roads are in shambles, the sewer system is older than you and I combined, and the city lies in shambles. Then, these same people have the audacity to come back around asking for more money and another tax levy!

I think this country would be much better off if we could balance the budget, pay down the National Debt, and root out the systemic corruption plaguing our leadership. Maybe then we’d at least have a chance at real progress.
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In Ohio, $20/hour is quite reasonable. California is simply too expensive for the average person.

There’s a reason Google employees are living in vans… Their salaries would be more than sufficient in another state. In my area, a person making 100k per year can live in a beautiful neighborhood in the countryside!

We need accountability and justice.

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We’re definitely taxed enough. The real issue, even at local levels, is how are these monies being spent and what measures are being taken to stop corruption?
Taxes can’t go up anymore except on things like legalized gambling, drug use, prostitution, etc. That’s primarily why that stuff is being okayed by governments.
I would like think that’s true… However, even at the local and state level things are very bad.

I worked a couple campaigns for the local GOP and discovered that there was little desire for change. Unsurprisingly, the place was full of Masons. There was also strong opposition to the Tea Party movement from within the GOP. I recall a local congressman answering questions and making excuses for Washington. It was obvious that he had no intention of rocking the boat.
Tea party? That’s still a thing? Young conservatives?

I guess there’s just no place in this world for an idealistic old hippie like me anymore 😞
But leaves voting decisions as prudential judgements.
(bold mine)
To say that something is a matter of prudential judgment does not mean that I decide for me, you decide for you, and it doesn’t matter if we disagree – it’s “prudential judgment.” All of our judgments must be examined in the light of truth and the Gospel. All of our judgments require a rigorous process of conscience formation in which we gather all relevant information, examine in detail the context, learn and consider the applicable Christian tradition and teachings before we can make a prudential judgment. Prudential judgment should not be understood in a modern voluntaristic way; it should be understood within this framework of the good, truth, and formation of conscience. (Meghan Clark)
if we follow church teaching our prudential judgments should lead us to similar conclusions. Our prudential judgment can not make non-intrinsic evils equal to intrinsic evils. many are doing just this.

is anyone really against them? the devil is in the details, how to best help the people in need. this is a sham the Democrats use against republicans.
there doesn’t seem to be much value placed on labor anymore.
why would there be when one party offers everything for free?
The “working poor” is a serious problem in many western economies. I suspect it is attributable to the declining share of national income that goes to wages versus profits. That share reflects I suspect a power imbalance between businesses and workers, declining union power and fairly absent government regulation (Eg of wage levels). Absent these things, it’s not surprising that government redistributive programs come into play.
you mean like Bloomberg’s soda tax

his thoughts behind it
Michael Bloomberg: “Some people say, well, taxes are regressive. But in this case, yes they are. That’s the good thing about them because the problem is in people that don’t have a lot of money. And so, higher taxes should have a bigger impact on their behavior and how they deal with themselves. So, I listen to people saying ‘oh we don’t want to tax the poor.’ Well, we want the poor to live longer so that they can get an education and enjoy life. And that’s why you do want to do exactly what a lot of people say you don’t want to do.
That’s the third time you’ve mentioned cigars. Sounds like an addiction. Think of the cigar tax as a state sponsored intervention. You’ll thank us later.
Yikes. My dad smoked a pipe when I was a kid–best smell in the world (besides my husband’s bay rum beard oil…mmmm).
LOL 😆 They’re so fat! You can see the confusion as they pile onto each other.
protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice . We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services killing an unborn baby is not reproductive health; it’s murder. You cannot be a Catholic or even “Protestant Christian” and be ok with it. You can on the other hand lie to yourself long enough to believe it.
It was obvious that he had no intention of rocking the boat.
When the boat is rocked, it sinks and all drown. Republicans and Democrats alike must acknowledge the existence of the other as half of the country. Nothing that drags half the country along will ever make us “great”. We are a nation divided. We will not stand. Our only hope for greatness again is to “breathe with both lungs,” to borrow an allusion from St. John Paul.
America will never be great again as much as I’d love that. She is lost and it’s just a matter of time. I am so glad I am old and Catholic. I will continue to pray and share the faith as every Catholic should but my prayers have taken a 180 degree change. I’m sure some people may get a little perturbed at this but I do not and will not ask God to bless America. I ask Him to protect His people wherever they are and get them into heaven as well as salvation and deliverance for the lost. But for those persistent in their rebellion and assault on the Church I pray the Psalms of David that ask Him to have our enemies in derision and or their destruction.
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I’m new Catholic; can you explain the first point. PM me if you need to, I’m interested to know what this is. please! and thank you.
Yes I was an Adventist for years. the “good” ones don’t touch it!
until you see their actual tax payment that’s an unfair statement. It’s actually covetousness.
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