How can you be Democratic and also be Catholic?

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“Equally sacred” (if the translation is correct) does not mean “every form of rejection” is equal in weight to killing innocent children. The “rejected” live on. The murdered victims of abortion do not. The poor live on. The destitute live on. So do the abandoned, the underprivileged, the infirm, the elderly. Even slaves are allowed to live. Victims of abortion are killed and are intended to be killed.

That’s why there is no “proportionate” reason to vote for an abortion supporter. The U.S. bishops recognized that in stating the abortion is the “preeminent” issue in this election.

Those who support killing with their votes are every bit as guilty as those who do it with a scalpel.
I find the Catholic position that Catholics and non Catholics alike should not abort babies, and, also, should not use means to prevent pregnancy (artificial birth control) to set up this whole problem.

To convince people that this is the right way, the moral way, the higher path, to not have sex unless they are married and want a baby, the group talking has to have the highest moral standing and be looked up to by all.

Unfortunately, the Church lost that moral authority through the abuse scandals of the past decades. Evidence of these scandal-causing behaviors is still coming to light.

I am pro life. My wife and I used NFP for decades. I am heartsick that at this critical juncture in our country, in regards to respecting life, my Church has been silenced by sexual immorality.
So your argument against standing up and telling the truth amounts to an ad hominem against the Church?
So your argument against standing up and telling the truth amounts to an ad hominem against the Church?
No, you can tell the truth. I’m just saying that without moral authority the message doesn’t go very far.

And the truth is, the Church has problems with exerting moral authority right now. Not an Ad Hominen in a bad sense. Do you think the Church still is a respected moral authority on sexual ethics?
Do you think the Church still is a respected moral authority on sexual ethics?
To many, yes.

I just fail to see your post as anything but “abuse scandals, therefore speaking against sexual immorality and abortion is impossible.” It just seems like an excuse to not do anything.
I just fail to see your post as anything but “abuse scandals, therefore speaking against sexual immorality and abortion is impossible.” It just seems like an excuse to not do anything.
No, I’m not saying do nothing.

I’m saying we have an uphill climb, and I am sad about that.
I’m pro-life but we need to do a better job of helping women and their babies. Pro-lifers do what they can but it isn’t enough.

We need to do more.

A trickle down economy is definitely not helping. Taking care of the rich while hoping the crumbs that fall down from their table will be enough to sustain us common folk is laughable.

The Republicans need to find a better model than this trickle down economy.
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I’m pro-life but we need to do a better job of helping women and their babies. Pro-lifers do what they can but it isn’t enough.

We need to do more.
You mean like setting up pregnancy centers? Charities to help mothers in need? Done that. Abortions keep happening.

And it will still happen even if we institute state wide or federal aid. Most women don’t get abortions because of financial need. That’s just a sob story to justify an act of murder.
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Can’t say I’ve seen this.

I do a lot but this is where you miss the point isn’t it? Both parties can be crap. It’s not and nor should be about sides. You without your vote to keep the other side honest until they do you right.

You hold onto a party over the premises of justice then the party becomes complacent and demonized the other.
And it will still happen even if we institute state wide or federal aid. Most women don’t get abortions because of financial need. That’s just a sob story to justify an act of murder.
Have you ever asked someone who had?
Have you ever asked someone who had?
If I know any woman who has had an abortion they have decided it’s not my business to know something like that.

I can find this study showing more than half of abortions were just because having a baby would interfere with a woman’s lifestyle.
I can find this study showing more than half of abortions were just because having a baby would interfere with a woman’s lifestyle.
The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a women’s education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents’ or partners’ desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents.

All valid reasons in my opinion.
There is a heresy called “liberation theology” that fits well the Dem Party agenda, so Catholics influenced by it tend to side this party. The same happens in Latin America in regards to left wing parties.

On the other hand, there is a trend among “traditionalists” to side with conservatives and the right wing, however this is also a big mistake, for they too don’t lead to the path Our Lord expects us to walk through.
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I’m pro-life but we need to do a better job of helping women and their babies. Pro-lifers do what they can but it isn’t enough.

We need to do more.
I agree with this. I particularly think Catholic diocese in this country should make a greater effort in this regard. In my own diocese, Catholic Charities has started two homes for women. But they’re not just housing. They provide medical care, education, security, job training, job referral, one year residence after the baby is born, detox if needed.
A trickle down economy is definitely not helping. Taking care of the rich while hoping the crumbs that fall down from their table will be enough to sustain us common folk is laughable.
With all due respect, there is no such thing as a “trickle down economy”. That’s just an epithet Democrats imposed on Reagan’s economic approach, which was actually to promote greater individual wealth and greater production of consumer goods. Part of that was to reduce taxes on everybody. But since the wealthy are part of “everybody” they got tax breaks too; something Democrats pretended to resent, but didn’t.

Don’t be fooled by Dem rhetoric. They’re, if anything, more allied with the rich than the Repubs are now. Remember that Hillary Clinton was on the board of directors of Walmart while Bill Clinton was giving China “most favored nation” status and virtually encouraging the loss of American jobs, long term.

That’s not to say the Repubs are all that populist either. Lots of elites and swampers in that group too. Probably that’s why so many of them dislike Trump. It’s not his manners. LBJ’s were far worse than Trumps. It’s that he’s a populist. Both Dems and Repubs like “globalism” in trade because their rich supporters can sell products here made with slave labor abroad while Americans go without jobs.

I don’t especially like Trump’s manners myself. But I support him because he lowered the unemployment rate, brought jobs back home, improved working class wages.
Abortion is murder. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck…
Definition of Abortion:

The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Definition of Murder:

The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

Maybe we should all make up our own definitions to suit our own agenda, that would be cool!
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